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Bonus Experience Level Ups

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My guess would be it tries each stat one at a time. If it misses the highest it moves to the next highest. If any of the three stats are left it goes to the top 1/2/3 growths. This is a complete guess though.

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I don't know how it's calculated, but imagine it like this: You throw three dice on a table. The table has sections for every stat. The size of each section is determined by the growth. So the stats that the three dice land on proc.

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My guess would be it tries each stat one at a time. If it misses the highest it moves to the next highest. If any of the three stats are left it goes to the top 1/2/3 growths. This is a complete guess though.

We basically have absolutely no idea. Given Micaiah's ability to get Res nearly every bexp level up, though, it's unlikely that it goes hp, str, mag, skl, ... , res when it checks since I think the chance of having fewer than 3 stats proc of the first 7 is bound to be under 50%, not the 95+% that I tend to see when bexping Micaiah.

It could go highest growth, next highest, next highest, and if it doesn't get three then go back to the top and start again. It could simply calculate a delta growth type stat by rolling an RN and subtracting the growth. 3 lowest numbers proc. (eg, roll a 20 for res, 20 - 90 = -70. If no more than 2 other stats are lower than -70, ie. is negative and has absolute value greater than 70, then res procs.). Those are the main two contenders, one would think, though the game could do any number of crazy things to determine what to proc.

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It means to go up/increase in our situation. I think some idiot made it up to confuse people. Along with many other phrases used here.

In theory, it should be short for "procure" or something similar.


1a, not 1b.


1, not 2 and especially not 3.

I can't really think of anything else for which it would be the short form, but it could be anything that starts with proc and effectively means "to get".

But it doesn't explain very well why Mordecai would gain Res growth twice from BEXP, unless I got really lucky...

EDIT: He has 15% growth for res.

You can certainly get lucky enough for that to happen. In theory, it should happen to many people out there. Now, if you were to do 100 trials and get res like 60 times or something, the probability against that is so very high that one would have to question both of the theories I proposed/regurgitated along with most of the other theories people could come up with.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I can't really think of anything else for which it would be the short form, but it could be anything that starts with proc and effectively means "to get".

It's actually short for "process", an old Everquest term that somehow has not only refused to die, but embedded itself in the lexicon of a completely unrelated game. It has a long and storied history, none of which I will go into here because it's boring, but suffice it to say that it referred to the chance for a special effect to go off on something.

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It's actually short for "process", an old Everquest term that somehow has not only refused to die, but embedded itself in the lexicon of a completely unrelated game. It has a long and storied history, none of which I will go into here because it's boring, but suffice it to say that it referred to the chance for a special effect to go off on something.

I'm pretty sure the term was actually "procedure", but beyond that it's the same. Something like "spec_proc" for special procedure or something like that.

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Pfft, who cares? Just use Bastian/Renning/Stefan/Volke/Elincia/Giffca/Caineghis/Tibarn/Naesala/Nailah for Endgame.

And pick Leanne to be your Heron. She has enough balls to appear in the middle of 3-11, which is > Rafiel and Reyson.

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If anyone's interested, I could do some tests by hacking the character growth rates and recording the BEXP Level Up gains.

I just need some good numbers to pick for the actual growth rates. Maybe start off with all 0's?

Edited by VincentASM
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If anyone's interested, I could do some tests by hacking the character growth rates and recording the BEXP Level Up gains.

I just need some good numbers to pick for the actual growth rates. Maybe start off with all 0's?

Have 2 growths at 100% and another at 95% to test if it's based on how high the growths are.

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Perhaps have Hp/Str and Res as 100% growths,and the others as 95% or something. If BEXP always gives Hp/Str/Res then higher growths get priority over lower ones.

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