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Best/Worst in the series: Round 36

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Best: Valkyrie staff, it's the same thing as the Aum staff just that it is perhaps more needed in it's game.

Barrier: Because giving some Resistance to an ally just isn't too useful. On the other hand, the Berserk staff was considered one of the worst but mostly when it comes to the enemy using it, if that were something bad, then Swanchika, a weapon that is used by an enemy would have to be considered bad, but I can't really say that, I didn't play too much FE4.

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Best: Valkyrie staff, it's the same thing as the Aum staff just that it is perhaps more needed in it's game.

Barrier: Because giving some Resistance to an ally just isn't too useful. On the other hand, the Berserk staff was considered one of the worst but mostly when it comes to the enemy using it, if that were something bad, then Swanchika, a weapon that is used by an enemy would have to be considered bad, but I can't really say that, I didn't play too much FE4.

No, no, no. Barrier and ward staves = free experience for your mages that you can use every turn without having to get someone hurt. Plus, they help out quite a bit in SD where all your non-magic characters basically have 0 RES or very close to it.

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Plus, the Valkyrie Staff can only be used when you're in a caste, and not to mention, 50,000 gil to repair that staff huh? Yeah, money well spent! Too bad I can't have Claude (and likely, Corple) buy any other staves that they may need, or repair any other staves that would need fixing if they're broken/close to breaking after I'm done repairing the Valkyrie Staff.

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Plus, the Valkyrie Staff can only be used when you're in a caste, and not to mention, 50,000 gil to repair that staff huh? Yeah, money well spent! Too bad I can't have Claude (and likely, Corple) buy any other staves that they may need, or repair any other staves that would need fixing if they're broken/close to breaking after I'm done repairing the Valkyrie Staff.

30,000 to repair the Valk.

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Plus, the Valkyrie Staff can only be used when you're in a caste, and not to mention, 50,000 gil to repair that staff huh? Yeah, money well spent! Too bad I can't have Claude (and likely, Corple) buy any other staves that they may need, or repair any other staves that would need fixing if they're broken/close to breaking after I'm done repairing the Valkyrie Staff.

30,000 to repair the Valk.

Okay, I was off by 20,000, but I still see no reason to use a staff like that unless if someone accidentally died, plus chances are that the entire team is away from the home castle when someone does die. And I still feel that the money used to repair it would be better off used on other staves.

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Plus, the Valkyrie Staff can only be used when you're in a caste, and not to mention, 50,000 gil to repair that staff huh? Yeah, money well spent! Too bad I can't have Claude (and likely, Corple) buy any other staves that they may need, or repair any other staves that would need fixing if they're broken/close to breaking after I'm done repairing the Valkyrie Staff.

30,000 to repair the Valk.

Okay, I was off by 20,000, but I still see no reason to use a staff like that unless if someone accidentally died, plus chances are that the entire team is away from the home castle when someone does die. And I still feel that the money used to repair it would be better off used on other staves.

Even if you never repair it, it still has one free use. Additionally, there is ****loads of money in FE4 and you can easily have a thief give either priest money. The villages (including the clump of like 6 or something in chapter 9) are also mostly reserved for them since the melee fighters are almost all doing well in the arena. Especially in part 2 where patty can fight in the arena pretty reliably in addition to stealing off enemies. Finally, Claude starts with the 2 most expensive staves, and Corpul will inherit them. Besides buying him a heal and maybe a status staff he shouldn't need any money.

I'm not saying the valkyrie staff is good, but the user (if corpul or claude) can stand to use it once for no cost whatsoever, and twice w/out really using money they would spend on anything else.

Worst: Silence staff. The only people that you'd want to silence are ridiculously hard to get Silenced anyway.

How bout Julia? Give a staff user a magic ring and it shouldn't be a problem.

Edited by SeverIan
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How bout Julia? Give a staff user a magic ring and it shouldn't be a problem.

I don't think he's talking about the SNES FE games. At any rate, he has a point; Silence is only effective against magic users, which have high resistance. Thus, Silence is likely to fail.

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I am surprised nobody has thought of calling the Broken Staff as worst.

You already have:

Best: Again

Worst: Broken Staff

And this person hinted at it but didn't appear to be using it as a serious answer.


Worst: Broken Charm

Was there any contest?

I'm guessing that is because the person doesn't consider it to be a valid answer but recognizes how horrible it is.

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I'm guessing that is because the person doesn't consider it to be a valid answer but recognizes how horrible it is.


That's why. All Broken staves are completely useless, although I guess a broken Valkyrie is more useless than a broken, say, Heal. But IMO it's not really a staff as a broken piece of wood that takes up space in your inventory and you can spend money to turn it into something useful.

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It's still a Staff.

Pretty sure the fact that it can be repaired into something that does anything makes it better than the Charm Staff, something that "No effect (glitches when used)". Broken Staff has got to be better than that.

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I suppose since you can't use it then it is arguably not an actual staff.

But if that's the case, it has to be better than charm by definition, since it DOESN'T glitch and do bad stuff. Since you can't really use charm and that qualifies as a staff, I don't see why the broken staff doesn't qualify as well. Of course, the charm staff would have to be worse for the reason that it does cause bad stuff to happen, so it's a moot point.

By the way, when is round 37?

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