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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Copy/paste of blog post--posting this since it has a lot of info...

Anyhow, it's past 6AM, so let's get this started:


I think I might've shown this before, but you can now "Enter" any of the Stars in the Constellation. Any character can enter them, and doing so will take you to said Star... whatever that may be. Nothing out of this world, but I think it's a bit nicer than having to "wait" on said tiles. XP


Why the heck would anyone ever want to kill a unit, huh? The answer is, game limitations. Sorry, but due to various glitches amongst other stuff, I've limited the amount of units the player can have to 40. The actual limit is a bit higher, but I didn't want to cut-off the player at like, "43" units, and I was encountering some obscure glitches with later characters that I just didn't feel were worth looking into, mainly because they're beyond my ability. Just trying to get 40 characters to work took way more work than you'll ever see, trust me. XP

That being said, the "Killing Machine", as I've so kindly dubbed it, will let you kill any of your characters. Doing so will remove their data entirely. This'll clear up space to recruit new characters or re-recruit characters that have died by replaying the Star you originally recruited them in. Later on, you'll likely have to get rid of some of the "extra" units you aren't using if you want to get some of the later gems. XP


Moving on, remember how I said that any character can enter a Star? Well, in the case of the Galactic Arena, the character you send to the arena will actually be the unit you use IN the arena. Depending on how much you know about hacking, this may sound cool, or it may sound like something one would expect--but truth be told, it's a new mechanic I programmed into the game and I don't think anyone else has done it before, but I did it because I felt like the GA could benefit from it and it'd make it feel more... I dunno, just better. I mean, the way it worked before was that Anakin would be forced and you'd have to manually choose the other character, and then Anakin would magically disappear when the arena started--but then, you could actually not choose ANYONE to enter the GA, and Anakin would disappear, so there'd be no Player Phase... and well, that's no fun, and like, impossible to get out of without restarting the chapter and actually deploying a unit. XD

This next new mechanic is probably going to get some mixed reactions for some mixed reasons:


I'm not sure how obvious Galagar makes this, but he can actually make any character get to their max stats. Instantly. For a price.

Sounds overpowered and way too convenient, right? Well, don't get TOO excited--you can't use this feature for a while, and it's a bit expensive. If I were you, I'd train your units to level 20/20 or 30/20 (am I even doing it right? is it unpromoted/promoted or promoted/unpromoted? bleh) first and THEN using it, or you'll be losing a lot of money. Granted, I try to be generous, and even with max stat characters, you'll still want a bit of strategy on some of the later maps, since they're still challenging. Though, an insider secret: there's a strategy to beat the final Star in one turn. If you're witty enough to figure out what it is or come up with something similar, then you'll save yourself a LARGE headache, but I'm not giving you any hints! Except that you shouldn't forget to visit Jake like I do.

Back to this little mech--it's 500 gold per HP point and 1000 gold for all other stats. Yes, HP costs a bit more than the normal ratio (5 points for 7,500 Gold versus 2 points of other stats for 8,000 gold). I might change these in the future though if they end up being too cheap... I really doubt it's too expensive. XP Though if you don't like it, feel free to suffer like the betatesters and farm money and then go to a hard-to-reach Secret Shop to buy stat boosters...

Oh, by the way, that character on the left? You might've seen him in a video earlier... He's Regis, an assassin. You don't know him, and it seems like a stupid idea to add him, but I have three things to say about that: 1) this is my hack and it's intended to be fun to make and play, so I can and will do whatever I want in getting it to be fun to make and play, 2) he's a cameo from another Fire Emblem hack that you probably don't know, and 3) he's a good unit, so don't be hatin'!

That's about it for new mechanisms at the time being--there's some small stuff here and there and some of the stuff I've already shown you, as well as some general mechanisms to fix bugs or set up systems, but there's nothing else TOO major...

As for what could POSSIBLY be after the Astral Rift that's not Support Conversations or the Ending? Well, there IS this:


Whatever the "Tower of the Chosen" is... I don't remember visiting that place......

Oh, and if you liked the music in The Last Promise, I think you may find that my long night of ASM hacking (read: the process of painfully analyzing how the game works to find out how to make it work in my favor... and then actually making it work in my favor--the same process used in all of these mechanisms) finally paid off. Oh, it didn't work the first time, but I'm super stubborn...


