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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Good luck coding that, mate.

Well, given that Cia shouldn't kill Ethan, it evidently isn't THAT major. It would HELP just a LITTLE were you to ACTUALLY DESCRIBE THINGS.

From what I understand, you don't.

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Ok I put Cia on the fort tile and in the enemy phase ethan attacked cia doubled with fire and killed him then after that it goes to the map the music is playing and all the units are doing there fancy pants dance and that is all leaving you unable to continue the the game.

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I would think shon needs to be stronger altogether. During battle in Bern he was level 20 and had trouble killing a wyvern knight with a silver sword.

So shon could use some better stats I would think.

Shon is supposed to be awful. Sucks for you if you trained him.

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^so true.

Without his bigass sword Silvans he's just a kid.

@misso I'll look into it... Again.. >_>

But what in the world is the thief sword? Like a name by itself doesn't mean much to me.

@furet good luck doing what?

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No, I finally have an actual clue as to what's causing it. Since my last couple of reports actually include some detail. Instead of just the word 'it glitches'.

Also, thief sword is cool but would be hard to code, as Furetchen said. At least if it were an easy ASM hack I could think about actually implementing it somehow (although it is still unlikely as I am no genius).

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Yeah not a bad idea. I want one. I just need a custom animation. Possibly a Resire tome, or Dorm, a lightweight tome with no critical but high hit and stronger than Lightning (but still E-ranked)...

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There already is one, Luna.

Onigiri is the physical parallel. It'll take away from originality if I use the same effect on more than a couple weapons/items without some sort of niche... :\

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Your favourite thing that has been created in Tactics Universe is something you can't spell correctly. Brilliant.

Unless you're dyslexic. In which case it's kind of understandable, but seriously, check your spelling. Bluntly, your posts are an eyesore.

Not everybody has to be eloquent. Nor should everyone. But at least make an effort. Please? Just once?

Edited by Furetchen
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Hey Furetchen, how about you stop being so rude to everyone and give the guy a break? He made a typo; big deal.

I didn't realize that the Onigiri negated defense, but it's been a while since I've played Tactics Universe. I think it'd be pretty neat to have a 'Solar Sword' that restores HP (Like Runesword, except 1-range), and 'Lunar Sword', that negates defense. Just as a little reference to the previous games. ^_^

EDIT: If you're changing around magic, I'd think that giving more effects to new tomes would really help diversify it. Like, giving temporary stat debuffs, if that's possible. I could imagine a dark tome that temporarily decreases enemy stats for a few turns.

Edited by Swordsalmon
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Hey Furetchen, how about you stop being so rude to everyone and give the guy a break? He made a typo; big deal.

A typo?

Everything he's posted at this forum is a typo.

Edited by Joekitty
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Hey Furetchen, how about you stop being so rude to everyone and give the guy a break? He made a typo; big deal.

and all the units are doing there fancy pants dance


Maybye it has the same effect as onrigi which is negateing

My faveorite thing that has been created in Tatics Universe

I rest my and very plausibly Joe's case.

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Please use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation when posting.

I figured this would be fucking common sense, but oh well.

inb4 minimod warn

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...Wait, there's an actual rule behind my hatred of those who are mistaken for-


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