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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Spoiled for me only. But hey, first impression?

I'd do her.

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Tang, it was a joke... I told DH to make that post... so I could make an over-dramatic reaction... well, I guess we did a pretty good job of acting then <_<'

mods, trollin' ordinary members since the dawn of forums XDDD

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Final Part 1 and Part 2 have been added to Pastebin.

TLP rough Ch 14-F2 walkthrough

I'm also thinking of making the boss in Final: Part 3 be ???? instead of his or her name to reduce spoilers, is that okay?

Personally, I have finished this game on Anakin Mode and I enjoy it. I'll give a review a bit later. And, Merry Christmas! :D


Final 1 and Final 2 Walkthrough are below.


Chapter FINAL1: Duel of Justice[TLPCHFINAL1]


Recommended Units/Items:

- S Ranked weapons

- Long distance magic (Ray, Thunderbolt, Eclipse, and especially Meteor)

- Seal, Physic, Fortify, Restore

- Pure Water and/or Barrier

- Anti-armor weapons

- Brave and Silver or better weapons

- Swordslayer, Sword Crusher, Heroslayer

- Iron Rune (on weakest unit that Apollo will target)

- DEF/RES ignoring weapons (Cleave Axe, Solstice, Onigiri)

- Elixir and Vulnerary

- One Door Key, Unlock, or Lockpick

- Luxus and/or Winter Bow

- High LUCK units

My Deployment:

To Nyros:

Rachel 20/15 Silver Bow, Phosphora, One-Shot, Vulnerary

Inanna 20/17 Silver Lance, Emblem Lance, Iron Sword, Spear, Vulnerary

Althares 20 Iron Sword, Vulnerary

To Marion:

Cia 20/20 Thunder, Inferno, Excalibur, Meteor, Restore

Emma 20/19 Recover, Physic, Thunder, Barrier

Lirin 20/17 -> 18 Iron Sword, Adamant Lance, Killer Lance, Drizzle, Vulnerary

To North:

Anakin 16/20 Luminola, Ray, Hammerne, Heal

Kelik 20/20 Arectaris, Door Key, Amulet, Elixir

Shon 20/19 -> 20 Silvas, Phoenicis, Drizzle, Iron Rune, Elixir - he will be targeted by Apollo for me

Storm 20/20 Brave Bow, Luxus, Super Rifle, Silver Bow, Vulnerary

Yue 20/20 Flux, Eclipse, Physic, Fortify

Shuuda 20/17 -> 18 Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Swordslayer, Hand Axe, Elixir

Mark 20/18 -> 19 Emblem Axe, Obsidian, Swordslayer, Tomahawk, Elixir

My Turn Count: 7

Notable Steal Loot:

- Elixir, steal from Nyros

Notable Other Loot:

- Secret#5, defeat all within 11 turns.


- Secret#5, defeat all within 11 turns.

- Kelik attacks Louis, conversation

- Shon attacks Louis, conversation

- Anakain attacks Louis, conversation

Boss1: Nyros Level 18 Shaman w/ Munio and Elixir

40 HP - 16 MAG - 20 SKL - 12 SPD - 9+20 LUCK - 8+20 DEF - 14+20 RES

Boss2: Marion Level 8 Bishop w/ Aura, Craze, and Elixir

47 HP - 17 MAG - 24 SKL - 24 SPD - 27 LUCK - 13 DEF - 23 RES

Boss3: Apollo Level 20 Sage w/ Elfire, Meteor, Physic, and Elixir

56 HP - 28 MAG - 24 SKL - 26 SPD - 13 LUCK - 15 DEF - 15 RES and 15% bonus crit

Boss4: viola Level 15 Valkyrie w/ Fimbulvetr, Seal, and Elixir

50 HP - 22 MAG - 20 SKL - 22 SPD - 4 LUCK - 15 DEF - 17 RES

Boss5: Louis Level 22 King

80 HP - 34 STR - 30 SKL - 22 SPD - 20 LUCK - 35 DEF - 18 RES

Items: Nirvana (a very powerful sword with a distance attack), Amulet

FDelphi Shield is not needed here. On Formations, deploy about 3 units to Nyros, 3 units to Marion, and the rest north.

