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What anime/manga are you following right now?


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Mostly old anime. Though I download the recent one, I'm just too lazy to watch them.

Should I watch Big O, Black Lagoon, or Spice and Wolf S2 first?

I liked Spice and Wolf, but Big O looked cool, too (I've been meaning to watch that one).

I'm watching Hataraku Maou-sama! and Attack on Titan right now. I like Maou-sama because it reminds me a lot of Disgaea.

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So I finished Valvrave. The last episode was amazing, can't wait for Fall. I loved pretty much every single thing about the show except for THAT and things related to it. And somehow even though for various reasons I've spent a huge amount of time reading about rape culture/feminism/etc the past week I still can't say that hurt my enjoyment of the show too much. Anime of the Season imo.

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So, everything I was watching is over/over for now. Devil Survivor (not great,) Maou (a little rinse-and-repeat but entertaining,) Shingeki was well done but had very poor pacing. To be fair, I'd imagine you can't really jam a season-break wedge into the plot past this point very easily, but there was a lot of brutally slow episodes. Valvrave is just entertainment. Get popcorn, sit down, laugh at nonsense. Good times.

Running over the summer schedule, I'm pretty sure next season is just dangan ronpa. I'll probably also watch Monogatari. Maybe prisma ilya once so I can beat my head against the wall.

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Mostly old anime. Though I download the recent one, I'm just too lazy to watch them.

Should I watch Big O, Black Lagoon, or Spice and Wolf S2 first?

Watch Black Lagoon.

So I finished Valvrave. The last episode was amazing, can't wait for Fall. I loved pretty much every single thing about the show except for THAT and things related to it. And somehow even though for various reasons I've spent a huge amount of time reading about rape culture/feminism/etc the past week I still can't say that hurt my enjoyment of the show too much. Anime of the Season imo.

Honestly if you take out THAT part of the episode, it was a good episode. It really isn't even important to the story later on. All in all though, Valvrave was so entertaining and I can't wait for the next season. I still give SnK the edge for "anime of the season", and Gargantia ended really well, but Valvrave is definitely up there. I'll probably do a "power rankings" post in a couple days with my final thoughts on this season.

Probably gonna watch Highschool DxD, Blood Lad, TWGOK S3, and Monogatari for now. Will probably watch more later depending on what people recommend/what the internet is all hyped up about.

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after 2 hours of Jiiii~ (stare), i finished 4 animes in one swoop:

-Kakumeiki Valvrave (Really? That Cliffhanger ep for 1st season finale... 8/10)

-Hataraku maou sama (9/10..)

-Devil survivor 2 (Nice ending, i miss the anime tho... 6/10)

-Baka test (Ba~ka 8/10)

4 animes done made my list so desolated,,


anyway, now to summer and next old animes,, (Dangan ronpa, Blood lad, Gin no saji, Suzumiya 2nd season,)

between of these 3 animes which i must watch first?

-yahari ore no seishun,,


-Kokoro connect

Edited by Pukuriripo
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Watching Zetsuen no Tempest. It's enjoyable, though I miss animes that are as good as Madoka. Seriously, it left a hole in my heart, or something. I'll probably give Cowboy Bebop a try later, and look for other "retro" animes as well.

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Here's my post-season thoughts and pre-season plans:

Valvrave was absolutely amazing in every way except for one and I loved it except for that. 9/10

Gargantia was great, though a lot of parts of how it turned out make way more sense when you learn that Urobuchi only personally wrote the first and last episodes and executive meddling forced in an extra fanservice episode and pushed out a development episode that should have been there. 8/10

I fucking hate the Attack on Titan adaptation at this point. So much of it is horribly done and it's coasting on the strengths of the manga at this point. I guess some of the animation is pretty good occasionally, but not nearly enough. Any non-hentai/Gonzo/DEEN studio would have done a better job I think. On the other hand, Trost is also the worst arc in the series so maybe I'll start liking it better from here? fuck/10

Satan at McDonald's I dropped even though it was funny because it didn't have robots or spidermans. Might watch once I drop everything I have planned for Summer because like fucking seriously now.

