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:facepalm: They couldn't come up with anything better? Really? That's even more boring than Red and Blue, and back then they had an excuse.

I don't think HMs being unlimited TMs that are used out of battle is a bad idea, but not being able to forget them...

I do believe that is to prevent a player from getting stuck in a position they can't get themself out of as a result of deleting an HM move like Fly or Surf.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Oh hey let's forget how to Surf while in the middle of the ocean.

I do believe that any Pokemon with wings should automatically be able to Fly, whether they have Fly as an attack or not. Same goes for Pokemon able to use any other HM. What the hell is Red Gyarados doing before you catch him? I see no rubber dingy. He's clearly Surfing. Yet when you catch him, he's like "Well shit I seem to not be able to float on water any more unless you teach me how, using up a valuable space in my moveset".

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I do believe that is to prevent a player from getting stuck in a position they can't get themself out of as a result of deleting an HM move like Fly or Surf.

Making the HMs "unlimited TMs" as they already are suffices for that purpose. Being unable to delete HMs without the move deleter is just a silly inconvenience, possibly thrown in there as a "con" because of the HM being unlimited.

Oh hey let's forget how to Surf while in the middle of the ocean.

The "bad time to use a key item" nagging pop-up would work for this occasion.

Edited by Speedwagon
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The "bad time to use a key item" nagging pop-up would work for this occasion.

True - that would work well.

Also optional minigames while using the HMs like Fly would be cool. Like when you're flying, shoot down other flying Pokemon using your flying Pokemon's attacks in an R-Type style minigame. Flying on Rayquaza while using Hyper Beam to take down a flock of Wingull at once? Yeah please.

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How in the world can you say that from those screenshots? We know absolutely nothing about the games.

It looks... alright I guess. I was really hoping for something better looking, the character sprites don't match the style of the buildings. I noticed something though:


Look at the way they show the background. Almost looks like they're trying to convey depth perception, huh? Could this be a hint at the games being on the 3DS? I realize the DS logo is shown on the teaser site, but that could very well change.

(Also, what the christ is up with that main character. Hopefully it's just beta sprites)

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How in the world can you say that from those screenshots? We know absolutely nothing about the games.

Meh... pokecenters+pokemarts and the similarity in appearing in a small town, character model (young, debutting trainer) and the battle between Zoroark and Zorua are what made me come to that conclusion. I hope I'm wrong, though.

It looks... alright I guess. I was really hoping for something better looking, the character sprites don't match the style of the buildings. I noticed something though:

Look at the way they show the background. Almost looks like they're trying to convey depth perception, huh? Could this be a hint at the games being on the 3DS? I realize the DS logo is shown on the teaser site, but that could very well change.

(Also, what the christ is up with that main character. Hopefully it's just beta sprites)

Maybe for both? Somewhat like Zelda TP? Have some kind of 3DS use but be a standard DS game and then the third game in the generation being 3DS exclusive, like Crystal.

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Meh... pokecenters+pokemarts and the similarity in appearing in a small town, character model (young, debutting trainer) and the battle between Zoroark and Zorua are what made me come to that conclusion. I hope I'm wrong, though.

Small town maybe, but Pokecenters? That's what the pokemon world uses to heal their pogeymen.

Maybe for both? Somewhat like Zelda TP? Have some kind of 3DS use but be a standard DS game and then the third game in the generation being 3DS exclusive, like Crystal.

The only problem I have with this is that the games wouldn't be able to take advantage of the 3DS' power. But, judging from the screens, that's unfortunately going to happen anyway :unsure:

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Guess I called it on the story deal then. Eh, oh well, still gonna be cool.

...*Sees the graphical improvements* WHOA! I'll admit, this at least looks like it's gonna be a fun game to explore around. I mean, look at it, I wanna muck around in that city! Loving the new battle set-up too.

Speaking of that city...Doesn't it seem oddly...Dark? Look at Gardenia's image post there. It's clearly not night time where the character stands, so...What's with the huge overcast just a few steps away?

Well, I'm amped. Can't wait to find out more.

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Looks more like an unfinshed town to me. I think maybe they're doing other towns first, but wanted to show off the depth and had to use something that wasn't done. Or they could've censored them, to avoid spoilers but lol @ that

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I'm really happy that they combined the Pokecenter and Pokemart. I mean, it's the POKEMON CENTER, as in the center for pokemon. Why on earth would they have a shop for pokemon at the other end of the city? Not to mention it explains how a place like the pokecenter gets enough money.

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I just figured that for how big pokemon are among the populace that they just made pokemon healthcare universal so it was tax dollars funding pokecenters.

Anyways, I'm rather glad they made pokemarts part of the centers too. If anything, it will incline me to actually go buy stuff more often, because most of the time I don't give a damn to visit it in the first place. Now it seems more like an impulse shop decision so perhaps before moving back out I would actually bother to buy potions, repels, the whole deal.

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What is interesting is what the third version will be called. Grey seems like the logical choice, but that is obviously not going to be the case... because it sounds stupid.

Also... I'm waiting for my ShinyRuby and LuminousSapphire.

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What is interesting is what the third version will be called. Grey seems like the logical choice, but that is obviously not going to be the case... because it sounds stupid.

Also... I'm waiting for my ShinyRuby and LuminousSapphire.


The reason they remade Gold and Silver was because otherwise with the DSi you wouldn't be able to catch them all

Unless the 3DS or whatever cuts off DS compatibility for some reason (and the 3rd gen stops being everyone's most hated generation) you aren't getting those


btw black and white are perfect names

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(and the 3rd gen stops being everyone's most hated generation)

3rd gen isn't my least favorite. 4th is. I don't know that I even need one hand to count the new pokemon I like. Gallade. Sort of. I DID like Lucario, but the whole "power of aura" killed it.

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How can you not like Gible?

It's a freakin land-shark!

Can't wait to see what kind of new pokemon are introduced to break the tournament level play.

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The reason they remade Gold and Silver was because otherwise with the DSi you wouldn't be able to catch them all

Unless the 3DS or whatever cuts off DS compatibility for some reason (and the 3rd gen stops being everyone's most hated generation) you aren't getting those


Um... the reason they remade Gold and Silver was for the large amount of ducats.

It would be strange if they didn't keep up the tradition of remaking the earlier gens... also 3rd gen is not hated. I don't know where you got your facts from, but people love pokemon in general, whether or not the 3rd gen is relatively the least favorite for the fans is irrelevant.

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3rd gen isn't my least favorite. 4th is. I don't know that I even need one hand to count the new pokemon I like. Gallade. Sort of. I DID like Lucario, but the whole "power of aura" killed it.

I was talking games, as opposed to pokemon

btw, there's a reason most people who say pokemon stopped being good after g/s/c haven't played 4th gen deretsun

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