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FE6 Ranks

Colonel M

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How does the power rank in this game work, if you are --/1 you automatically contribute 21 points to power right? Should Geese, Ray, and Hugh benefit slightly from this rank since they basically can instantly add 10, 8, and 5 points to this rank without even having to be used? Thoughts?

Edit: IMO Power appears to be a much more difficult rank than experience and funds (which is easy)to ace so even if you say opportunity cost remember you can just promote them in a chapter that you don't need them for and just ignore them forever if you wish

Edited by Brighton
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You don't have to use them to get their base levels. It's like a unit's join inventory; the unit never has to be deployed or do anything at all in order for you to get that stuff, they just have to be recruited. So no, I wouldn't give Geese credit for adding 10 levels to Power just because he exists.

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This probably works best if you aren't using Thany except for ferrying, but I don't see much of a merit to waste Seals unless you got the cash sitting around in C17.

EDIT: Put Gonzo A in High with Ilia. Can't really disagree when he's fucking nuking everything and has WTA there anyway.

Edited by Tyranel M
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He means promoting Geese at 10/-- to sacrifice some funds for a power rank boost.

That, too, does not require that Geese ever actually be used. Raising someone like Lilina up just for a L10 promotion, on the other hand, would be a more interesting issue.

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Promoting is an action command. Selecting it during battle is no different than selecting "steal" to get a funds rank boost.

I was going to make a response, but then I remembered you have to deploy units in this game to use items on them. Stupid game.

However, these are still different. Steal can essentially be seen as a skill of the class and you have to use a Thief to do it, while you can just sit a unit in the corner and promote them. Besides, even if we do credit them for this, how much is it worth? I can't imagine this rank being very difficult to fulfill.

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Why a unit can make a certain contribution is irreverent. If I need to field Geese and have him do something other than "wait" I have "used" him under any common definition of the term. Power also appears to be the most difficult rank in the game. I am blitzing through my first run on NM at the moment, and it is the only one that is not at a perfect score.

Edited by GreatEclipse
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Why a unit can make a certain contribution is irreverent.

Are you sure the word you're looking for isn't "irrelevant?" And I believe it's perfectly relevant.

If I need to field Geese and have him do something other than "wait" I have "used" him under any common definition of the term.

Even if you define it as such, again, how much is this worth? Any time where I'm arguing him for his tier position I'm not going to assume this, I'll assume he fights. What's the value of assuming he eats a deployment slot to eat a 10k promotion item? I'd almost call those negatives greater than whatever positive he gets.

Power also appears to be the most difficult rank in the game. I am blitzing through my first run on NM at the moment, and it is the only one that is not at a perfect score.

Possible contributing reasons in bold.

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Playing on NM makes it easier to fulfill Power. No Exp cut, so your dudes have higher levels.

Even if you define it as such, again, how much is this worth? Any time where I'm arguing him for his tier position I'm not going to assume this, I'll assume he fights. What's the value of assuming he eats a deployment slot to eat a 10k promotion item? I'd almost call those negatives greater than whatever positive he gets.

He eats a deployment slot once and you get +11 levels. Seems worthwhile to me.

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Blitzing after spending dozens of turns arena abusing. The EXP and Tactics ranks are still perfect, Power is still coming up short. And FE6 has no HM EXP cut to my knowledge.

What chapter are you on? Simply recruiting characters later in the game will pad your Power rank by a good amount.

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Currently at chapter 17.

So Niime gets you 38, Yodel gets you 40, and Karel gives you 39. This is in addition to Juno/Dayan, who give 29/32, respectively. Assuming you're in Ilia, those guys contribute 14.6% of your power total.

In fact, recruiting all characters (in Ilia) yields you 497/1000 levels for Power. The EXP requirement is 50,100 EXP, or 501 levels, which means that assuming you satisfy EXP, you're only 200 EXP from satisfying Power. If you went Sacae, Dayan's higher base level means that as long as you satisfy EXP, you're pretty much set on satisfying Power. So don't worry about it.

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This game's rankings are so easy, lmao. I'm about to start 14x. I still have an A in Funds even though I have almost no cash. Everything else is an A besides Combat, but I'm sure Combat will be fixed when I head to Ilia and have an army of promoted units ORKO everything. I have a 20 turn surplus in Tactics right now.

Roy: 18.31

Saul: 19.57

Lalum: 9.76

Ray: 20/1

Fir: 20/0

Tate: 20/3.59

Lugh: 20/3.53

Miledy: 19.37

Thany: 20/3.23

Chad: 19.92

Oujay: 20/1.54

Dieck: 20/4.95

Sue: 20/1

Clarine: 20/0

Klein: 20/5.09

Marcus: 20/6.24

Astohl: 20

Ellen: 13.70

Yes, I am using almost all pretty/cute characters. >_>; A lot of units gained some EXP along the way that got dropped or were only used in their joining chapters, and that totals to 1,325. I may choose to field Zealot some more when I have the room. 36 HP/13 Def/14 Spd is pretty durable. Echidna's also a good option for offense.

Basically you can use whoever you want and S rank this game. I'm not using Allen, Lance, or Rutger at all. Dieck was my earlygame boss killer instead.

Edited by Inui
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Cath should be moved up into Lower Mid on both routes. Cath gets the Thief EXP bonus which really helps when trying to beat the hard EXP Rank. Her performance against enemies after her join chapter is subpar, but she is one of the best units to use the Arena for EXP if it isn't banned (@_@)

Fa should be moved up too as she can gain a lot of EXP easily due to her low base level and Mamkute EXP bonus. Fa gains a whole level or ~90 EXP whenever she defeats an unpromoted unit.

