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In most FE’s (haven’t played them all, can’t tell if it’s all) there is a villain who has a certain goal. There are certain bosses I’m actually agreeing with. Not with the ways they work, but with their general ideas. I’m just curious how you guys think about it.

I’m currently playing FE6 for the first time since I joined SF, and that’s in total my 4th or 5th time. Zephiel has definitely the most thought out idea’s that I’m really agreeing with. IMO this is the best game plot in all FE games I’ve played (FE10 comes close). He’s right on everything he says about the human kind. And Roy’s arguments don’t really prove him wrong, so I’m going with Zephiel on this.

FE7 is a good story, yes. But the villain is kind of disappointing. He’s for me just this 100% evil kind of guy, which is impossible in real life (I think). So, no way I’m going with Nergal, Go Eli!

Demon king? Can it be more clear? There’s no stance in this, just destruction. Go Ephraim!

Last but certainly not least, FE10. The position Ashera has in this is a bit like Zephiel, but less good to identify with (her being a goddess and stuff). But maybe this is because Ike actually can persuade me with all he says. If Roy would’ve been more like Ike, maybe I wouldn’t have gone so much towards Zephiel?

I’m asking FE9 for my birthday. But from what I’ve heard it’s just Ike going against this bad guy that wants to conquer the continent. Like FE7, but different.

Agreeing with Zephiel does not make me go homicidal, 'cause I know that’s wrong. But you know, he has a point.

Tell me what you think~

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Haven't played FE6 in a while, but I recall Zephiel being a "humanity sucks, let's wipe them all out" type of villain. Which isn't that original or clever. But I will say he had one of the most sympathetic backstories of any FE Big Bad (King Desmond was not Father of the Year material, obviously). What specifically do you agree with Zephiel on?

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Haven't played FE6 in a while, but I recall Zephiel being a "humanity sucks, let's wipe them all out" type of villain. Which isn't that original or clever. But I will say he had one of the most sympathetic backstories of any FE Big Bad (King Desmond was not Father of the Year material, obviously). What specifically do you agree with Zephiel on?

yes, you could actually say it like that. I think it is more the way he explains his points, the way he tells human kind should never have won the war in the first place.

I'm only in chapter 10 for now, so I don't remember his exact words. All I remember is that he really pulled me over to his side. And Roy totally not pulling back.

Alvis is definitely a better character than Zephiel, though he stepped into "is this guy a schitzo" levels of flip flopping.

what game is he from?

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Genealogy of the Holy War a.k.a. FE4, which is widely regarded as having the best FE story to date.

Depends who you talk to. I'd say it's a overrated as hell with the worst level design in the series. Not to mention the glitches. I'd love the game if it was actually made WELL. But it isn't.

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Depends who you talk to.

There's a difference between "widely regarded" and "absolutely the best".

I'd say it's a overrated as hell with the worst level design in the series. Not to mention the glitches. I'd love the game if it was actually made WELL. But it isn't.

That has no bearing on the story.

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There's a difference between "widely regarded" and "absolutely the best".

That has no bearing on the story.

Actually yes it does have an effect on the story. If you have to get kicked in the nuts for an hour in order to read the next chapter of a book you might be very much inclined to put said book down and read another. Especially if this happens in between every chapter.

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Actually yes it does have an effect on the story. If you have to get kicked in the nuts for an hour in order to read the next chapter of a book you might be very much inclined to put said book down and read another. Especially if this happens in between every chapter.

If you are so opposed to playing the game, then you can watch it. I'm sure somewhere on Youtube, there's some guy who has uploaded the entire game with cutscenes.

So, no, it doesn't affect the story.

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Zephiel was abused and that is why he is angry at the world

Just like most villains in gaming history

@Lancelot: Did you play it? If you didn't then you wouldn't know how good it was. Only i have the pleasure of judging a book by its cover

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I generally don't look too kindly on genocide.

Actually, I kind of liked FEtSS' End Boss. Why? Because there was no silly sob story or (laughable) battle of morals, it was just you standing up to a big fucking menace. The only game where I feel the main villain actually had good reasons for doing what he did was Tales of Phantasia. He was honest to goodness looking out for his people. Oh hell yeah he was violent, but still...

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I generally don't look too kindly on genocide.

Actually, I kind of liked FEtSS' End Boss. Why? Because there was no silly sob story or (laughable) battle of morals, it was just you standing up to a big fucking menace. The only game where I feel the main villain actually had good reasons for doing what he did was Tales of Phantasia. He was honest to goodness looking out for his people. Oh hell yeah he was violent, but still...

Lyon is a sob story. Beldo would fit your reasons more since he was just some Dark Bishop serving the mastermind behind the chaos that occurred in Jugdral.

I do agree with the Tales of Phantasia comment. From one perspective, Humans were the monsters in that game.

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I generally don't look too kindly on genocide.

Actually, I kind of liked FEtSS' End Boss. Why? Because there was no silly sob story or (laughable) battle of morals, it was just you standing up to a big fucking menace. The only game where I feel the main villain actually had good reasons for doing what he did was Tales of Phantasia. He was honest to goodness looking out for his people. Oh hell yeah he was violent, but still...

Um, along those lines, how 'bout the bosses to the first Golden sun?

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Um, along those lines, how 'bout the bosses to the first Golden sun?

If you're hinting at what I'm thinking, wouldn't that also apply to Agatio and Karst who are in the second game?

FE-wise, I have to say FE10 had some of the best villains.

Who in particular? I don't remember Jarod or Ludveck being worth much and the Senators struck me as ass-faced douchebags you just wanna kill over and over again.

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If you're hinting at what I'm thinking, wouldn't that also apply to Agatio and Karst who are in the second game?

sorry, I don't remember the ending of the second game all that well. Don't know why. I beat both. Oh well. I didn't remember for sure if the same thing was going on in the second at the end. I thought maybe some super-bad that was completely bad and unsympathetic came along before the ending. It's been a while, so if that didn't happen then oops, yeah, they'd apply, too.

Who in particular? I don't remember Jarod or Ludveck being worth much and the Senators struck me as ass-faced douchebags you just wanna kill over and over again.

Hetzel? Maybe Micaiah. What a mean person. That war. But she did have her reasons, however badly thought out they may have been. (hence, sympathetic)

Lessee: a few people dying every day or thousands dying in a war as well as others on the other side. Oh I know! Let's fight a war. That's a much better long-term strategy. Doof.


Why not just talk to Ike and storm Begnion together? Far fewer of yours will die. I suppose civilians dying vs. soldiers dying and all, but I don't like that attitude anyway.

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Who in particular? I don't remember Jarod or Ludveck being worth much and the Senators struck me as ass-faced douchebags you just wanna kill over and over again.

Black KnightZelgius and Ashera, seriously, no other FE games had a god everybody worshipped turn out to be a villain

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seriously, no other FE games had a god everybody worshipped turn out to be a villain
wasn't yurius the incarnation of the dark god loputousu?

And you remember what levin said when conquering yied shrine?

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wasn't yurius the incarnation of the dark god loputousu?

And you remember what levin said when conquering yied shrine?

God that everyone worshipped, dude. Besides, Julius was an incarnation, Ashera's an actual Goddess.

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