Early Game:

Turn 1 - For Nyros, you want to defeat Nyros in one turn or make him break his Munio Tome. A Thief can be used to steal Nyros's Elixir. For Marion, Pure Water/Barrier your Restore Staff user to make it pretty much immune to Craze, then charge carefully. Do remember that the closer you get to Marion, Craze's hit gets higher. Marion has a fairly high crit rate, so a high LUCK is advised. For Apollo and Viola, equip your lowest HP + RES unit with an Iron Rune and make sure it can survive one Meteor hit (Apollo will target lowest HP + RES unit). Open up the door and charge with all your units. On enemy turn, Apollo should Meteor the unit with Iron Rune, Viola will Seal if she's alive, and Marion will use Craze.

Turn 2 - Defeat both Apollo and Viola. If a unit is Sealed, don't worry since Seal goes away after 4 turns.

Continue to quickly advance toward all the enemies. Louis is probably the toughest one to attack, as he has a massive 35 DEF and somewhat okay 18 RES. Meteor is a good way to safely deal damage but Louis, but Meteor alone will not be enough. Use very high MT physical weapons or magical attacks. Any unit with 26 AS or higher will double Louis so take advantage of faster units. Before defeating Louis, equip an Iron Rune and Elixir on Kelik to prepare for the next round. Secret#5 will be obtained when all enemies are defeated within 11 turns. Leave two space free on Kelik and one space free on the unit that will defeat Louis if you don't want to drop anything (total of 3 space free).


Chapter FINAL2: Fateful Confrontation[TLPCHFINAL2]


Recommended Units/Items:

- Arectaris, Iron Rune, and Elixir

My Deployment:

Kelik 20/20 Arectaris, Iron Rune, Elixir

My Turn Count: 1

Notable Other Loot:

- Imperius(!), defeat Leon

- Secret#6, choose not to kill Leon after defeating him


- Secret#6, choose not to kill Leon after defeating him

Boss: Leon Level 24 Trueblade - WILL CHARGE

74 HP - 30 STR - 34 SKL - 34 SPD - 20 LUCK - 25 DEF - 22 RES

Items: Imperius (a very powerful sword, dropped)

Early Game: This is Kelik's fight and he will not lose! This battle depends on a lot on criticals and hit rate (RNG praying time). If Kelik crits, Leon will probably die. If Leon crits, Kelik will probably die. Iron Rune on Kelik will help a lot. Turn 1, move Kelik to a pillar if you don't have an Iron Rune, otherwise strike if you have Iron Rune. After that, just keep attacking.

Edited by FlowyS
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Here is my review after finishing this game:

Gameplay: This game is fairly hard in my opinion when compared to the original GBA with Eliwood. The difficulty is probably compared to Hector Mode at the start, Eliwood Hard Mode for most of the mid-late stages, and Hector Hard Mode for certain chapters like 24, 25, 27, and Final 3. It will provide a good challenge for most people and pretty fun but sometimes frustrating due to difficulty jumps. The map were pretty well done and offers a lot of tactics. Overall, I think it is pretty good.

Characters: A lot of the characters in this game have better stats than in the original GBA, but that won't make this game any easier because enemies have greatly increased stats so it all balances out. Character balance was pretty good for the most part, allowing basically anyone to make a team of their favorite units and still do pretty okay. Most characters were usable with the exception of Rachel, but the same can be said for Renault in the original GBA. Prepromotes in general are also better than in the original GBA.

Story: I was a bit confused at like which nation was which except for the main enemy nation, Magnus. But besides the name of every single faction, the entire storyline was pretty clear for the most part. The telling of the story was done pretty well as I actually felt amp up and ready to rock for some chapters, but also sadness for others.

