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A message to the community.


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Well, for the time being.

I woke up today, and I felt that I was getting dumber and dumber by the second.

Now, I went downstairs to have breakfast, after playing some osu, and my brother said something silly, in which I replied "Why do you have to be so fat? D:"

I was standing up, so this caused my dad to get up, and walk towards me in complete calmness (which made me laugh), and tell me "don't expect to go on the computer again for a long time."

So his general punishment (dirty work, conveniently while it was raining), I followed, he did his usual stupid things, and then I was done. So, I put the stuff away, and noticed the door was open. I closed it, and then I crossed eyes with my dad. Just like how a pokemon trainer rushing to the PokeCenter accidentally meets up with an Ace Trainer, and blamed me saying "omg bad words" on the internet. I used my labtop yesterday, and didn't close out the 3 sites I had up (osu, HS, and SF.), which prompted my dad to check up on everything that I had up (which probably meant he looked at my signature on Serenes and decided that that's how the entire internet acted.)

So, he's trying to be all like "dun uzz bad wurz", and I ignored him, as fat isn't really a bad word.

So, I'm with my brother for a bit, as he's beating his runthrough of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, when my dad calls him out to work. It's raining outside, so I say to him "Oh, it's raining outside. That sucks D:."

Of course, somehow, my dad hears, and decides that it's best to simply make me turn my computer off and send me to study, because the computer is the reason I'm such a horrible person, 100 % true.

So, I have to sit downstairs, and read my biology book, which isn't too bad, as I was going to read it later today, anyways, but the reasoning for it is just silly. I understand the dislike of curse words, but god damn any word that can be bent and twisted into innapropirateness doesn't make it bad. It's all about context.

So, this isn't the first time my parents have been yelling at me because something that's not straight out of the Donny Osmond show. Just yesterday, I got a pretty big scolding, from my mother this time, who's really a nice person, but is so stupid when it comes to arguments.

So, I'm sick and tired of my parents bringing what I like doing into everything they say. I'm ok with "no computer" as punishment for things, but NOT EVERYTHING I DO IS BECAUSE I LEARNED IT ON THE INTERNET. There's well...SCHOOL (Freshman in high school, so many influences there.), umm...HOME? (My dad generally isn't the nicest mouthed man out there.), there's a LOT of things that influence besides the internet.

Now, once I'm done being pissed about my parents and how they blame everything on the internet, I think for a bit, and look where I'm at.


Wind Ensemble: lol

Jazz Band: lol, I suck at my instrument.

English: D or F

Spanish: A+ (It's not really that hard.)

PE: A (Of course.)

Geometry: C- (Freaking kidding me...This is COLLEGE PREP level too.)

Biology: ? (We've turned NOTHING in for this semester)

That's pretty bad, and I'm not the kind of person that gets better as the year goes on, and my parents WON'T let me get out of honors classes (I ended both honors classes with a C-, ONLY because the teachers liked me (D in English, F in Biology, both made into C-es)

So, I've come up with a plan to get my parents off my back and my grades back on track.

I'm first going to block Serenes Forest, Hidden-Street, and Osu from my personal computer. I'm then going to move my osu files (Takes forever to re-download), IRC client, Vent client (I never use it, but still), Maplestory client, LaTale client, and any other thing I have to connect myself with the internet. Once that is done, I'll be all set. My parents will stop screwing with me, and MAYBE I can get my grades up.

God damn, I hate this. I really do not feel like this is neccesary.

I'll be back either when I crack from not being around you guys, or Spring Break (Now that the thing I was going to do for the

entire spring break is cancelled because we're doing something else next year.)

Terribly sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I posted this while trying to have my dad not notice that I'm typing this on a labtop right now.

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If I had those grades, my parents would kill me. I got a B+, and they took my internet away

I wouldn't be granted the privilege of being killed with those grades. An occasional B in a hard class is accepted (I'm in college, by the way), but I need to show mostly A's.

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Getting your grades up is important but if do these things in secrecy hen when your grades go up this will only confirm your parents' thesis that the internet is the source

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Well, at least its reasonable.

I got an A- in US history for the 1st marking period in 8th grade. I got grounded for the entire second marking period. -.-;

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God dammit why did I decide to log back in.

Anyways, I'm assuming I'm over-reacting about the entire situation. I've told this to many people, and I'm not sure why I have not used this logic before, but taking everything away at once is just simply too much.

I do agree that I've been playing too much and not focusing on my studies, but re-reading my thoughts, I believe this was all typed out of annoyance and I am taking drastic measures way earlier than I should.

I can improve all of these by just spending less time being lazy and more time actually putting effort into this.

So, I am probably going to be on less, but not completely deprived of the internet. That will probably just drive me into insanity and addiction.

But I'm still pissed that my parents don't understand that the internet is not the only influence I get and I'm not the perfect child they want to be, who is an infinetley happy child whom is smart (They don't expect top of the class, but if I even mention dropping honors classes, sweet jesus.), sociable with everybody, and perfect in every way shape and form possible :3.

Edited by Nestling
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I really expected a Bel-Air, but all I got was infantile drama?

Don't act like the internet is a chemical addiction. People went without electronics for millennia and plenty still do for various reasons. If you totally unplug yourself for awhile or at least limit yourself I bet it'd be a good experience. Maybe you'd get your schoolwork done.

Trying to live life in a virtual world is like trying to live life in hotels in exotic places. It's nice, but ultimately just a distraction from the real world.

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Fuck me for showing sympathy towards Nestling.

I thought of something...it might not work, but hey! You could try talking to the student councillor, maybe get her to talk to yer parents. At the very least, your parents'll have a good chance of understanding you more.

(And while we're comparing parents/grades, my parents are perfectly happy that I'm a B student (In Canberra at least it only goes down to E, so that fiddles around with stuff a bit....B is >70%) because I lose trivial marks, and usually have at least one crap assignment a year. My parents don't mind this, but remind me that I should improve if I want to go to this college (again, in Canberra, college is roughly ages 17-18, then it goes on to university.) that I want to go to.)

(And that was really longwinded)

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Take up pot.

No, seriously, pretty much no risk to yourself, great times to be had, and if your parents are anything like the general retarded drivel, they would totally freak out, and likely completely forget the internet issue altogether.

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