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The boost lasts until the end of the fight. I guess Kamilla could get swarmed and KOd, but she has better defensive stats than most and be absorbing atatcks at the same time. Also if items are introduced, you could take a Concoction? and boost your Str that way.

Also, you can crit. Not like your chances are spectacular (1/36), but you automatically double, so it adds up over time.

The chances of a myrmidon beating an armor knight(with max Def) in single combat *is* pretty slim, but like actual FE, that's what friends are for. Have a mage friend toast them, they can't get much Res.

You would actually get -1 Hit, they would get +1 dmg on you.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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My gawd you cant admit defeat

I'm back from morning chores *afternoon ones soon*. Sounds like everyone is in favor of changing class caps. Hmmm... Alright. How's this?

For one time and one time only, you may freely redistribute your stats with the following limits.

1) You may not gain/lose any skills.

2) All stat changes must be posted in the sign-up *give me a bit. I will edit the post after lunch* with both the old and new stats in the post.

Edit: Just to be sure, these are the new caps. Right?


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5 Armor Knights, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Archers, Nomads, Wyvern Knights, Pegasus Knights, Rogues, Soldiers

Cap 3: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Clerics, Troubadours


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5: Armor Knights, Wyvern Knights

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Soldiers

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Rogues, Nomads, Pegasus Knights

Cap 2: All magic users


Cap 6: Shamans

Cap 5: Thunder Mages

Cap 4: Fire Mages, Clerics

Cap 3: Troubadours, Wind Mages,

Cap 2: Non-magic users.


Cap 6: Pegasus Knights, Myrmidons, Archers, Wind Mages, Clerics, Troubadours

Cap 5: Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues, Fire Mages

Cap 4: Thunder Mages, Soldiers, Cavaliers, Armor Knights

Cap 3: Fighters, Bandits, Wyvern Knights, Shamans


Cap 6: Myrmidons, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 5: Troubadours, Pegasus Knights, Mercenaries

Cap 4: Clerics, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Fighters, Bandits, Archers, Cavaliers, Soldiers, Wyvern Knights

Cap 3: Armor Knights


Cap 4: All classes


Cap 6: Armor Knights

Cap 5: Wyvern Knights, Soldiers, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Fighters, Pegasus Knights

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Nomads, Bandits

Cap 2: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Clerics, Troubadours, Shamans, Rogues


Cap 6: Clerics, Troubadours, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans

Cap 5: Pegasus Knights

Cap 4: Soldiers, Archers, Cavaliers, Fighters

Cap 3: Bandits, Myrmidons, Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 2: Wyvern Knights, Armor Knights

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Except they don't have high hit rates. Read the above example.

Since yoúr concern about Eva is obviously mostly about Viveka even though you don't need another dumb chick that flies, let me give you an example. Let's say she's fighting Esphyr.

Esphyr has 2 Skl, Viveka has 7 Eva with max Spd and Lck. Esphyr only has a 33% chance to hit. If Viveka has a C support with anyone, or Esphyr is not using her CW, chance to hit drops to 16.67% (both and she's invicible). Meanwhile, Viveka's packing pretty fantastic hit rates on Esphyr.

Don't hate on the Swed :P

Viveka's hit rates are poor. If she's hitting Esphyer at all, it's because Esphyr herself has low evasion.

Looks like the goal here is to increase PvP hit rates :/

If that's the case, fine(because I'm not interested in PvP anyway), but I'm more concerned with our enemies, the big slow burly fighters who'll be nailing high evasion characters during your enemy phases. The enemies tend to miss most of the time, yes, but does nerfing spd for higher enemy hit rates really balance stat combat? Because most characters are 2RKO. Higher hit rates are just going to make more healers (or your Miracle skill <_< ) a necessity.

@ Cynthia

And as you just stated to Snike. That's what friends are for. You shouldn't increas hit rates just so low hit characters can get decent hit rates on high evade characters. That's addressing one problem but not the other.