Majestic Prince is apparently pretty okay but I dropped it because I was bored with it. Might watch once etc.

I watched two episodes of Date A Live in secret because I'm shameful and it was okay I guess. Might watch more????????????

Current plan for Summer is to start even more shows than I did in Spring and drop every single one of them: TWGOK 3, It's not my fault I'm not popular, Dangan Ronpa, Symphogear G, Silver Spoon, Neptunia, Attack on Titan, Fate/Kaleid Liner: Prism-Ilya

Edited by Hikarasuman
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Helios's Spring Anime 2013 (Final) Power Rankings

1. Shingeki no Kyojin: It started so well that despite it being slow right now, it's still the best show of the season. 8/10

2. Valvrave the Liberator: Is it fall yet? Mindless entertainment at its best. Most fun series of the season easily. 7/10

3. Suisei no Gargantia: Despite a bad middle, it started and ended well. More HEALING than I thought there would be. Expected it to be darker, but Hikarasuman pretty much explained why that wasn't the case. Also might be the first series where the robot was the best character. Chamber is a bro. 8/10

4. Yahari/Oregairu/SNAFU: Biggest surprise of the season to me. Great character cast and solid comedy. Much different than other romcoms I've seen. Wish the art was a bit better though. Hope they make another season. 7.5/10

5. Hataraku no Maou-Sama: Consistently funny. Not much really happened, and it never strikes you as GREAT, but it always managed to get some laughs out of me. I'd read the LNs if they don't make another season. 7/10

6. Henneko: I thought this would be moefag territory, and it kinda is, but it's funny, has good characters, and an interesting plot. Good use of the supernatural element. It kinda fluctuated between great and meh though. Overall it was good. 7/10

7. Railgun S: Hard to really judge it since we're only at the middle of the arc, but so far it's been good. It's pretty much all Misaka, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. 7/10.

8. Date A Live: I only watched this because it was recommended to me, but it's actually kinda entertaining when it's not 100% fanservice. There's a sliver of a plot, but for the most part it's a fairly cliche harem comedy. I think the cuteness of some of the characters (like Tohka) helps make it better. 6/10.

9. Hayate no Gotoku Cuties: Some of the manga chapters were animated well, others not so well. The last two "new" episodes were pretty cool, but a bit rough around the edges. If they were actually important to the overall plot, things will probably be cleared up later on in life anyway. I really hope they animate the Golden Week arc one day. 6/10 (because I'm biased towards Hayate)

10. Devil Survivor 2: It's not bad if you're looking for mindless entertainment (action sequences are decent), but the characters are stoic and the plot is easily predictable. At times it gets pretty cheesy. I imagine the games are a lot better. 5/10

11. Photokano: I didn't even finish this yet, but my thoughts from before haven't really changed. 3-4/10 (because the heroines have cute moments)

12. Red Data Girl: Pretty much everything about this sucks, from the characters to the plot to the everything but art. Oh and part of episode 11 was actually enjoyable because the annoying main heroine wasn't being a baby for the first time in her life. 3/10

Does Space Battleship Yamato 2199 count as a spring anime? I believe it started airing a year ago or so (and still is), so I'm not sure if it does. I'm watching that right now (on episode 9) and it's pretty solid.

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Oh yeah I've been reading the Rosario Vampire manga. Why didn't the anime actually follow this again...? It's actually surprisingly good. Tsukune can actually fight haha.

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is it bad if after watching episode 3 of Date A Live I sort of want a shounen anime about claw machines. There's one for everything else so why not right?

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Oh yeah I've been reading the Rosario Vampire manga. Why didn't the anime actually follow this again...? It's actually surprisingly good. Tsukune can actually fight haha.