Graphics and Sound: I think those were done really really well! For a non-commercial project the graphics and sound were done extremely well! Noteably, Kelik's Theme was done very well. The battle animation for promoted Kelik was also very well done. The worst was probably Fenix's battle animation, but even that was pretty good for a rom hack animation.

Do realize that RNG plays a big part and a character which is good for me might turn out bad for you. I also didn't level up every single character shown to 20/20 with no stat boosts. Shuuda, Inanna, Lirin, Mark, and Rachel were only 20/15+ in my original playthrough. I leveled them up by restarting Ch 27 because I want to see what their 20/20 stats are. Also, Shon has +2 Res, Tamiko has +5 Hp, Inanna has +2 Def, and Anakin is only 16/20.

Characters which are amazing for me: Kelik, Anakin, Gary, Frederick, Cia, Tamiko, Emma

Characters which are pretty good for me: Siegfried, Shon, Ace, Kevin, Inanna, Yue, Storm, Mark

Characters which are okay for me: Lirin, Logan, Shuuda, Lirin, Sai, Arthur

Characters which are bad for me: Rachel

For a picture of the above characters at 20/20 except for Anakin 16/20, Shon+2 Res,Inanna+2 Def, Tamiko+5Hp http://img822.images.../alllevel20.png

Well with that said, here is Final Part3 of the walkthrough! I'll be working to make the guide a bit less rough and then add in Ch11-13. Enjoy!

Ch 14-Final3 rough walkkthrough


Chapter FINAL3: The Last Promise[TLPCHFINAL3]


Recommended Units/Items:

- S Rank and high MT weapons

- Physic, Hammerne, and especially Fortify

- Especially Iron Rune

- Sword Crusher, Heroslayer, Swordslayer

- 32 AS or higher units (32 SPD Swordmaster, Kelik, Phosphora on 27 SPD Bow user)

- 3+ range weapons (Rifles, Thunderbolt, Ray, and especially Meteor)

- DEF/RES ignoring weapons (Onigiri, and especially Solstice)

- High LUCK and/or DEF units

- The finest and most loyal units

My Deployment:

- Anakin 16/20 Alustrona, Ray, Heal, Hammerne

- Kelik 20/20 Arectaris, Amulet, Elixir

- Storm 20/20 Phosphora, Super Rifle, Vulnerary

- Yue 20/20 Solstice, Valenst, Munio, Physic, Mend

- Shuuda 20/18 Swordslayer, Phoenicis, Shadow Sword, Elixir

- Lirin 20/18 Adamant Lance, Spear, Emblem Blade, Elixir

- Inanna 20/18 Adamant Lance, Drizzle, Emblem Lance, Vulnerary

- Cia 20/20 Meteor, Excalibur, Inferno, Physic, Hammerne

- Emma 20/19 Elfire, Fortify, Recover, Physic

- Kevin 20/20 Swordreaver, Leviathan, Drizzle, Elixir

- Sai 20/20 Swordslayer, Rifle Bow, Elixir

- Logan 20/20 Onigiri, Venom Edge, Imperius, Elixir, Iron Rune

- Gary 20 Swordslayer, Bloody Rifle, Brave Bow, Elixir

- Frederick 20 Adamant Lance, Drizzle, Elixir

My Turn Count: 5

Notable Other Loot

- Secret#7, complete the game and watch credits

Events: Any unit that attacks boss has a special conversation, I just listed the ones I had.

- Secret#7, complete the game and watch credits

- Cia attacks boss, conversation

- Kelik attacks boss, conversation

- Storm attacks boss, conversation

- Lirin attacks boss, conversation

- Gary attacks boss, conversation

- Sai attacks boss, conversation

- Kevin attacks boss, conversation

- Logan attacks boss, conversation

- Frederick attacks boss, conversation

- Yue attacks boss, conversation

- Anakin attacks boss, conversation

Boss: Level 30 - WILL NOT CHARGE

?? HP - 37 STR - 50 SKL - 44 SPD - 30 LUCK - 32 DEF - 30 RES

Items: ???? (weapon forged in lightning that can attack with incredible power from a distance)

