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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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After fixing several problems in chapter 17 such as Nothung being "pilfered" and an endscene camera issue, some text updates, and even adding in a new gameplay touch (besides the fact that Kelik/Shon are in a separate corridor saving Siegfried, making the chapter even more interesting... or so I hope), I moved on to chapter 17x and have now arrived at chapter 18's footsteps.


See if you can guess what gameplay touch I've added here!

And I've also fixed Liuke's leveling problem--he should now level-up fine. Chapter 18 will have some more things to spice it up to make it even more interesting, going beyond the big battle between NPCs, allies, and various Etrurian groups (Fort Darner's troops, Etrurian troops, and Howard's personal legion are all in that chapter as enemies) whilst taking down two castles in one chapter by adding in some more surprise features. Unfortunately I can't spoil too much or else it wouldn't be a surprise, but you might just see a familiar face...

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After fixing several problems in chapter 17 such as Nothung being "pilfered" and an endscene camera issue, some text updates, and even adding in a new gameplay touch (besides the fact that Kelik/Shon are in a separate corridor saving Siegfried, making the chapter even more interesting... or so I hope), I moved on to chapter 17x and have now arrived at chapter 18's footsteps.


See if you can guess what gameplay touch I've added here!

I'll take a stab in the dark and guess that it's similar to Stefan's recruitment in FE9. You wait there, someone appears, and you get a new club member. :p

Btw, I noticed you haven't updated Nayr's portrait(saw on your video from Nov 1, 2011. I can tell by the armor shading.)

Edit: I notice you haven't updated Levion's portrait either.

Edited by Rian Mahariel
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Ah, I found Levion's portrait in another folder of mine. As for Nayr's, I don't have anything recent. PM me with the most recent one if you want it updated.

And no, the tile is not secret enough, not to mention there are other bright-green tiles around it meaning it's not exactly unique. But I suppose it's called a 'stab in the dark' for a reason. XP

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Because it wasn't originally in chapter 17? That's how it's new? Duh? Should I even be answering such a question?

Seriously, are people making stupid comments just to troll me or is it really that hard to interpret basic English? Internet never ceases to amaze me...

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It's alright. Your boasting of reusing things as being equivocal to "new" is equally amazing to us.

I guess cause it's like a rigged booby trap. Not a landmine or one of those geysers in the caves.

FE6's ice temple place also had spears which lanced units who stepped in front of them. That's rigged. As is... a landmine.

Edited by Celice
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FE6's ice temple place also had spears which lanced units who stepped in front of them. That's rigged. As is... a landmine.

I thought it was the temple where you got Apocalypse, not Malte.

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You're right. Zahlman, y u lead on my thoughts...

o wait

Because it wasn't originally in chapter 17? That's how it's new? Duh? Should I even be answering such a question?

sounds like it

I thought it was the temple where you got Apocalypse, not Malte.

Yup. It was one of those. Though didn't both have traps regardless? I rarely go the Ilia route but I did once or twice :x

Edited by Celice
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Yup. It was one of those. Though didn't both have traps regardless? I rarely go the Ilia route but I did once or twice :x

No, Malte's only protection was an ice maze with enclosed walls. Hence the cracks in the map, the Bern soldiers forced their way already then tried with half-success to close of the paths. XD

At least that's what I theorize... *shrug* But it's definite there was no traps, I think.

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It's alright. Your boasting of reusing things as being equivocal to "new" is equally amazing to us.

Keriku meant that it's a new addition to Chapter 17, because there weren't any traps in the chapter before the update. ^_^

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Did you think sirefied( i can't remember excatly the knight lord) good?

HIs stat growth good, the base stat suck

Siegfried is really helpful once he gets a couple levels in. Nothung is basically a safe OHKO to any magic user, he gets some nice supports (eventually), and the low bases don't matter much when he's dominating the first ten chapters. Siegfried is pretty good.

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Siegfried (not sirefried lol) is easily one of the best characters in the game. His base stats aren't great but they're good enough to handle most enemies with ease later on, and his stats only get better with his great growths as SS mentioned. He's what you could call the ideal pre-promote (unlike a Jeigan-archetype character).


Also the 4 gaiden chapters are covered here: http://www.feshrine.net/tactics/gaidens.html

The last 3 gaidens are not included in the public patch, they're in my personal private patch. Although I assure you they are all done. Yes, all the gaidens are alternate routes have been decided and I've made, but there are still extra bonus scenes (for example, getting an A support between two certain characters will give you an extra scene at the end expanding on their stories, optional bosses and events, prizes for fulfilling secret objectives, etc.) as well as the bonus dungeon Fallen Universe.

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Siegfried (not sirefried lol) is easily one of the best characters in the game. His base stats aren't great but they're good enough to handle most enemies with ease later on, and his stats only get better with his great growths as SS mentioned. He's what you could call the ideal pre-promote (unlike a Jeigan-archetype character).


Also the 4 gaiden chapters are covered here: http://www.feshrine....cs/gaidens.html

The last 3 gaidens are not included in the public patch, they're in my personal private patch. Although I assure you they are all done. Yes, all the gaidens are alternate routes have been decided and I've made, but there are still extra bonus scenes (for example, getting an A support between two certain characters will give you an extra scene at the end expanding on their stories, optional bosses and events, prizes for fulfilling secret objectives, etc.) as well as the bonus dungeon Fallen Universe.

In my chapter 18, why akakin can't seize fort darner

I have him go to the gate, seize, the nex turn the command seize still appear again

When I bring hill to lycian gate, the say must conquer fore darner

p/s: So this game last patch until chap ter 23, that's rock

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