To appeal to Otaku, and I'm pretty sure the first season of the anime at least sold decently well. Funny thing is that fans of the anime actually complained to the author when they found out what the manga is like.

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between of these 3 animes which i must watch first?

-yahari ore no seishun,,


-Kokoro connect

They are all good, I'd recommend all of them. I enjoyed Kokoro Connect the most, so I'd advise to start with it.

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after 2 hours of Jiiii~ (stare), i finished 4 animes in one swoop:

-Kakumeiki Valvrave (Really? That Cliffhanger ep for 1st season finale... 8/10)

-Hataraku maou sama (9/10..)

-Devil survivor 2 (Nice ending, i miss the anime tho... 6/10)

-Baka test (Ba~ka 8/10)

4 animes done made my list so desolated,,


anyway, now to summer and next old animes,, (Dangan ronpa, Blood lad, Gin no saji, Suzumiya 2nd season,)

between of these 3 animes which i must watch first?

-yahari ore no seishun,,


-Kokoro connect

I've never seen Hyouka, but I do know Yahari and KC are really good. I'd suggest KC first, then Yahari.

is it bad if after watching episode 3 of Date A Live I sort of want a shounen anime about claw machines. There's one for everything else so why not right?

I don't know if I should feel ashamed or not by being somewhat entertained by Date A Live.

To appeal to Otaku, and I'm pretty sure the first season of the anime at least sold decently well. Funny thing is that fans of the anime actually complained to the author when they found out what the manga is like.

Because it's not all fanservice like the anime? Or because it's actually a lot better than the anime?

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Because it's not all fanservice like the anime? Or because it's actually a lot better than the anime?

They didn't find it "moe" enough when compared to the anime. If you're reading the manga, you'll see the author talk about it in the season 2 volume 6 4 koma IIRC.

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So... I just watched Free! a few minutes ago...

It was surprisingly decent! I mean, okay. Objectively, it was pretty much Fanservice: The Anime. But character interaction was actually quite decent. Animation was pretty great too. I really like how KyoAni animates. The music was also quite good.

As for the fanservice... A lot of times I felt pretty flustered watching it;;; That tiny voice in the back of my head was like, "Maybe you shouldn't be watching this. Or maybe you should watch this in secret instead..."

All-in-all though, it's a rather fun watch, if not embarrassing to watch at times (the plot also feels a bit cliche. But let's not kid ourselves... It's pretty good for an anime that's clearly meant to be for the sake of fanservice)

I'm pretty amazed that KyoAni actually pushed through with it though. I mean, it's so rare to see something aimed at women for a change o:

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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So... I just watched Free! a few minutes ago...

It was surprisingly decent! I mean, okay. Objectively, it was pretty much Fanservice: The Anime. But character interaction was actually quite decent. Animation was pretty great too. I really like how KyoAni animates. The music was also quite good.

As for the fanservice... A lot of times I felt pretty flustered watching it;;; That tiny voice in the back of my head was like, "Maybe you shouldn't be watching this. Or maybe you should watch this in secret instead..."

All-in-all though, it's a rather fun watch, if not embarrassing to watch at times (the plot also feels a bit cliche. But let's not kid ourselves... It's pretty good for an anime that's clearly meant to be for the sake of fanservice)

I'm pretty amazed that KyoAni actually pushed through with it though. I mean, it's so rare to see something aimed at women for a change o:

Watch Kuroko no Basket. Lots of MANSERVICE, and since it's actually a good show you don't even need to feel bad for liking it haha. And don't worry about not knowing anything about basketball; pretty sure 99% of the fangirls who love it don't know a thing about it coming in.

Why haven't more people watched Space Battleship Yamato 2199. This is probably better than most of the anime that have come out in the last year.

Is Dangen Ronpa good? I might watch the first episode.

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OK, I'm really getting into Attack on Titan now. Armin just turned into a massive badass.

I've also started watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. Why the hell are they expecting a 14-year-old kid to be able to fight eldritch abominations?

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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