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What anime/manga are you following right now?


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There is always the manga adaption of Battle Royale if you want uber dark...

Sasuke. Sasuke. Quit being a whiny bitch!

Naru from Love Hina is a perma PMSing gorilla.

Motoko. Crazy kendo girl.

Sakura. I cannot stand her at all. She seems to be a very shallow bitch.

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I feel so out of the loop reading this thread. All of these animes that I've never even heard of, let alone seen. O_o

That said, just finished Death Note. Everyone I know who watches anime told me it was better than Code Geass, but I disagree. Opinions?

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I feel so out of the loop reading this thread. All of these animes that I've never even heard of, let alone seen. O_o

That said, just finished Death Note. Everyone I know who watches anime told me it was better than Code Geass, but I disagree. Opinions?

You know some silly people. Most of the anime community I've talked to unanimously agree that Code Geass >>>> Death Note.

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I think Death Note is better than Code Geass as well. Also, I've seen many more people who think Code Geass is awful than people who think that way of Death Note. Death Note anti-fans usually just think it's "okay," or "went downhill in the second half."

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I think Death Note is better than Code Geass as well. Also, I've seen many more people who think Code Geass is awful than people who think that way of Death Note. Death Note anti-fans usually just think it's "okay," or "went downhill in the second half."

Pretty much this

Potential plot spoilers here, for both Code Geass and Death Note

Once L died the show should have ended - adding in two new characters to replace L out of the blue didn't really flow in the plotline at all. Also, Light's continuous spiral down into evil wasn't as enjoyable for me as Lelouch's much more morally ambiguous actions as at least Lelouch could be seen as martyring himself for a better world whereas Light just went control-freak and then when he failed went totally bat-shit.

Also, Kallen and Shirley as characters were simply superior in every way to Misa and Kiyomi.

Edited by XiSrOn
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Also, Light's continuous spiral down into evil wasn't as enjoyable for me as Lelouch's much more morally ambiguous actions as at least Lelouch could be seen as martyring himself for a better world whereas Light just went control-freak and then when he failed went totally bat-shit.

So what? That's Light role, and he did it perfectly. We arent talking about "good" or "bad" but the characters themself. It's funny that you even mentioned "as characters" cause Light's character is way better than Lulu's. That's just about characters. While DN shows us how fantasy story end in a real way, CG have the whole story fly into the fairy land and never, never return to the real world. The stragedy, the twist, the death in CG are no more than the fairy tale a mother used to tell her kid. Oh, sure! DH went downhill in the second half but CG's later season is just ridiculous.

Edited by Rathalos Sulley
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Pretty much this

Potential plot spoilers here, for both Code Geass and Death Note

Once L died the show should have ended - adding in two new characters to replace L out of the blue didn't really flow in the plotline at all. Also, Light's continuous spiral down into evil wasn't as enjoyable for me as Lelouch's much more morally ambiguous actions as at least Lelouch could be seen as martyring himself for a better world whereas Light just went control-freak and then when he failed went totally bat-shit.

Also, Kallen and Shirley as characters were simply superior in every way to Misa and Kiyomi.

I thought the second half worked quite well. It showed how the power ultimately corrupted Light into becoming something much worse than his original intention, which I found to be a much more interesting approach than Lelouch still being the "good guy" in the end. For the full effect Light needed to "lose" eventually, and since he beat L (which I do think was appropriate), he needed a new opponent, obviously. Light's God complex was his eventual downfall and I found the conclusion to be one of the most satisfying ever in anime.

I think the most common reason people have for not liking the second half is because they liked L, but I kinda didn't like L and wanted Light to beat him, so I was fine.

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I thought the second half worked quite well. It showed how the power ultimately corrupted Light into becoming something much worse than his original intention, which I found to be a much more interesting approach than Lelouch still being the "good guy" in the end. For the full effect Light needed to "lose" eventually, and since he beat L (which I do think was appropriate), he needed a new opponent, obviously. Light's God complex was his eventual downfall and I found the conclusion to be one of the most satisfying ever in anime.

