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Nice work. This whole splitting up thing isn't threatening group stability all that much, and if it's handled carefully, we can totally pull a leave and join later type of thing with future subplots. That takes a lot of direct negatives from certain characters and may prevent subplot tampering.

Yes I'm considering split ups as a means to get through(not to) subplots faster. Sue me -_-

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They also serve as an exercise in interaction, as well. The splitting up thing is pretty decent, just it shouldn't be too long, or the departed characters will be ROFLstomped due to the rise in difficulty.

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Snowy, you should totally have the main group be attacked, in a stat-battle. Just so Eric can have another dose of Murphy's, while gaining EXP as well. So would Kamilla, so that would allow the two to catch up a bit in EXP. If it happens, Istample will be attacked by a bunch of bandits.

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Niice. So, is he going to make a break for it? Or, is it some sort of illness?

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Illness...? No, Kelas is just dead tired. She took a javelin to the chest last chapter, and I'm guessing the healing didn't replace all the blood even if it got her out of immediate danger.

As for Arrin, he's just well and truly panicked. He's going to try to go find Tessa. Whether he gets there or not... ~shrug~

Amari is totally my main character now... XD

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Hey nice job running off with the waitress. You going for a Kamilla support, or are you just relieving us from the pessimist?

Pessimist was going to be knocked out for the entire ordeal anyway, and even with Kamilla gone, I'm already forming how to ruin your plot again:P Just need to wait a bit longer to get a clear vision of what'll happen in the future before actually coming up with anything solid. (And judging from Eric mentioning Ilyphina, we'll probably be joining up with the main group before long anyway :/

@Snike: Kamilla's bound to fall behind in Exp anyway, since she can never get more then 5 exp.

@Bal: Don't worry, I'm sure I'm much more horrid to work with, hence your "horrid'ness" is eclipsed by me :P

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Pessimist was going to be knocked out for the entire ordeal anyway, and even with Kamilla gone, I'm already forming how to ruin your plot again:P Just need to wait a bit longer to get a clear vision of what'll happen in the future before actually coming up with anything solid. (And judging from Eric mentioning Ilyphina, we'll probably be joining up with the main group before long anyway :/

@Snike: Kamilla's bound to fall behind in Exp anyway, since she can never get more then 5 exp.

@Bal: Don't worry, I'm sure I'm much more horrid to work with, hence your "horrid'ness" is eclipsed by me :P

Can't she technically attack, due to that tome?

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Can't she technically attack, due to that tome?

Perhaps, but even if she can, she'll never land a killing blow with it is for sure, and it's unlikely she'll choose to go toe-to-toe with a boss type.

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@ Nady

You're just going to get retconned -_-

Pffft sore loser :P

@Snike In theory she has 2(?) Mag so she can, but it was part of my agreement with Snowy when making the character that I wouldn't use her to attack. (It's also in her backstory that she lacks the ability to use staffs and tomes) So technically, no. She can't use her tome to attack.

(Edit: She can, but her light attack magic is the equivalent of giving someone a nasty pinch) XD

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>.> Well, the buffs should count as moves, then, if she can't attack. otherwise, she can't really level. And that means, constant one-shottedness after a few chapters. Not exactly fair.

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@Snike, I get 5exp for buffing, so it's not like I miss out on exp altogether XD

(They also count as battle posts when counting the 5 posts wait)

It's just going to be a really long process, on the plus side though, I get to stand around the back, and seldom get attacked on enemy turns. So overall it's not really too great a disadvantage. I don't really care if she falls behind in levels, mainly cause making her stronger is like trying to make a cleric that does more physical damage then a Berserker (pointless/hopeless).


Omg! Phoenix responded! XD

On a different note, Cynthia and Snowy are going to be away for this weekend or something right? Slow weekend?

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Omg! Phoenix responded! XD

Why do the atheists say that more than anyone else? :huh:

Does anyone mind the constant sexist remarks I keep inserting every now and then? I'd like to make sure I'm not over offending anyone ... cause ... it's only going to get worse from here on out if not XD

EDIT: LoAF profile information updated.

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Well, promotion might get you either a stave or some tome, soo...

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Sexual jokes are fine, it's not like their being graphical and all (if you get graphical a higher authority then Snowy comes into the picture, XD And Ether'll get banned in S support XD)


Don't know why :/ Maybe because religious people find it insulting? (I know some do) Especially God damn it. I remember being told back at school not to say the "Lords" name in vain :/

Anyway it's not like I'm really referring to a god, Christian or not. :/

@Snike, Never thought that far XD Promotion.... crap what'll I do then <_< Ah well, worry about it later I suppose. Most likely a staff if I do, but dancers don't promote do they? :/ (Kamilla is custom dancer class)

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It doesn't seem like it should be a problem. I mean, it's not like we're in a particularly female-friendly time period here (though I do wonder how much effect the increased presence of female warriors would affect opinions.) Of course, don't expect that to mean that other characters won't consider mauling the sources of said comments (assuming they're NPCs)...

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Sexual jokes are fine, it's not like their being graphical and all (if you get graphical a higher authority then Snowy comes into the picture, XD And Ether'll get banned in S support XD)


Don't know why :/ Maybe because religious people find it insulting? (I know some do) Especially God damn it. I remember being told back at school not to say the "Lords" name in vain :/

Anyway it's not like I'm really referring to a god, Christian or not. :/

You've brought something to my attention. To be completely in character, some of my characters would need to be frequent cussers(or words could be replaced). Lev especially once he gets riled up. My own beliefs shouldn't be bled into character responses, that's why Iso is sexually liberal, and Ixion is a type of atheist.

Language used probably shouldn't reflect my own either, but I'm not sure whether or not I should add anything too taboo into their language even if they're in hysterics.

Solution: Censors

EDIT: I'm nine dots now?! :blink:

I was seven dots three days ago :/

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Does Serenes even have rules against cussing though? I mean cussing at someone else (Eg Nady->Phoenix) is probably not allowed but I could have sworn I read somewhere that this place didn't have trouble with cussing.

Staying in character shouldn't be an issue in that case then. Iso/Iri/Viv don't seem like frequent cussers, and the others are only temporal pop-in characters right? And even then, I doubt you'll be stupid enough to just have them swearing for one sentence straight.

Censors and spoilers don't tend to work IMO, because people get curious and highlight/click them anyway :P

Though I guess you can say you "tried" if you ever get in trouble for it XD

^Too much time online?

I probably haven't even posted a dozen posts outside of the creativity section. And still 7 :/

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My comments in red -_-

Does Serenes even have rules against cussing though? I mean cussing at someone else (Eg Nady->Phoenix) is probably not allowed but I could have sworn I read somewhere that this place didn't have trouble with cussing.

Actually it is, but the flaming is a different matter altogether. Dumb because flaming and cussing tend to go hand in hand when directed at specific people.

Staying in character shouldn't be an issue in that case then. Iso/Iri/Viv don't seem like frequent cussers, and the others are only temporal pop-in characters right? And even then, I doubt you'll be stupid enough to just have them swearing for one sentence straight.

Lev might :facepalm:

Censors and spoilers don't tend to work IMO, because people get curious and highlight/click them anyway :P

Though I guess you can say you "tried" if you ever get in trouble for it XD

Super censor :awesome: Someone: F*CKING F*CK!!!

Yes? No? :mellow:

EDIT: For epic censor fail

^Too much time online?

I probably haven't even posted a dozen posts outside of the creativity section. And still 7 :/

What do you do in between your posts? :huh:

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