Also ... you and your numbers :lol:

Edited by Phoenix
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It's the same cap you've always had. You can go up to 6 Spd once you promote.

Archers are pretty average in Spd overall as far as classes go (as far as I could tell), therefore I saw it fit to lump them in with the 4s.

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I was basically trying to get the point across that Chase was pretty much designed on being a high-avoid character across. As in, high skill and low speed was exactly what I was trying to avoid because it's bland and boring.

^Rebecca, Shinon, Faval, Jamka, Briggid, and Norne would like to say "hello". Let's put it this way:

FE7 Male archer Speed cap= 28

How is that slow plz.

Edited by Lightning
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IIRC, we haven't determined how long the buff lasts, sooo...

Items might be fine.

Crit doubling only helps if the initial damage is 2 or more. Otherwise, it's basically +1 damage, which isn't impressive when the knight can just go and hit you for 5+ damage, if it connects. Eventually, regardless of evade, he WILL hit the myrmidon, and it will hurt. Not much of an advantage.

The issue with having my mage friends toast them for me is that that requires them to get near the knight, and, thanks to 5 HP cap, assuming they don't get a crit, the knight will counter. Max evade for mages is 6, so they're a lot easier to squish than myrms, probably having lower DEF stats, as well.

Yeah, I messed up a bit there. Point's still valid if you only have one damage on a max roll.

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Afternoon chores done. What's up?

Looks like evasion characters are getting balanced out so they die more.

Other than that, Snike's looking for slayer weapons or something so teamwork isn't as paramount.

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20/1 Wil 14 AS

20/1 Kent 17 AS

20/1 Erk 16.5 AS

20/1 Guy 20 AS

20/1 Florina 19 AS

But Wil sucks!

--/1 Shinon 13 AS

--/1 Titania 14 AS

20/1 Mia 22 AS

20/1 Soren 18 AS

20/1 Brom 12 AS

20/1 Wolt 15 AS

20/1 Lance 19.5 AS

20/1 Bors 14 AS

20/1 Rutger 21 AS

20/1 Shin 20 AS

20/1 Thany 22 AS

Yes, I chose the not greatest characters, but they're still Archers. Some archers do reach near myrmidon speed levels, but some of them are closer to generals. Archers definitely are not as fast as Myrms/Nomads/Thieves overall.

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You can also get a +Fire support for more damage. Also, generic Armor Knights will probably only have 4 Def or so, 6+ on a boss maybe, but you should probably just try to avoid bosses you can't hurt.

I'm just not big on invincible dodgetanks running around. They're already doubling everything (which is better offensively on most enemy types), they don't need to be unkillable as well.

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You can also get a +Fire support for more damage. Also, generic Armor Knights will probably only have 4 Def or so, 6+ on a boss maybe, but you should probably just try to avoid bosses you can't hurt.

I'm just not big on invincible dodgetanks running around. They're already doubling everything (which is better offensively on most enemy types), they don't need to be unkillable as well.

That's the thing, they're hardly unkillable, they just have a smaller chance of getting killed overall. You're very likely to role a few sixes during the enemy phase and knock her out anyway. I don't see the reason to nerf speed just to make sure that happens. Tessa's not going to ride in and heal the high evasion characters from what I've seen, so the one time they do get hit, they either have to pull out of combat immediately, or risk getting KO'd.

I can't see that as balanced.

Edited by Phoenix
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Here's a few other examples that are more what I was thinking of.

Neimi lv 20/1= 18.4 speed (Sniper).

Joshua lv 20/1= 20 speed (Swordsmaster).

Seth lv --/1= 12 speed.

Franz lv 20/1= 17.5 (Paladin)/ 18.5 (Great Knight).

Rebecca lv 20/1= 18.4 speed.

Guy lv 20/1= 20 speed.

Marcus lv --/1= 11 speed.

Sain lv 20/1= 14.6 speed.

And the best part of all: Briggid has the highest base speed out of every. Single. Character. In the First Generation of FE4.

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