Special Ability: Heals 20% HP per turn

Early Game: Take about 3-4 turns to set up near the boss. First, attack with 3+ range units. Then, use Iron Rune trading tactics to weaken the boss (or any other item such as Sylmeria or Leviathan). Attack with 1 RNG unit, have 2 RNG unit take Iron Rune and attack, then have anothor 1 RNG unit take Iron Rune and continue this pattern. Use Fortify at the end of every turn and Hammerne to fix items if they are low. If you don't have a Fortify, a lot of Heal staffs can be used but you need least 1 heal for every attacker and you might need to rescue the healer too. Try to deal at least 40 damage safely each turn because the boss will heal 24 HP each turn. Don't forget about rescue too!

When the boss is down to about 60 HP, get ready for the finishing blow! First, attack with 3+ range units. Second, unleash your expendable 1 RNG units with high MT weapons to suicide against the boss (Yup, you heard that right. I told you to suicide with your units. Alternatively, you can choose to safety attack with high DEF/LUCK units but remember that the longer the boss is alive, the higher the chance it can crit. Find a balance between speed and safety). Third, attack with your non-expendable 1 RNG units. Finally, attack with your remaining 2 RNG units to finish off the boss in one swift blow! Remember that it doesn't matter if you lose almost every single character to the boss. As long as both Anakin and Kelik are alive and the boss is defeated, "The Last Promise" will be completed. Secret#7 will be obtained after watching the credits.

Or just refer to them as "the boss" of that chapter.

thanks for the suggestion.

Edited by FlowyS
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I'm just realizing how good my Ace turned out...

However, Kelik turned out worse...

For Anakin... It's more mixed... It gains on speed and Def, but loose in Res, Skill and HP.

Shon is still low leveled, but it may end up better everywer except maybe Skill...

I didn't knew some classes could break the 30 limit... Interresting...

I have a lot of underleveled units here...

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I dunno if it's bug, but on chapter 13B, apparently right when Sage reinforcement begins, a file crashed and kept the screen at the location of the Sage. The animation is working, but you can't move the screen elsewhere.

(Yes I was enjoying the reinforcement exp farm lol)

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That walkthrough is detailed and nice, but which is the purpose in hiding the boss' name if you quote him, like, 3 lines below? ;P

thanks and woops.

I have a lot of underleveled units here...

Don't level up a lot of units, level up only a few units. If a chapter doesn't have a turn limit, you can boss abuse and gain tons of exp! Don't forget to use stat ups, they are there for a reason.

Edited by FlowyS
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thanks and woops.

Don't level up a lot of units, level up only a few units. If a chapter doesn't have a turn limit, you can boss abuse and gain tons of exp! Don't forget to use stat ups, they are there for a reason.

It's a little late for that... ;):

I'm on chapter 27. Well, I gained ton of exp in the previous chapter, so it's OK.

In chapter 26, there was an ennemy General and Bishop on the same spot (one of the South East Fort...)

EDIT : First, slight typo on chapter 27. If you recruit Frederick with Anakin; he says "magnus" instead of "Magnus".

Then... Finally finished the hack.

I defeated the Final Boss thanks mainly to a large amount of Luck (mainly Yue hitting with Solstice with 48% Hit. One when attacking, one when countering.

And also thannks to a Triangle Attack of my three underleveled Pegasus Sisters(Level 11...)

Inanna leveled up and gained a single point of Luck for the trouble...

Anyway, that was a really cool game, and really not too hard, since I finished it with a far from efficient playthrough...

Edited by TendaSlime
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@Tenda thanks for the typo report

Also, I'm doing a playthrough of HHM right now, and I feel like TLP is 10x less bullshit than this

I can't even get a Lockpick without getting Althares to 17 speed so he can steal the Member Card from a nearly impossible-to-get-to thief in Chapter 19 so that I can then somehow reach the Secret Shop so I can buy a Lockpick for money that had I not arena abused (and this coming from the guy who pretty much banned arena abusing from his hack), I wouldn't have >_>'

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