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Worsest Character Evar (GBA)


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FE4: Corple. At least Sharlow gets Elite and Berserk.

FE6: Either Sophia or Yuno. Probably Yuno

FE7: Karla

FE8: Syrene/Amelia

FE10: Lyre

No way @ Corple. Experience is an extremely gay rank in FE 4. Arden's definitely the worst.

No mention of Wendy?

It's starting to be agreed upon that Karla is better than Renault and that Wallace is worse than Renault, so...

Amelia > Ewan...and probably Marissa.

Agreed on Lyre's garbage self.

But this topic says worst on the GBA, in which case I'd say Sophia takes home the gold...and by gold I mean a steaming pile of pig shit. No other GBA unit strikes me as unusable.

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She could be i never got alot out of Josh

Wait...so a character that comes early in an easier game is inferior to a weak mage of the same level who comes in a chapter with an enemy boss WHO HAS BOLTING when she HAS to go recruit someone who may already be dead, leaving little time to level but easily enough time to die?

Whatever you're smokin' I want some of that shit.

EDIT: Oh, and Sophiya sounds awful, but I haven't played FE6. I'm going with...either Nino or Ewan. Prob'ly Ewan.

Edited by The Ferret Whisperer
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FE3B1 - Ellis. Joins way too late. Sorry, Jeigan.

FE3B2 - Ellis/Nina/Rena/Maria. See above.

FE4G1 - Ardan. Home castle is rarely attacked.

FE4G2 - Hannibal. See above. I never got any subs btw.

FE5 - Selphina. Stupid Charge forces Ballistae to double her. And you need her to talk to Glade.

FE6 - Sophia. Getting doubled by Armor Knights that she outlevels isn't helping her case.

FE7 - Not sure. Probably Marcus.

FE8 - Syrene, I guess. Late jointime.

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FE7 - Not sure. Probably Marcus.










In what way is he the worst?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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How about that Oswin,he's so bad,he can't double worth shit and mages tear him apart,so his defense doesn't mean anything.He should be called Oslose.

He one rounds mages. He doesnt need to double them. Also, lol i hope you are just being ironic because if not, you fail.

Nils and Lyn. Mostly Nils.

Nils? Ummm...seriously? Hes damn useful! Lyn? yeah i can see the point there though. She pisses me off to no end.

Matthew. :facepalm:

Sophia. :angry:

Syrene. :/

Guy. why..why did they make him so shitty for his class? why! :sob:

Duessel. XD

Marcus (FE6). :rolleyes:

Edited by Severus Snape
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Guy's actually not all that bad to be honest. He's not Joshua, but Joshua isn't in that game.

My vote goes to Syrene. Nowhere to go in a game with a stellar PK, a moderately good PK to fall back on, and Cormag to boot. Yeah.

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No way @ Corple. Experience is an extremely gay rank in FE 4. Arden's definitely the worst.

People are trying to base stuff off of FE4 ranks? That's like trying to base things off of the FE5 rankings. ~_~

That being said, Valkyrie Staff > anything Hannibal or Ardan can do, so, yeah, Corple isn't the worst.

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Guy's actually not all that bad to be honest. He's not Joshua

Guy's better compared to his team than Joshua his. What do you mean?

I think Syrene might've just been added last minute so that that triangle attack was there. She's really, really awful.

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Guy's better compared to his team than Joshua his. What do you mean?

Joshua arrives on a team where your only sword-wielders for a while, besides cavaliers which I think outperform myrmen anyway but that's another discussion, are Colm and Eirika. Guy arrives on a team where you've got Eliwood and Matthew, plus cavaliers, plus you'll be getting Raven very soon. Guy's in a tighter spot because Raven imho outperforms him - same with Gerik and Joshua except Joshua has about six chapters to do stuff before Gerik shows up.

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How about that Oswin,he's so bad,he can't double worth shit and mages tear him apart,so his defense doesn't mean anything.He should be called Oslose.

I love sarcasm. :awesome:

I'm gonna say Wendy too. A lot of characters in FE6, really. There are few genuinely bad characters in FE7 (the most balanced FE, IMO) and any bad character can be made good in FE8 at the Tower (Syrene is less "bad" and more "why waste time on her when you've already got three awesome fliers?"). FE6 is just one of those games where bad characters really outnumber the good ones (a status it shares with FE11 and FE10 (somewhat))

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I love sarcasm. :awesome:

I'm gonna say Wendy too. A lot of characters in FE6, really. There are few genuinely bad characters in FE7 (the most balanced FE, IMO) and any bad character can be made good in FE8 at the Tower (Syrene is less "bad" and more "why waste time on her when you've already got three awesome fliers?"). FE6 is just one of those games where bad characters really outnumber the good ones (a status it shares with FE11 and FE10 (somewhat))

Syrene is salvageable. I mean, she obviously gets torn apart in C19, but a flying unit in C18 and C20 is always desirable and she can survive fine against monsters.

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It could be because you don't know how to use him well.

Oh really

If giving a Swordmaster a Killing edge and having him critical like hell is misusing him, i dont know how to use him

Typical RNG screwage, nothing much

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Fe6 is hard to decide. Maybe Juno, but she has the triangle attack going for her

as for fe7, it's karla

Fe8 is harder to decide than fe6. Everyone has at least one good thing going for them, and their growths or bases are good

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Wendy. At least Amelia and Ewan can be made good and at least Sophia and Nino have better movement and staves after promotion (plus Sophia saves you 5-10K), Wendy just fails in movement, stats, tanking, etc.

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