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Eliwood: 6.26/0

HP: 24 (+ 2 compared to averages, 1.5x more often than average)

STR: 10 (+ 2.75 compared to averages, 2.22...x more often than average)

SKL: 10 (+ 2.5 compared to averages, 2x more often than average)

SPD: 12 (+ 3 compared to averages, 2.5x more often than average)

LUK: 13 (+ 3.75 compared to averages, 2.66...x more often than average)

DEF: 10 (+ 3.5 compared to averages, 3.33...x more often than average)

RES: 3 (+ 1.25 compared to averages, ~1.7x more often than average)

Not sure how the LUK or HP happened though. Right now he shouldn't even be able to have more than 12/23...

But yeah. So far he's gotten every stat except for RES on every single level up. And he's still gotten RES 60% of the time. Besides HP and RES, he's in the top four for every stat. And he's only losing to the likes of Hector (HP, STR, DEF) lolMarcus and lolOswin. Although he's pretty similar to all of them. I mean, this would be considered really blessed come endgame and he's only leveled up five times!

Any other units that are either really good or really bad?

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Nino 20/20

51 Hp (+10 over average)

Mag capped

Skl capped

Spd capped

Lck capped

15 Def (+3 over average)

Res capped

I don't have this on a current file but I remember raising this incarnation of Nino a long time ago. It was fun nearly soloing the final chapter with her, Canas and Jaffar.

Edited by CATS
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This Kent was godly since level 10.



My current Kent isn't so h4x, though, and his DEF somehow sucks even more. 7 DEF before promotion = fail. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope this isn't considered necro-ing considering it's still on the first page.

... No RNG abuse. Just one Angelic Robe from her own mode. I swear, this woman is more blessed than all the Abels I had added together.

Which is saying something because every time I play SD my Abel always gets blessed.


... But in exchange, my Eliwood got SPD screwed. AGAIN. Dx

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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That same Eliwood from the first post 5 levels later:

29 HP (3 in 5 levels, screwed here and still 3 points above average XD)

12 STR (2 in 5 levels, about average, 2.5 points above average)

12 SKL (2 in 5, below average, but still 2 points above average)

14 SPD (2 in 5, exactly average, but still 3 points above average)

16 LUK (3 in 5, above average, and 4.5 points above average! Of course he chooses to be most blessed in LUCK of all things)

11 DEF (1 in 5 levels, below average, but 3 points above average!)

5 RES (2 in 5 levels. About average. 1.5 above average)

If Eliwood was always this good, he'd be top tier. He has gained HP 110% of the time (I really don't know how it happened), STR ~64%, SKL the same, speed the same, LUK ~82%, DEF 55% of the time, and RES ~45%.

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Mainly just several stats capped, Str, Skl, and Spd for Eliwood, Lyn, Sain, Kent, Raven, Heath. Mag, Skl, and Spd for Lucius, Priscilla, Nino. And Str, Skl, and Def for Hector. I can't remember how the other stats were.

One that caught my surprise though was Fiora with everything (except luck, and maybe health) capped.

@Luminescent Blade: Reminds me of how Lyn turned out for me, countless times.

Edited by Terrence Sweetwater
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All my units for final battle came out pretty good in some ways or another (although some got screwed in certain areas Dx)

Let's see... the good:

Lyn: Capped STR, SKL, SPD (Since Lv 16), also 14 Def is win. Not that it matters when she has 92 dodge anyway.

Eliwood: I thought he was going to screw SPD again (10 before promotion...WTF?) until he pulled several consecutive SPD ups. Like Lyn he has STR, SKL, and SPD capped. Also 28 luck.

Hector: Holy crap. He capped SPD. The STR was expected and so was DEF... but SPD... <3

Raven: Remind me why I love Ogma archetypes again. STR, SKL, SPD capped, along with extra luck for dodge, and 1 point higher in HP, DEF, and RES.

Lucius: He's capped Mag and Res before lv. 10 and SPD soon after.

Farina: Capped STR (like she should), SPD, and DEF. Hell yes. Totally worth the 20k I paid for her.

Canas: SPD cap=not getting doubled. Yay!

...And the bad:

Sain: He turned out great in everything besides SKL. IDK how many secret books I've used on him.

Canas: 19 MAG. AT LV20. WHY CANAS WHY. I was expecting you to Lunakill everything.

Lucius: Defense did not grow at all these near-40 levels I've had him. At lv. 20 he had 4 Def. Basically base+promotion gains. Not that it matters much since he dodges most of the time. Also, suffers the same issue as Sain---severe SKL screw, but that's not that important either since he ORKOs anything not called boss anyway.

The others came out decent at least. Some goods, some bads, nothing exceptional.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I hope this isn't considered necro-ing considering it's still on the first page.

... No RNG abuse. Just one Angelic Robe from her own mode. I swear, this woman is more blessed than all the Abels I had added together.

Which is saying something because every time I play SD my Abel always gets blessed.


... But in exchange, my Eliwood got SPD screwed. AGAIN. Dx


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From my HHM runthrough. I think it's pretty exceptional considering the chances of it happening

Legault starting stats

HP: 28 (1 under HHM normal start)

Str: 9 (above HHM noral start

Skill: 14 (1 above again)

Speed: 17

Luck: 10

Defence: 9 (1 above a third time)

Res: 4

as you can see that is pretty sweet and has a very low chance of it all happening at once :P

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You know what's exceptionally bad?

Level 17/0 Lyn, in PFoD. 3 Defence.

A random bandit with a hammer would've dealt her 16 damage in one hit if he hadn't had a 0% hit chance.

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