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Was anyone else disappointed by Alice?


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like, as in the movie Alice in Wonderland?

i really really expected more from it, and all it ended up being is another Fetch Quest and Kill the Dragon movie.

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Mad Hatter was annoying, Red Queen was annoying (even more than she was supposed to be), the pace didn't feel right, plot was meh, and the dance was dumb.

But I went in with such low expectations that I can't say I was disappointed.

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I wasn't terribly disappointed. I found it...alright, I suppose. The pacing and overall plot was pretty annoying, however.

yeah, it was alright. i'm not saying that it was a bad movie. i'm just saying that i expected something more to the spirit of the books.

the plot was too predictable to my taste.

oh, and the ending displeased me. it would've been better if it wasn't clearly established whether 'Underworld' was a real place or just dreamed up, IMO

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I thought it was okay, but Alice (as in, the actress) felt a little wooden to me. The twins at the beginning were much more interesting, and they were minor characters. I didn't care for the White Queen either, but that's just me. I wasn't really expecting anything grand with the movie, so I wasn't disappointed like you were.

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It didn't seem sufficiently "mad" to me. The March Hare was pretty great, and the Cheshire Cat was fairly awesome, but other that it seemed far too mundane to be any sort of Wonderland to me. And here I thought since it was Tim Burton, it would be delightfully weird... I was fairly disappointed.

Also: The Dancing Mad Hatter part was entirely unnecessary; just one big WTF moment in the middle of all the dramatics...

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Mad Hatter's dance was a Big Lipped Alligator Moment.

The film was alright. Mad Hatter kept spotlight stealing though and that was annoying.

sometimes i would forget who was the main character

but i mean, it was to be expected. with such a high-profile actor like Johnny Depp, you really couldn't expect him to play second fiddle.

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oh, and the ending displeased me. it would've been better if it wasn't clearly established whether 'Underworld' was a real place or just dreamed up, IMO

It was meant to be murky. You were supposed to decide if it was real or not.

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It was meant to be murky. You were supposed to decide if it was real or not.


i'm complaining because it wasn't murky enough. it was pretty much established that it was a real place, or at least it heavily hinted that it was.

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