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If we're speaking competitive, they need to do something about Stealth Rock. If they don't nerf it, one thing they can choose to do is make the same move utilizing different elements. Couple come to mind already.

Jagged Earth-Ground type

Molten Vent-Fire


What have you.

If it would only work for the next Pokemon it would be fine.

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Something i'm hoping for, pokemon not weak to hail that are not ice type.

Magic Guard Clefable, Air Lock Rayquaza and Cloud Nine Golduck are immune to weather.

On-topic: I don't like any of them but I guess having a bacon pokemon attacking other pokemon can be kind of funny. As for the best final evo, my bets are with the grass starter. Fire and Water ones seem to be on the slow side.

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Fire Pig looks pretty awesome, will choose anyway because I always choose the fire starter.

I hope beyond hopes that maybe, MAYBE, this time, they though "Gee, maybe the Fire starter's top three stats shouldn't be Speed, Attack and Special Attack arranged in some order..." I also hope we don't get a third Fire/Fighting. Grass started also looks like a bastard, which makes him awesome.

Trainers look pretty cool too.

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Magic Guard Clefable, Air Lock Rayquaza and Cloud Nine Golduck are immune to weather.

On-topic: I don't like any of them but I guess having a bacon pokemon attacking other pokemon can be kind of funny. As for the best final evo, my bets are with the grass starter. Fire and Water ones seem to be on the slow side.

I'm talking about other pokemon types, Hail afecting(?) water/fire is ridiculous

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Fire Pig looks pretty awesome, will choose anyway because I always choose the fire starter.

I hope beyond hopes that maybe, MAYBE, this time, they though "Gee, maybe the Fire starter's top three stats shouldn't be Speed, Attack and Special Attack arranged in some order..." I also hope we don't get a third Fire/Fighting. Grass started also looks like a bastard, which makes him awesome.

One theory says that this time, the starters will gain a secondary type that will reverse the weakness triangle so that all three starters can super effective hit eachother one way or another.

That being said, that would most likely mean the pig is Fire/Dark. While it's not Fire/Fighting, those don't exactly sound like defensive types, nor a type that mixes well defensively to remove weaknesses.

Trainers look pretty cool too.


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I'm talking about other pokemon types, Hail afecting(?) water/fire is ridiculous

Hail is already a pathetic weather type, having it not affect Water type(when I'd argue it should probably do double) is bad.

I realize you're trying to make Abomasnow more valid by adding resistances, but that's the wrong way to go, because every team is going to have a water type.

Like, I'd make the argument that the game needs perma rain dance and sunny day from non-legends, except said pokes would be liable to be somewhat broken.

What needs to be done?

The wide expansion of Fire, Ice and Ghost types. Ability overhaul that tosses Ice and Fire types with some advantages. Type combinations that make so much sense that it's a bit disgraceful they haven't been done.

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All the auto weather abilities should 3-5 turns, just like the moves that make them. I can understand Kyogre and Groudon making it permanent, but why should Obamasnow, Hippodown or even T-Tar?

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1. I'm pretty sure it was confirmed for DS a good long while ago.

2. That's old footage if I remember correctly.

Want new images? Here ya go.


The city we've seen so much of lately turns out to be a place called Hiun City, of which has a locale called Sky Arrow Bridge, which looks humongous.

The visual angling has a far greater scope.

New locals, like a forest and what appears to be a factory under demolition.


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Isshu city! Forgot about that one, my bad.

Wow, the game certainly seems far more lively than it's counterparts. People moving about like a city, pokemon are more animated in battle (though the battle system still seems a tad slow to me), looks pretty interesting so far.

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It seems like its going to be for 3ds. Also, i love the battle system. I wonder if they'll be seen dodging too. :awesome:

I'm guessing it is for the 3DS. I can't wait to see the final evos of the starters! :D

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It's not going to be for the 3DS.

It's been confirmed it's been for the DS and possibly DS alone. Just because we haven't seen graphics like that before doesn't mean they aren't capable to doing it so it just has to be on another system. D:

If anything, they'd release it both on the DS and 3DS at the same time, since they're released at the same season.

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I'm guessing it is for the 3DS. I can't wait to see the final evos of the starters! :D

I know, that grass one looks like its going to be so cool. It looking at me with that eye... Also, the pig one looks like it would be dark too, it might be just my imagination though...

At sirona, NVM, i read wrong, it said "it utilizes The DS' 3d something something...." It threw me off right there lol.

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It's not going to be for the 3DS.

It's been confirmed it's been for the DS and possibly DS alone. Just because we haven't seen graphics like that before doesn't mean they aren't capable to doing it so it just has to be on another system.

If anything, they'd release it both on the DS and 3DS at the same time, since they're released at the same season.

I was guessing that because what better way to open up a new platform with the release of an long awited pokemon game?

I would prefer it to be on the DS, honestly.

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Main legendaries announced. Their names are Reshiram and Zekrom. Maybe those who created day and night? Serebii / Pokemon.com (watch the intro)


Anyway, Xenoblade/Monado anyone? By their appearance, one seems somewhat machine-like while the other is more "divine".

EDIT: Added image

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