Level 1 Fa vs. Level 18 Merc (C16) -> 96 EXP for a kill, 24 EXP for damage

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit vs. 43.0 avo, 40.0 hp, 9.0 def, 9.0 res, 5.0 critavo

89 Hit, 21 damage, 16% Crit (Steel Sword Merc)

Level 1 Fa vs. Level 15 Fighter (C16) -> 85 EXP for a kill, 22 EXP for damage

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit vs. 18.0 avo, 41.0 hp, 4.0 def, 5.0 res, 2.0 critavo

100 Hit, 26 damage, 19% Crit (Steel Axe Fighter)

Fa's Dragonstone at base does about 20 damage, which means she requires minimal weakening to snatch a kill. She is also almost immune to long-range Magic and status staffs due to her beastly Res, meaning she doesn't have to worry about being in range of long-range magic. Fa is also forced in C24, which means she can contribute more to the EXP Rank by picking off a weakened dragon, which isn't hard to do considering she does ~40 damage to them with the Dragonstone's effective bonus. Fa could go above Oujay in both routes as the guys between are subpar at combat and don't contribute to the EXP Rank as much.

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit - - 13.0 avo, 16.0 hp, 17.0 def, 26.0 res, 7.0 critavo

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I massively overkilled the Experience rank when I finished an S rank playthrough where I used only pretty characters, which meant lots of totally necessary use of Marcus early on to make it possible to advance to the next chapters and not die. Experience rank isn't hard at all because you can save up a lot of turns for the arena and use Lalum and rescue/take/release to use it 6-7 times per turn.

I think I already had enough EXP before counting the final two chapters, lmao... =/ Fa being level 1 and nuking Mamkutes all the way to 20 in the second to last chapter is awesome, so I'd personally save her for that rather than use her throughout the game.

Edited by Inui
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Cath should be moved up into Lower Mid on both routes. Cath gets the Thief EXP bonus which really helps when trying to beat the hard EXP Rank. Her performance against enemies after her join chapter is subpar, but she is one of the best units to use the Arena for EXP if it isn't banned (@_@)

Fa should be moved up too as she can gain a lot of EXP easily due to her low base level and Mamkute EXP bonus. Fa gains a whole level or ~90 EXP whenever she defeats an unpromoted unit.

Level 1 Fa vs. Level 18 Merc (C16) -> 96 EXP for a kill, 24 EXP for damage

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit vs. 43.0 avo, 40.0 hp, 9.0 def, 9.0 res, 5.0 critavo

89 Hit, 21 damage, 16% Crit (Steel Sword Merc)

Level 1 Fa vs. Level 15 Fighter (C16) -> 85 EXP for a kill, 22 EXP for damage

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit vs. 18.0 avo, 41.0 hp, 4.0 def, 5.0 res, 2.0 critavo

100 Hit, 26 damage, 19% Crit (Steel Axe Fighter)

Fa's Dragonstone at base does about 20 damage, which means she requires minimal weakening to snatch a kill. She is also almost immune to long-range Magic and status staffs due to her beastly Res, meaning she doesn't have to worry about being in range of long-range magic. Fa is also forced in C24, which means she can contribute more to the EXP Rank by picking off a weakened dragon, which isn't hard to do considering she does ~40 damage to them with the Dragonstone's effective bonus. Fa could go above Oujay in both routes as the guys between are subpar at combat and don't contribute to the EXP Rank as much.

30.0 atk, 3.0 AS, 131.3 hit, 21.8 crit - - 13.0 avo, 16.0 hp, 17.0 def, 26.0 res, 7.0 critavo

I agree with the Fa argument, but where do you suggest she move up over? How bad is her durability though? is 17 Def enough to survive early on when she can get picked off by stuff due to doubling, I guess she can be a Pseudo-Glass cannon until she gains a couple levels and she has uses being a Mamkute slayer I guess early on.

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Her physical durability isn't good because of her dismal speed, she gets ORKOed / 2RKOed by Fighters at ~50 displayed hit and 2RKOed by Mercs at around 80 displayed hit. Mages tink her and she doesn't have to worry about long-range magic, which gives her an advantage over fielding a similarly underlevelled unit.

Fa does about 2/3rds of a Mamkute's health IIRC and gets OHKOed back at base, so I wouldn't say she is good at killing Mamkutes, but she can snatch a kill if you weaken them a bit.

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Is there some big reason pertaining to the ranks that Thany is so much lower here than she is in the efficiency list? I would think combat might hurt her some, but she's taken quite the hit from that list to this one.

I think the main reason Thany is so high on the other list is her flying utility allowing you to finish chapters much quicker. However, tactics is a rather lenient rank in this game so the value of fliers utility went down. I'm pretty sure her offense is terrible no matter how you use her, so she was mainly just higher due to utility, which is overall less useful in ranks. Also apparently arenas are banned so completing chapters faster doesn't really help her much?

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Finishing faster is still helpful even without the arena in play--you have more turns to mine late reinforcements, you can afford to go more slowly and focus on building supports and getting the most out of every kill, etc. If nothing else it means more turns to support abuse. It's just that low turncount is no longer the sole and only consideration, and Thany doesn't do much for any of the other ranks.

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