Hopefully no one minds me having every song in the Sound Room unlocked by default... Or if that's an issue, I could always just lock every song up instead... :P


Blog at http://www.thelastpromise.net though aside from an extra tidbit at the beginning it's pretty much the same

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Hopefully no one minds me having every song in the Sound Room unlocked by default... Or if that's an issue, I could always just lock every song up instead... :P

So put a padlock on the sound room until you clear Final-3? :p

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I was only up until 7AM

Galagar uses it to "run the Constellation", as he says. The game sort of breaks the fourth wall a couple times possibly more later in the Constellation as the place is very laid-back and meant to just kind of have fun in. While Anna and Jake have "personalities" so to speak, they don't really have a plot role. The same goes for Galagar (though I chose him because he's the most powerful mage in the main plot and has a high control of ether, meaning if anyone would be able to do this, he would... so it's like half-serious and half-not). There's a little bit of plot here and there but I've tried to minimize it and just let the player enjoy their game. (Aside from the ending and the supports, I just don't have much interest in working on TLP's story anymore; I just want to get onto making a new and better one from scratch, though I dunno if I'll ever actually get to doing that).

@Rambo Yeah I will probably do something like that (lock the Sound Room until the Final Chapter is beaten). I'll also likely make sure that people who use their current save can just restart the "Credits" chapter which will probably be renamed "-EPILOGUE-" and the Sound Room will then be fully unlocked there. XP


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@Burning Gravity...and anyone who cares to hear some thanks/slight commentary, I suppose. xD

Okay...sitting here listening to "His World", aka Ketil's reappearance, and, gotta say, dang is this hack awesome. Mind, I have only been introduced to FE Hacking via markyjoe1990's videos as of two months ago, but wow! This has been a pleasant surprise to jump into.

Mind, so far I've played none of the Ragefest hacks, mainly because HHM served me bad enough way back when to not want to play designly "hard" hacks of FE quite yet. I've played one or two WIP hacks—but the "complete product" feeling has been definitely in for a majority of the hack and made the difference.

I just wanted to say thanks to you and everyone else for all the hard work that has been put into this (that includes testers!), though I'll definitely pay a visit to that donation area to back that up since you stuck it out for so long. It's sucked up a bit of my fourth post-wisdom tooth operation day, for which I'm glad! A lot of item/shop placement has been superb, whereas normally I find myself just skipping past them in hacks thus far.

For example, Cia ran out of her Fire Tome about halfway through Chapter 8, not long after I got Anakin, and he plowed through the other knights that stopped my cavalry. Then, at the very end of the stage, she gets a Thunder Tome to ready her up for Chapter 9, although I haven't started it yet. Given the timing of the last shopping spree after the plains skirmishes, my mage loving self is hoping for some item shops soon. Sadly, looking through the topic, I've realized I already missed out on Chapter 5x back then, though. ;( Thankfully, I've been using save states as slots so I still have that mission handy to check out.

I still have a lot to catch up on thread and game-wise before I could write anything close to—say, a review though I could easily start on as is, I doubt it'd be too welcome for something already done! xD Of course that is assuming I'm not merely showing thread ignorance here!

EDIT: Wait...Haas in chapter 9? Oh you gotta be kidding me, and he has pretty okay stats, nonetheless. This somehow feels like Siegfried all over again, who I think is this hack's Jiegan? Dunno, I saw him being prepromoted and was all...pft, *leaves at lvl 1 while I spam the little horsies*

EDIT2: Okay, that confirms it. He sniped the Zanbato guy and got 3 exp. >_> Giving his crap to Storm. Or...attacking the stage boss with him, which was entirely luck/random, got me an event. woot!

Edited by Renwar
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Hehe, nice--it's nice to hear that people can still randomly encounter stuff like the Haas x Liquid battle event. =)

Also, Siegfried has extremely high growths, so he's not quite a Jeigan, though some people still prefer not to use him...

