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Okay, end of the chapter, time for some feedback.

I'm taking this in random order here.

[spoiler=Comments and Criticims]Reinfleche, to me, your back-story makes no sense to me. Most military I'm aware of only discharge for misconduct, or for a completed term of service, not because of a sudden "influx of new recruits". Furthermore, becoming a most wanted criminal would to me imply you've killed either scores of innocents, or at least dozens of law enforcement/guards. Simply robbing from nobility doesn't seem enough. As a legitimate criminal with an absurd bounty like that, what's to keep us from turning you in for the reward money. (100,000 gold, seriously?) I don't think Morgan for one would have any qualms with that, and Tessa'd probably find herself in complete agreement. I can't see anything you could bring to the group being worth more than that. Actually, you know, once I figure out exactly what's currently going on, I may have to suggest that. No offense, but seriously, In Character it's the obvious thing to do.

Ether, sad to see your activity drop, but I guess there's no helping computer problems. Any sort of ETA on a fix?

Kelas, I need to interact with you a bit more in all honesty. So far, so good though.

Kai, a couple things. First, you definitely take the initiative. Ordinarily this would be a good thing, it helps drive the story and keep things moving. However... you seem to forget the big picture more often than not, and a lot of what you introduce is connected at best by tangent, or actively counteracts the current overall arc that things are developing in. I could point out several examples, but I'm not sure it's really necessary. If you'd find it constructive though, let me know and I'll try to further explain what I mean.

Snowy, time zones are a bitch. You're always active at like 5AM my time, if you're active at all. Not sure there's much way around that. At times also I tend to get the feeling you let things run too far ahead or off course, and then it becomes hard to steer things back right again, and general confusion can ensue. I'm not sure how best to suggest handling this.

-Cynthia-, you seem like you're mostly reactive, and don't take a lot of initiative. When you interact, things go well. For instance, last night was brilliant. Also, I'm seriously loving your character, and I think it is now one of my side goals to see how often I can get her to express befuddlement or wonder at not being able to understand Tessa. The count currently stands at 2.

What an odd girl, Morgan thought. She didn't look too sturdy herself, yet she was jumping out ahead of her? Quite unusual behavior.

Morgan gave Tessa a confused look. Big sister? She was quite the strange one, very cheerful...

Hmm, I think this is enough for the moment.

Actually, one more thing. I'm currently totally confused. Are we actually staying at that inn place? I was under the impression it was still mid-day at the latest. How are we supposed to transition from one chapter to the next (aside from the obvious, just start posting in the new thread)? I'm inclined to let Kai take his gold back (assuming it was actual stat gold and not flavor gold), and we take shelter from a momentary/passing afternoon thunder-shower at best, then move on to the border fortress/road description that Snowy left for us, rather than fight over who rooms with whom, and waste a day/night. What say the rest of you?

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Okay, end of the chapter, time for some feedback.

I'm taking this in random order here.

[spoiler=Comments and Criticims]Reinfleche, to me, your back-story makes no sense to me. Most military I'm aware of only discharge for misconduct, or for a completed term of service, not because of a sudden "influx of new recruits". Furthermore, becoming a most wanted criminal would to me imply you've killed either scores of innocents, or at least dozens of law enforcement/guards. Simply robbing from nobility doesn't seem enough. As a legitimate criminal with an absurd bounty like that, what's to keep us from turning you in for the reward money. (100,000 gold, seriously?) I don't think Morgan for one would have any qualms with that, and Tessa'd probably find herself in complete agreement. I can't see anything you could bring to the group being worth more than that. Actually, you know, once I figure out exactly what's currently going on, I may have to suggest that. No offense, but seriously, In Character it's the obvious thing to do.

Ether, sad to see your activity drop, but I guess there's no helping computer problems. Any sort of ETA on a fix?

Kelas, I need to interact with you a bit more in all honesty. So far, so good though.

Kai, a couple things. First, you definitely take the initiative. Ordinarily this would be a good thing, it helps drive the story and keep things moving. However... you seem to forget the big picture more often than not, and a lot of what you introduce is connected at best by tangent, or actively counteracts the current overall arc that things are developing in. I could point out several examples, but I'm not sure it's really necessary. If you'd find it constructive though, let me know and I'll try to further explain what I mean.

Snowy, time zones are a bitch. You're always active at like 5AM my time, if you're active at all. Not sure there's much way around that. At times also I tend to get the feeling you let things run too far ahead or off course, and then it becomes hard to steer things back right again, and general confusion can ensue. I'm not sure how best to suggest handling this.

-Cynthia-, you seem like you're mostly reactive, and don't take a lot of initiative. When you interact, things go well. For instance, last night was brilliant. Also, I'm seriously loving your character, and I think it is now one of my side goals to see how often I can get her to express befuddlement or wonder at not being able to understand Tessa. The count currently stands at 2.

Hmm, I think this is enough for the moment.

Actually, one more thing. I'm currently totally confused. Are we actually staying at that inn place? I was under the impression it was still mid-day at the latest. How are we supposed to transition from one chapter to the next (aside from the obvious, just start posting in the new thread)? I'm inclined to let Kai take his gold back (assuming it was actual stat gold and not flavor gold), and we take shelter from a momentary/passing afternoon thunder-shower at best, then move on to the border fortress/road description that Snowy left for us, rather than fight over who rooms with whom, and waste a day/night. What say the rest of you?

