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Quite frankly I'd be worried as to what would happen. "Fanfic" would imply you writing for all of the characters; given your... track record with female characters and the fact that it would be "as you wanted it to turn out" I am not at all sure I'm comfortable seeing that if my characters are involved.

Actually, rephrase. I don't give permission for any character that originated from me and is currently under my control to be involved.

Edited by Kiryn
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My characters wouldn't have any interesting parts so nah, and on top of that it's probably better for the rp to actually conclude before alternate story lines start popping up. And if that isn't bad enough I'm way too busy watching anime on netflix during the day to squeeze fanfics into the middle of it :lol:

Also Mana>Ixion doesn't make sense :lol:


@ First one

Uhhh no comment

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Quite frankly I'd be worried as to what would happen. "Fanfic" would imply you writing for all of the characters; given your... track record with female characters and the fact that it would be "as you wanted it to turn out" I am not at all sure I'm comfortable seeing that if my characters are involved.

Actually, rephrase. I don't give permission for any character that originated from me and is currently under my control to be involved.

*sigh* And there goes both plans. Thanks a lot.

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Erm... This is gonna sound odd but... I am interested in writing a LoAF fanfic. I have two primary ideas ATM; one being The Fall of the Dragons which will be focused mainly on Helenos and the demise of the dragons 520 years before LoAF started; while the second would be LoAF done according to my 'original hopes and plans'. Would anyone be interested in either of these ideas?

Fall of the Dragons could be very interesting, actually. Your second idea sounds a lot like a continuation of LoAF: The Novelization, from what I remember of its purpose, and I never actually got around to reading that due to issues of time priority, and there being no pressure for me to actively seek it out and read it (ie nobody prodding me because I'm not posting). That said, you can pretty much write whatever you want to write, and nobody can really stop you. The ideas aren't bad ones, on face value, though depending on the execution, the last one could step on people's toes. As much as I'd like to say I'd read them, however, I have to face up to the reality that they probably wouldn't make it into my time budget when I consider everything else they're competing against.

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While I am well aware that I can write the stories at will, especially since this would have been fan-fiction (which is normally nigh-impossible to stop anyways) barring Phoenix choosing to make it canon, I respect Kiryn more than enough to accept her desire to not include any of her characters within it. That includes Tanair, whom is Helenos's sister and would naturally would have had at least a token bit within the story. And while the second idea would have indeed started out as just a novelization of LoAF, it would have, most certainly, started to develop in a drastically different direction once it reached the swamp to be sure.

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I don't think I'd read either one (mainly due to time stuffs) but they aren't bad ideas if you use only your own original characters. As alternate timelines, it can be done but as I said, you would have to make your own characters. You already have a few, but you would have to come up with at least the rest of the non-sword CWs for this to work at all (sort of like the alternate characters you could get in FE4's 2nd half are entirely different from the ones you could get by relationships from the first generation).

As for my characters, unless I give specific permission, I am not comfortable with anyone writing for them besides myself (note: you're not the only one without permission, Snowy).

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I don't respect sage enough to care

Kanami scares me and I would want to minimize her involvement anyways if I was too write if only because her characters hostility to the group would make them... difficult to work with. It does not matter though. I can't write the stories and have given up on the idea.

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Kanami scares me and I would want to minimize her involvement anyways if I was too write if only because her characters hostility to the group would make them... difficult to work with. It does not matter though. I can't write the stories and have given up on the idea.


That sucks, I sorta kinda wanted to see LOAF from your POV :(:

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That sucks, I sorta kinda wanted to see LOAF from your POV :(:

Probably would have been much closer to a Tales game and dealt with issues like 'what is good and evil' and sacrifice; among other things.

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ATTN: Snowy. [spoiler=Warning- Large file.]


[spoiler=Warning- Large file.]5336842835.png

We the role-players of Lord of Azure Flame, would prefer it if you would kindly not vandalize the TV Tropes page.


LoAF Participants.

Edit: Screenshots, even.

Edited by Snike
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