Anyhow, it seems like you're enjoying it in general, which is nice to hear. The hack's not perfect, but I think it should definitely be refreshing and hopefully interesting and fun to play. I got a donation very recently, was that from you? XD

Also, I just played HHM, and I cheated by hacking all my characters to have better growths (+10%), and it was still super hard for me. While the hack has its difficulties, hopefully it's not THAT hard. XP

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I didn't want to sound mean... I read in this topic that thee was problem with the music anyway.

...And it's not as if I played them for the music anyway...

And about Siegfried :

There are other reasons why you don't want to use it.

Butit's true that it is quite well done. Once again, even if it's become quite harder for the final few chapter (even if the Final is surprisingly easy...), it was nevertoo hard, and you have far enough experience gains.

But, there are really a big change between chapter 27 Boss (and Ch 27 as a whole...), and Finale 1 and 2. The Final boss is hard enough though (even if dramatically nerfed).

And meaningful Final like here doesn'thappens that often...

Another things I was wondering. In Tactics Universe, I remember Nayr being available. What happened to him ?

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Did you get around to fixing the exp thing for Nayr? 'Cause he gains like 6 exp per kill. Promoted enemies included.

Edited by Joe Kerr
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Also, I just played HHM, and I cheated by hacking all my characters to have better growths (+10%), and it was still super hard for me. While the hack has its difficulties, hopefully it's not THAT hard. XP

Hmm... I thought HHM was on par with TLP for some of the chapters. A lot of the difficulty of HHM lies in preparation. To the unprepared, HHM is brutal! To the prepared, it shouldn't be that hard :)

Also, were you trying to 5 star everything? That will really amp up the difficulty!

As a bonus tip: Marcus is God Tier on HHM!

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I don't remember it being that hard...

But since I probably Anera Abused the hell out of it, that could explain why.

I'm pretty sue I was also able to train Nino to level 20/20... I wonder if it wasn't the version when she ended with 25 Mag....

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Yeah well since I created TLP I know how it's designed so I have a natural advantage/find it easier

and no I wasn't trying to 5-star everything I don't give two shits about rankings, that stuff is such a waste of time

anyway that's enough about HHM you can discuss that somewhere else >_>'

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So how goes TLP? I haven't been following due to running the streets of Tokyo for a while. I know the bonus content is being completed, but anything else left to tweak with?

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Hehe, nice--it's nice to hear that people can still randomly encounter stuff like the Haas x Liquid battle event. =)

Also, Siegfried has extremely high growths, so he's not quite a Jeigan, though some people still prefer not to use him...

Anyhow, it seems like you're enjoying it in general, which is nice to hear. The hack's not perfect, but I think it should definitely be refreshing and hopefully interesting and fun to play. I got a donation very recently, was that from you? XD

Also, I just played HHM, and I cheated by hacking all my characters to have better growths (+10%), and it was still super hard for me. While the hack has its difficulties, hopefully it's not THAT hard. XP

Possibly >_>. Most likely, anyway. lol

Gotcha on his growths, though, I'd definitely place him somewhere between Marcus and Seth, a bit closer to the former. xD The latter I tended to just take all the equipment off of and make him tank. >_> Tho I wasn't past doing the same with Siegfried at times, either.

On Chapter 16 now, and just blowing through the Anakin/Kelik storyline, with both feeling somewhat more of "proper" FE lords. Tho Anakin just pwns too much to even be related to certain lords. Kelik starts a bit slow, in that he can easily die at first, despite being made out to be a complete BAMF beforehand, but after a couple of chapters he quickly picks up, especially as I've gotten very lucky with the RNG Gods with him. Hardest part is deciding between Itsuki and Cia for me at the moment, as both are pretty great mages. Recently got Tekun and considering using him, despite how awful he is in truth. xD

'Dem animations!

Anyway <_< so far just slamming myself for buying a member card RIGHT BEFORE getting another the next stage. I was all "DX" at that. Taking a look at the guide coulda helped me there but...mostly avoiding that, for now. Probably going to need it for these "Secret #" items, but we'll see. To be honest, balance pretty much got thrown out the window the last few stages, but I'll enjoy steam rolling stuff (Radiant Dawn-styled enemy suicides, woot! xD) while I can; After all, I saw that things get harder later on. It still only takes is one dumb move for a character to die in this hack, anyway, so I still have to be careful, at least, so the RD ref was probably still a bit off.

