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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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^yeah and I did and I'm waiting for him

as for what happened, if I told you, you'd say "that's impossible", so I'm better off not telling you... >_> Let's just say someone got a little violent with it. I still have the harddrive with me in case I ever get $500 and feel like getting back some of my lost shit.


In other news TU is on hold due to the FE12 translation project.

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lol, wow. That's one of my... not-so-favorite chapters. Haha. It's kinda fun but I think the map design is kinda poor... XD

In other news I found a pretty recent patch that shouldn't be missing much (if anything), which is good news (for once). But I still lost all of my music, supports, doc, files, etc., so things are still pretty bad overall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 questions:

1) Is there anywhere why I can find a list of characters that I need to train? Because I really hate trying characters and wasting XP on characters that turn out shit in the end.

2) Is the story in this hack actually enjoyable and worth reading, unlike just about any other Fire Emblem game? I usually just skip most of the story in any FE because it annoys me so much.

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1) There is a tier list, if it helps. The better units are at the top so they're better to use. But due to RNG there's no guarantees, of course.

2) I can't say it's much better than FE6 or FE7's story. It has its good parts but you have to be smart enough to catch all the details and foreshadowing. Compared to a great story it's bad but compared to the typical story of a Fire Emblem game I'd say it's about on par. It has its flaws, typos, inconsistencies, etc., especially since it's mainly been written by one person, and said person has changed their writing style a lot. If you don't like FE stories in general though then I guess you can go ahead and skip it but it'd be a shame IMO

http://www.feshrine.net/tactics/tierlist.html google ftw

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The next patch will probably come the summer of 2012. Yes, that long. That's a REALISTIC deadline. Because now that hacking isn't the same as it used to be 4 years ago when I started I have to up the level of my hack a bit. That and I lost a ton of shit and supports are going to take forever. Plus the latest patch will be the complete patch, so yeah. :\

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Seconded. Also props for having, like, the first realistic first release date of anything...uh, approximately ever.

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1) There is a tier list, if it helps. The better units are at the top so they're better to use. But due to RNG there's no guarantees, of course.

2) I can't say it's much better than FE6 or FE7's story. It has its good parts but you have to be smart enough to catch all the details and foreshadowing. Compared to a great story it's bad but compared to the typical story of a Fire Emblem game I'd say it's about on par. It has its flaws, typos, inconsistencies, etc., especially since it's mainly been written by one person, and said person has changed their writing style a lot. If you don't like FE stories in general though then I guess you can go ahead and skip it but it'd be a shame IMO

http://www.feshrine.net/tactics/tierlist.html google ftw

Thanks so much. I'll play this after I've finished Swords of Seals. Damn, all these Fire Emblem games are just too much fun!

The next patch will probably come the summer of 2012. Yes, that long. That's a REALISTIC deadline. Because now that hacking isn't the same as it used to be 4 years ago when I started I have to up the level of my hack a bit. That and I lost a ton of shit and supports are going to take forever. Plus the latest patch will be the complete patch, so yeah. :\

K man, thanks so much for this hack. It seems such a good job and from what I've seen this game could be in shops next to Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones! The quality is very good, thanks

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Yeah I've had enough of coming up with bullshit excuses as to why I always finish projects late, time to be straight-up :P thanks guys

@Satangel if you think this is good try Elibian Nights or Decay of the Fangs or Dream of Five (I'd keep an eye out for them at the FEE3), they're just as good if not better hacks (just not as long).

@misso no problem, hey who knows it might come earlier not really

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Good News: Taking my computer with me on my trip, so I'll try and be as productive as I can when I have downtime (which I don't know how much I'll have but I don't plan on sleeping much).

Also: looking for suggestions for the rest of the playable patch, namely chapters 11 through 21. See the last post for a few more specifics, but yeah, any ideas, let me know.

Lastly: If anyone has any suggestions for custom weapons/tomes please let me know. Granted I'm not going to be doing any ASM hacks so my abilities are limited. Also it'd be very nice if you would provide as many details as you can with your suggestion. Lastly, your suggestion has a 5x better chance of being accepted if it includes a custom weapon icon so that I don't have to make one myself. ^_^

Credit will be given for any suggestions (although if I by some chance forget, please do let me know). Thanks and have a great day.

PLUS ONE: If anyone wants to help with maps or weapon icons in general (I have certain... ideas that I don't think I have the skill to go through with myself, at least not a good job anyhow), that'd be absolutely awesome. XP

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...This is just a thought, but maybe make Nothung available to Shon upon promotion? Might help even things a little, given that Siegfried will probably demolish everything in his path by the time Shon's promoting.

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I would think shon needs to be stronger altogether. During battle in Bern he was level 20 and had trouble killing a wyvern knight with a silver sword.

So shon could use some better stats I would think.

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Either Shon is pathetically weak, or everyone and their dog has been getting spectacularly screwed with him. But, um, as far as examples go, using a weak swordsman to kill a drake rider ought to create 'trouble'. Drakes are for axemen and magi. This isn't even factoring in how PEMN...

Oh, and the Flamberge ought to get more uses. It's not that Kelik is particularly underpowered, it's that it just seems a waste of a slot given its low use count (18-23 IIRC).

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Don't triplepost to explain your doublepost. There is an edit button. Make use of it.

Maybe give up stats or something to account for your argument? Crazy idea, I know.

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Shon actually gets his own sword that's better than Nothung so I'm keeping Nothung to Siegfried. Hopefully when you see chapters 22 and 24 it'll make sense why I'm doing that.

As for Shon, it seems to be a combination of him sucking (which was on purpose) and people being screwed (not on purpose). Regardless I'm upping his strength growth in an attempt to make him at least somewhat competent in battle.

If you do the 3-part Shon sidequest, you'll obtain his strongest sword, however, and then he'll actually be a good character (but only because of his sword... lol).

I originally gave Flamberge 23 uses 'cuz I liked the #23 for some idiotic reason that I won't dare mention, and I felt that the sword was a bit broken in that it took away the disadvantage normally posed by using melee units by giving Kelik a ranged sword so early on. But as you said it's a bit of a waste so I'm upping it to 35 uses (and there IS one more obtainable Flamberge in a 5-part sidequest so it shouldn't be a waste).

Thanks for the suggestions.

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1. Maybe you can obtain another Flamberge later in a game via secret shop or something.

2. Leech axe (that drains HP), Short axe, Flame Lance

3. I can provide icons

Here's one of my icons

post-3501-054310200 1310698315_thumb.png

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I already have something similar to the Leech Axe, unfortunately.

I hated the FE10 Short Axe and since all you gave ne was the name I cant say much else...

There's already a flame sword (Flamberge) so I'd like to keep the fire-based sword unique by not giving a similar attribute to a lance.

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