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... Yeah, now that Chase got a Crimson weapon and sudden jail break, I'm going to cancel Kisha as a character.

She wasn't going to be that important anyways and I don't really think I can handle 3 characters.

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Name Cess

Class Shaman

Gender Male

Age 20

Element Light

HP 3








Simp Stats

HP 9

MT 4



AS 4



Inventory: Flux, Nosferatu, Spirit Dolls

Money: 0

Appearence: A young man with medium length jet-black hair. He wears anything comfortable, but is always seen wearing a Sapphire-blue cape given to him by his sister on his 18th birthday. His skin is soft and clear, as he tries to avoid fighting, but by looking in his eyes, it's clear to see his magic power is nothing to mess with.

Backstory: A young mage, working as a Mercenary. He takes the opportunity to learn at every corner. He cares very much about his family, but is very closed off towards others. He does however, have a strange attraction to those who share his interest in the arcane Dark arts. His strength, however is his downfall, as he has trouble doing physical tasks and gets tired very easily.

His grandfather was a common Mage in the war many years ago, and gave Cess his first tome, spurring his way into becoming a mage. His entire family has an affinety for magic and magical arts, and wants to prove them proud. His sister is very close to him, every since his mother passed away when they were both children, and would gladly protect her with his life.

His goal is to travel the world learning spells, and wants to learn the secrets behind the intracacies of said energies. He knows a bit of summoning arts and plans on one day mastering the powers of Dark magic and better understanding the ancient Crimson Weapons

(I know it doesn't list it, but since it's not a custom class, instead of Druid would I be able to become a Summoner?)

Edited by psychout50
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@ Summoner

Probably yeah.

@ Character

I have a feeling you'll be getting along with a certain Dark Druid quite well. Morgan I'm not so sure about as she tends to come at people for very specific reasons that aren't always obvious.

@ Overall

Nice to have another person in on this! We'll make ya famous round here!


One more thing. The crimson weapons aren't actually ancient. They were created by one of the heroes. Other than that, seems good, other than the overuse of the term mage :D

Edited by Phoenix
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@Summoner: It HAS been a repeat class,so I don't doubt you'll get it.

@Personality: Interesting.

@ Stats: I feel stupid for giving Eric a skill now. -_-;

Overall, pretty nice.

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Name: Heinz

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark brown hair, prefers to wear dark colored clothing. Eyes are dark blue.

Personality: Generally appears cold and indifferent, but used to be much happier before Markus and Sophie were killed.

Element: Ice

Class: Thief

Crimson weapon? No.


HP 4








Simplified stats: HP 12 Str 2 Hit 4 Evade 6 Def/Res 2/1

Weapons: Knives

Items: Vulnerary, 15 Gold.

Backstory: Grew up in the slums of Syron, a city in Septimus and has struggled all his life to stay alive. Doesn't remember his parents, but used to hang out as part of a gang of three very close friends. Markus and Sophie were the only people Heinz was loyal to in the world, and about 7 years ago, they were hired as a group of mercenary thieves to steal some valuable artifact a mage possessed. However the mage awoke the instant Markus touched the artifact, and Heinz could only watch in horror outside as the building erupted in flames. Since then he has never truly trusted a person, and he hates most mages with a passion. He now works for hire and does whatever the job requires.

OOC: What is Nadesico doing with Reika? I wouldn't mind a CW, since it would make it easier to join the storyline, but if she's keeping the character I had another plan for having Heinz run into them.

Edit: Kept the knives and changed the stats a little, -1 LCK, +1 STR

Edited by the_whistler
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You aren't really allowed to have special weapons like Nosferatu psychout.

1. Makes you more powerful than all the other PCs.

2. If special weapons existed, we would be using them already.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The CWs only give +1 Mt and it takes 1 HP from me every time, so it's not that great.

Special weapons could be included later, but it's a little weird for only you to have one atm.

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I don't want to make a really common character, so can I know how many people make 4 speed 4 luck thieves for max evade?

Also, do Cavaliers have to choose one weapon class, like lance, or do they get both lance and sword?

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There's 2 thieves at the moment one with

4spd 4lck

and another with

4spd 2lck

So it's pretty common.

As for cavalier, we don't have any at the moment. As for weapons, Snowy(The game's bighead will answer that soon I think)

Edited by Kanami
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Name: Argon

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Argon's tall, with dark skin and black hair. The left side of his hair is long and falls down over his eye, as he doesn't have one and dislikes eyepatches, while the right side of his hair is medium length and spiked up.

Personality: Slightly cocky, but good-hearted. Gets bored very easily. Has an extremely large temper, and detests to lose.

Element: Fire

Class: Axe Knight

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP: 3, STR: 4, MAG: 0, SKL: 2, SPD, 4, LUK: 0, DEF: 4, RES: 0

Simplified stats: 9 HP, 4 attack, 2 hit, 6 evade, 6 DEF, 0 RES

Weapons: Hand Axe, Iron Axe

Items/gold: Smelling Salts

Skills: Wrath

Backstory: Born in Septimus, his parents were middle-class citizens with an average life. Bored with their mundane life, he left his house at the age of 15 to try his luck out with adventure. When he was 16, he took on a bear, and was a bit too cocky, losing his left eye permanently as a result. While his skill in wielding axes was flawless before, the loss of an eye lowered his accuracy. He has learnt to be more cautious, but still gets cocky occasionally. Since then, he wanders from town to town looking for mercenary work.

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Erm, kind of iffy about him being a axe knight with 4 speed. Mounteds are usually balanced in stats for starts (and axes are not the speedy ones for sure)

And Shamans have base max SPD regularly? Might as well let him have it.

Edited by Snike
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