Rein: If turning him in is the right thing to do, we should add that to the story.

Example: You suggest turning Rein in, and then that gives him motive to win the group over, which he does by helping us out in a way noone else can. Kind of like how only a thief can unlock doors, or a Cleric or Troubwhatever can heal people, etc. After that, the turning him in argument dies :)

Ether: No worse than my inactivity, but maybe you guys are relying on him too much? I mean Esphyr's the main character as far as I can tell. She's the most in touch with her crimson weapon, and all this weird stuff is centered around hers.

Kai: Kai's taking the initiative alright lol. That alone is probably balancing out the rp regardless of the derailishness of it. I have an idea on this too. But I'll explain that on Snowy's part.

Snowy: Snowy's busy, sick some of the time, and in collage. Let's take what we can get here. But about my idea. Snowy you should have a second in command on this rp. Someone who knows the entire plot of the story or at least "need to know" information who can keep the story on track by initiating events, constantly checking posts, and overall management in general. I'd do it, but I'm not sure people trust me since I haven't posted often. I do have the time though. It's just an idea to consider :D

Cynthia: No problems here. I too am poking for some reactions though :awesome:

Morgan is mysterious and intimidating so you have to wonder what would happen under a bunch of different circumstances. Also Morgan is similar to one of my fanfiction characters named Violet :unsure:

Lastly, forget the inn! Chapter 3 is here, and so are the wyvern riders B)

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Yeah, I think 100,00 gold (and 137,500 gold later) was kinda too much... like, a lot too much. How about I knock off a zero? or two?

Also. A lot of stealing maybe? And I meant, like, Senator-nobility sort of, and I don't know about the army thing either. I think misconduct would work better.

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Yeah, I think 100,00 gold (and 137,500 gold later) was kinda too much... like, a lot too much. How about I knock off a zero? or two?

Also. A lot of stealing maybe? And I meant, like, Senator-nobility sort of, and I don't know about the army thing either. I think misconduct would work better.

There's nothing wrong with a bounty that high. This is a medieval setting. Nobles will always pay more than a theif is actually worth to keep from losing more money in the end. A high bounty gives better incentive, and increases the number of bounty hunters going after outlaws. The longer Rein is loose, the more likely he is to cause even more financial troubles for them(stealing their stuff). They would obviously want him caught and hung asap, even at great cost to themselves.

Like I said, this is a medieval setting. People have less contract related issues for leaving the military, and a court-martial is probably not as formal if you're not a knight or something. I don't know what you did that qualifies as misconduct, but you might want to make it something notable, either related to your thievery or something even worse.

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There's nothing wrong with a bounty that high. This is a medieval setting. Nobles will always pay more than a theif is actually worth to keep from losing more money in the end. A high bounty gives better incentive, and increases the number of bounty hunters going after outlaws. The longer Rein is loose, the more likely he is to cause even more financial troubles for them(stealing their stuff). They would obviously want him caught and hung asap, even at great cost to themselves.

Like I said, this is a medieval setting. People have less contract related issues for leaving the military, and a court-martial is probably not as formal if you're not a knight or something. I don't know what you did that qualifies as misconduct, but you might want to make it something notable, either related to your thievery or something even worse.

While you have a good point, I kinda think that 100,000 gold is still pretty ridiculous. As for misconduct stealing sounds good.

I wonder how being a thief-archer would work in combat... maybe I could have steal as a skill when I promote? Would anybody mind that happening since as far I as I remember there's no thieves in the group?

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Same here. The real problem, ironically, is that I HAVE the time... It's just that my college has a damned firewall that prevents me from logging in here no matter how hard I try. So I basically have tons of time where the only thing I can do is sit around on my fingers and watch things happen and wait until I get home well over five or so hours later to post.

Edit: A second-in-command would be nice. Not sure who I would pick though.

Edited by Snowy_One
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A second-in-command would be nice. Not sure who I would pick though.

You mean as a leader?

@Balcerzak: I would rather be doing something story related then walking in a forest and build support. There are times when i ask myself if this rp is going to die or not since some of you never post. But i am interested. What did i do wrong? And assume we stayed for a night

Edited by Kai-Sama
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You mean as a leader?

There are times when i ask myself if this rp is going to die or not since some of you never post.

I'm not too worried about the rp dying. I mean so far, everyone who's quit has been miraculously replaced by a new person, and I've got way too much time on my hands to have a decent excuse for quitting. Besides, the story's still interesting, and I want to develop my characters through the story some more :)

@Snowy: I'm available for the position if needed. If not, there are plenty of people to choose from. Maybe Cynthia since she won't be busy apparently? Or Kai since he's devoted? :unsure:

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But he just arrived

We need someone who has been with us since the beginning

I think either Esphyr (really leaning on this one) or Helios should be second

Morgan gives the cold shoulder to everyone which is really not a leader quality

Tessa just joined ans still needs to develop

Same applies for Chase

And Phoenix does not post enough so yah

Edited by Kai-Sama
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But he just arrived

We need someone who has been with us since the beginning

I think either Esphyr (really leaning on this one) or Helios should be second

Morgan gives the cold shoulder to everyone which is really not a leader quality

Tessa just joined ans still needs to develop

Same applies for Chase

And Irina is a support character for Isotov so yah

Fix'd :D

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