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As far as anyone can tell, it's not a joke.

Where should I move to, I wonder?

You'd think the many public apologies you see should be enough to help people learn from others' mistakes...

Europe or Canada. I'm doing the same after graduation.

Edited by Speedwagon
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Maybe I should move to Japan. Less douchebaggery, plus video games 1 year earlier

Also, you would get many japan exclusive games.

Edited by Mordecai
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Since Japan brought us tentacle pr0n, I can't say I haven't jokingly made similar sentiments known.

I wanna find his Facebook page and friend him.

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What's really funny about this is how some of you guys think political douchebaggery will somehow go away in other countries.

Actually, the part about U.S. people attacking the insensitive to anime angle rather than the blowing up cities angle was funny too.

Not to mention, this is probably the least of U.S. problems. Regardless of what you view as being the problem (whether you're conservative, liberal, or some other stripe).

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^^Regardless of what all has ever come from Japan, making a comment about nuking it again is seriously a dick move. Dumb, too, since he gets publicity from being a politician and some of the people he represents are Japanese.

^Yeah, the media reporting screwed up too, since obviously angry anime fans are more likely to be enraged than people who might have had relatives affected by the mentioned nukes.

It's not that I'm assuming douchebaggery will go away in other countries; there's just so damn much of it, and loud as well, here. I want to leave because of the more serious problems, but I'll be hesitant to admit where I am from because of this sort of thing.

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This country is far, far too insistent on being politically correct in my opinion.

I'm not going to seriously entertain the idea of moving because some politician was a douche. Oh woe. I don't think he'd seriously opt to nuke Japan again.

Edited by Crysta
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It's not that I'm assuming douchebaggery will go away in other countries; there's just so damn much of it, and loud as well, here. I want to leave because of the more serious problems, but I'll be hesitant to admit where I am from because of this sort of thing.

The same will essentially hold in pretty much every country in terms of quantity. Basically all of Latin America at this point has been completely screwed (and much worse than the U.S. population has been screwed). Some sections of Europe can seem nicer than the U.S. from over in the U.S. (or if you have some sort of cultural clash or just aren't being terribly honest with yourself), but you must keep in mind the old saying "the grass always seems greener on the other side" (Addendum: assuming the other side is roughly at least as green).

You just started realizing this? I've known America having a pretty shitty reputation like that for a while. It's why Croatians and other Europeans are unfriendly towards American foreigners.

Sometimes. The French and Germans? They're just jealous they aren't as powerful as they once were. :P

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The dems nuked Japan before right? They'll do it again... someday, and we all better be ready when that happens.

On a less serious note, a democrat said that?! AHAHAHAHAHAHHH what a jerk :lol:

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The dems nuked Japan before right? They'll do it again... someday, and we all better be ready when that happens.

On a less serious note, a democrat said that?! AHAHAHAHAHAHHH what a jerk :lol:

Ah man. I forgot the dems nuked japan. Sometimes it's hard to remember ALL the great things we've done during our presidencies. Don't forget that Andrew Jackson (IIRC first democrat/democrat-republican pres) did the trail of tears, AKA america needs more land. We should add both of those achievements to our platform in 2012. (we have the resolve to nuke our enemies, or something like that)

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To be fair, people often forget that even the less controversial figures of American History did some very questionable things (Lincoln for one), and presidencies that behaved in a less imperialist way in terms of foreign policy by modern standards are completely and utterly forgotten (like Grover Cleveland).

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To be fair, people often forget that even the less controversial figures of American History did some very questionable things (Lincoln for one), and presidencies that behaved in a less imperialist way in terms of foreign policy by modern standards are completely and utterly forgotten (like Grover Cleveland).

I see what you're saying in the latter case, however I don't think it is necessarily a matter of "forgetting." The "Age of Imperialism" like any "age" was not one that can be characterized as simply as "America united as one unconflicted body of people to expand into other countries, with no opposition from any sector", however I think if you consider the relative weight of the Cleveland administration it is not enough to actually say that "America did not undergo an Age of Imperialism".

I think it's also incorrect to imagine that America is unique (or even unusual) in having such internal contradictions, or that such internal contradictions are somehow a characteristic of the modern age as opposed to more ancient ages. Read Romance of Three Kingdoms or The Peloponnesian War and you'll see plenty of examples of factional strife.

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What's really funny about this is how some of you guys think political douchebaggery will somehow go away in other countries.

I'm not sure about that in the UK you no longer have to pay to clean an MPs moat or for the construction of a duckhouse or funding their husband's porn stash

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