On the five stars, even if I know the suggestion wasn't aimed at me. >>

No friggin way, MAYBE turn efficiency runs, but a partly faulty grading scale? Heck naw. XD

EDIT: btw, now that I'm using him...Kevin is a beast. Behemoths cry in fear of his mad skills. >_>

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Tekun is actually pretty good since his abilities are well-balanced. His strength and con are better than Logan's, IIRC, and again, IIRC, he's more likely to cap his stats than other characters by late-game, just because his growths/bases aren't that of a typical myrmidon. Also due to a little... technical issue on my part, I buffed his speed base big time, and due to how stats work if you use the new patch and transfer your save you will get said buff so yeah

Also Siegfried, by his average 20/20 stats alone, is one of the best characters in the game, and in general is very useful because he's just powerful in general and gets a good PRF sword to boot.

Kelik is just confident to the point that he appears arrogant, in actuality what you say is true and he's not really all that strong to start with, though once he promotes he starts to do rather well. He's also been nerfed in the latest patch

Also the enemies are often balanced according to plot etc. even though many people disagree with that way of doing it. e.g. in chapter 13 and 14 you're pretty much fighting the same tier of units, it's not like they're in totally different classes, so the enemies don't get much stronger between them. In Chapter 16 though you start facing the next "level" of Magnian enemies, i.e. enemies that aren't the low-class grunts but aren't high-class either. Granted there are lots of other factors in difficulty besides just how strong the individual enemies are...

and the member card thing is a bit of a mean trick by me, haha. Rage if you will, but I've gotta have my fun :P *trollface*

EDIT: @Blazing_Soul sorry forgot to respond, um, not to be lazy but the blog contains all the real updates so if you want to get filled in you can just skim that or something XP I made the blog with the intention of not having to constantly update lots of different places and whatnot so yeah


gotta say it's been very useful so far sooo

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Nah it's cool Blazer I'm on vacation running the streets of Tokyo, so I just haven't been up to date with anything because well nights out equal no forum time and someone I need to get rid of in the morning. But I'll check the blog just curious how everything was going for you.

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Possibly >_>. Most likely, anyway. lol

Gotcha on his growths, though, I'd definitely place him somewhere between Marcus and Seth, a bit closer to the former. xD The latter I tended to just take all the equipment off of and make him tank. >_> Tho I wasn't past doing the same with Siegfried at times, either.

On Chapter 16 now, and just blowing through the Anakin/Kelik storyline, with both feeling somewhat more of "proper" FE lords. Tho Anakin just pwns too much to even be related to certain lords. Kelik starts a bit slow, in that he can easily die at first, despite being made out to be a complete BAMF beforehand, but after a couple of chapters he quickly picks up, especially as I've gotten very lucky with the RNG Gods with him. Hardest part is deciding between Itsuki and Cia for me at the moment, as both are pretty great mages. Recently got Tekun and considering using him, despite how awful he is in truth. xD

'Dem animations!

Anyway <_< so far just slamming myself for buying a member card RIGHT BEFORE getting another the next stage. I was all "DX" at that. Taking a look at the guide coulda helped me there but...mostly avoiding that, for now. Probably going to need it for these "Secret #" items, but we'll see. To be honest, balance pretty much got thrown out the window the last few stages, but I'll enjoy steam rolling stuff (Radiant Dawn-styled enemy suicides, woot! xD) while I can; After all, I saw that things get harder later on. It still only takes is one dumb move for a character to die in this hack, anyway, so I still have to be careful, at least, so the RD ref was probably still a bit off.

On the five stars, even if I know the suggestion wasn't aimed at me. >>

No friggin way, MAYBE turn efficiency runs, but a partly faulty grading scale? Heck naw. XD

EDIT: btw, now that I'm using him...Kevin is a beast. Behemoths cry in fear of his mad skills. >_>

Siegfrieds growths are IIRC, above 60% in each stat.

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Siegfried's growths are, exactly

120, 70, 90, 90, 40, 60, 40

in order of HP, Skill, Strength, Sped, Luck, Defense, and Resistance

so no, not all about 60%, but still very good in general

(I can post these since I don't think I'll be changing them)

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