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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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If I can still sign up I'd like to guve this a shot. Here we go...

Name: Chase

Age: 16

Gender: Male.

Appearance: It's posted somewhere

Personality: Reserved and calm, and a bit unfriendly to those he doesn't know very well. However he is very caring of his friends and feels deep hatred to his enemies.

Element: Wind

Class: Hunter (Archer with certain knives)

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP:3 STR:3 MAG:0 SKL:3 SPD:4 Luck:2 Def:1 Res:1

Simplified stats: HP: 9 STR:3 Hit:2 Evade:7 DEF/RES: 1/1

Weapons: Iron Bow, Wolf-Fang Dagger

Items/gold: Vulnerary, 10 gold

Skills: Adept

Backstory: Chase is a low-class civilian from Elyisima who was notably skilled in archery for someone with no training. At 14, he was offered a spot in the military, for they were in need of new recruits, and he joined for a time, but a few months later was discharged due to a spontaneous outburst of recruits. Chaz didn't take this lightly and left the city. He then became a treasure hunter and soon a low-bounty outlaw, but as he continued to resist the bounty was raised until he was among the most wanted on the continent. Some say he eventually found a valuable treasure: others say he merely has a good hiding spot... but in reality, he has both.

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Ni hao lowly peasants :P

Just decided to drop by for a few minutes, it's up to you lot but you could kind of phase characters out with new ones.

Eg: Rayton and Chase are both archers, so you could write it up something like:

Chase sighed to himself, he'd been suspicious of the group at first, but he felt he could trust them a bit more now, making up his mind he walked over to Bob and revealed his identity as Chase, a (wanted criminal, renown mercenary, male prostitute, whatever)

Doing it too often would be ridiculous, but seeing as how onefate and myself won't be returning to this RP, it's better then forcing a character to lurk in the shadows tailing you forever.

Also, 1 4band0ned j00?

And I proposed a system where the last poster does your roles, and you follow it up, hence doing your own battles, not my fault >_>

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Well, would it be a problem if i joined without the bow? I wouldn't mind it personally.

I don't see why not. Not everyone playing has a crimson weapon. In my opinion all that matters is that you can find some way to integrate yourself into the group dynamic, which while might be easier with a crimson weapon (due to plot and other character's established motives), certainly does not require one.

Edit: Wait until Snowy confirms that your stats, backstory, etc. are up to snuff before posting though.

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Just as a side note, I think archers being able to avoid counters in exchange for -1 Def/Res essentially is pretty OP. I would just remove it, or at least make them not able to hit back, or make it so other classes can also choose to avoid counters if they want.

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Notice my amazing 1/1 def/res... effectively 0 in both, and my HP isn't stellar either.

Every charcater I make turns out like this. Great offense, awful defense...

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Notice my amazing 1/1 def/res... effectively 0 in both, and my HP isn't stellar either.

Every charcater I make turns out like this. Great offense, awful defense...

The thing is that the way battles currently work you're essentially invincible, as almost everything happens on the player phase.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Yea. I know. My monkey-fix is simply 'only your first attack in a battle gets no counters', but I would rather come up with something better first before making a change. I wanna keep 'no counters' in some form for sure though.

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If there were more enemies with ranged attacks, we could have it be a more evened out. Monsters that can shoot poison at a distance (or can just reach that far with tentacles/whatever), human enemies with magic or hand axes/javelin/the like would help a fair bit. Meanwhile we could also give the rest of the player party access to ranged weapons.

Adding in an enemy phase would also help: perhaps we could require that every other attacking post a person makes in a battle, they have the enemy attack first? (We would assume with ranged attacks that the enemy had closed the distance between themself and the character in question, so the character gets hit.)

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Updated backstory to make more sense

Chase is a low-class civilian from Elyisima who was notably skilled in archery for someone with no training. At 14, he was offered a spot in the military, for they were in need of new recruits, and he joined for a time, but a few months later was discharged due to a misconduct. Chaz didn't take this lightly and left the city. He then became a treasure hunter and soon a low-bounty outlaw, but after a series of major thefts from the Senate the bounty was raised until it was among the top in the country. Some say he eventually found a valuable treasure: others say he merely has a good hiding spot... but in reality, he has both.

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Name: Katie

Age: 25-28

Gender: Female

Appearance: A tall woman clearly in her mid twenties or so. She dresses in the full and proper green uniform of a upper-level mage (dress version). The uniform consists of a green blouse and knee-length dress. Upon both of her shoulders are four yellow concentric circles indicating her rank as a fourth-circle mage (think level 15+ mage in normal FE). A scar adorns her neck where her voice box was slashed beyond repair by the hero Harold. This is normally visible, though it's known for her to hide it behind her long blue hair. She boasts eyes of the same color as well.

Personality: Normally a sane and stable woman, she tries to espouse wisdom and knowledge in magic most of the time. However... calling her stupid is a sure-fire way to make her mood turn from a calm tranquility to a raging storm.

Element: Wind

Class: Mage (technically. Civilian due to loss of speech)

Crimson weapon?: No.

Stats: Bypassed. Katie can not fight in a truly meaningful way and should not be on the lines of combat under any circumstances.

Weapons: Elwind. She's weighted it down to function as a pesudo-sap, but there are heavier tomes in circulation anyways.

Items/gold: None

Skills: *mute* Katie can not speak. Not a skill, but needs mentioning.

Sign Language: Katie is capable of using sign language. Once again, not a skill, but needed mentioning.

Backstory: The ******* daughter of the hero Harold, Katie considers herself a orphan adopted by the mage school ever since she was old enough to spit in her fathers face. For the past twenty-some years, she has done little more than study away within the mage schools, only talking with her father on rare occasions and never as his daughter. She graduated at age twenty and became a teacher at the school, leading a fairly uneventful, but happy life. That all changed six months ago. Katie's father came to the school, drunk with wine and eager to claim his daughter as his own once again. Katie didn't even bat an eyelash before throwing a book at him to try and drive him off. This put her father in a downright aweful and enraged mood when the book struck him on the forehead and he drew steel against his own daughter in a drunken rage. Acting swiftly, he sliced out his daughters own voice box, rendering her mute. As she lay upon the floor, clutching her neck, he threatened to return and mute her three students if she didn't start acting nice to him. Terrified of her own father, she started to act nicer, though she was outright horrified of his deed. Oddly, her new attitude has softened the man a bit, but not to the point were they are on a active speaking relationship. She still hates him very much.

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Ivan/Lev/Ivanko should be leaving soon, so that might free up space. Or something.

On the topic of mysterious disappearing people, I might take over Rayton eventually, since I lack a second character anyway. I'll think about it.

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I had a totally whacko theory about the paper airplanes but then I realized how moronic it sounded and dropped it.

Also, in more important new, Crimson Axe guy is done except backstory since I don't have time for it ATM:

If I can still sign up I'd like to guve this a shot. Here we go...

Name: Conrad

Age: 28

Gender: Male.

Appearance: I'll post the mu later. It's by Eclipse40 on FEShrine and I didn't make it. But its a rough look.

Personality: A bit weird. He's collected and well-spoken at most times, but flies into a rage on occasion due to his temper slowly building over a persistent agonizing individual.

Element: Fire

Class: Fighter

Crimson weapon: The Axe

Stats: HP:6 STR:4 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:2 Luck:3 Def:3 Res:0

Simplified stats: HP: 18 STR:4 Hit:2 Evade:4 DEF/RES: 3/0

Items: Crimson Aze, Hand Axe, Gold, Vulnerary,

Skills: None


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