I think the most common reason people have for not liking the second half is because they liked L, but I kinda didn't like L and wanted Light to beat him, so I was fine.

L was definitely my favorite character of the show, so I guess I fit into that group. I guess that stems from how people explained the show to me. I loved the morally ambiguous parts of CG where you had to think about Lelouch's actions and try to decide if he was truly evil or just pretending to be evil (toward the end when he and Kallen were together near the stairs had me screaming at the screen) it and people kept telling me that DN had a similarly morally ambiguous protagonist. I can't say I agree with that explanation after the fact, I always felt that L was the more ambiguous of the two characters, as in my view Light was clearly evil from the point that he killed Lind L. Tailor.

Maybe I would have felt better about the flow of the episodes if more had been explained about the Wammy's House detective searching. It just seemed very abrupt for there to be another two potential L replacements just waiting to fill his shoes when he died with no previous mention of this outside of the fact that Watari sponsored orphanages.

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The ending to the second Death Note live-action movie is my personal canon ending for DN. Fuck everything else, that was handled beautifully.

The end.

Oh hell to the yes. When L died I absolutely hated Light. When he got *spoilers* I was laughing my ass off and cheering Matsuda on while I was watching the anime. He looked REALLY pathedic in the ending for the manga.

Code Geass R1 and R2 I enjoyed a lot.

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The ending will make you cry.

It's by Key. I've come to expect that crap from them.

Just finished .hack//Legend of the Twilight.

... FINALLY finished that implied twincest filled mess of an anime >_>;

Damn you Mai Nakahara. Since when did I watch anime because of seiyuu?

Edited by shadowofkitty
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Watching Yu Yu Hakusho. Love the manga, first one I ever read actually. The anime I find is a little inferior in some aspects, but is arguably as good as the manga overall.

Edited by Clockwork Sage
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Watching Yu Yu Hakusho. Love the manga, first one I ever read actually. The anime I find is a little inferior in some aspects, but is arguably as good as the manga overall.

From what I hear, and have read in the manga, the anime should be vastly superior to the manga.

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I just finished rewatching Char's Counterattack. It's beautiful.

I can't blame you considering you thought Madoka was too dark for your tastes. But that's still just a shame considering Berserk is one of the best anime/manga ever made.


I feel so out of the loop reading this thread. All of these animes that I've never even heard of, let alone seen. O_o

That said, just finished Death Note. Everyone I know who watches anime told me it was better than Code Geass, but I disagree. Opinions?

I really liked Death Note for its originality, but I never actually finished it because I got bored as soon as L died. So I actually like Code Geass better. One thing I would say about Code Geass, not good or bad, is that IMO it depends heavily on Lelouch, CC, Suzaku and Kallen despite its large ensemble of characters, which is interesting to say the least. Of the four, C.C. might be my favorite?

I can't speak about the anime community at large since I don't really know anyone else who likes relatively current anime.

Lelouch's much more morally ambiguous actions as at least Lelouch could be seen as martyring himself for a better world

If we trust the narrator, and Lelouch's interior dialogue, than his primary motivation seems to be Nannally, and I would say that this is well grounded by the actual events of the show and his actions. It is only when he recognizes he needs to betray Nannally in order to make the world better for her that he succeeds, however. There is also the element of one's own heroic alter ego slaying you, kind of like the better part of yourself defeating the worse part.

Watching Yu Yu Hakusho. Love the manga, first one I ever read actually. The anime I find is a little inferior in some aspects, but is arguably as good as the manga overall.

I hear the manga actually has an extra arc, I really need to read it at some point. I'm a big fan of the series even though I think it's kind of lame simultaneously...

Edited by Blue Mars
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I just realized that Ys (a video game I just recently got obsessed with) has an anime, so I'm watching it on Youtube. As expected, the women are all beautiful and the men all wield swords. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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