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Mafia Round 6 Sign-up Thread

General Spoon

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Please bold your name.

The game will take place on a train.


Here's what I'm thinking currently.


1 Oracle (picks one person at night, if the oracle dies that night or the following day, the choosen person and his role is revealed to the whole town)

1 Watcher

1 Tracker

1 Cop

1 Miller

1 Vigilante (Starts with 1 bullet, gets 1 more ammo at certain station, can hold a max of 3 ammo)

1 Doctor (Does not save from the Bodyguard's return fire, if bodyguard and doctor protect each other neither protection works)

1 Bodyguard (Pick one person to protect at night. If that person is attacked that night, the bodyguard will die in that person's place AND kill the attacker. If the bodyguard is shot in the line of duty, neither the doctor or a bulletproof vest will save him. If bodyguard and doctor protect each other, neither protection works.)

1 Lightkeeper (If this player dies, votes will be cast anonymously when the train goes through a tunnel)

1 Granny (when she has knitting supplies, she will automatically start to knit a bulletproof vest, which will be done on the day phase after she gets the knitting supplies, at which point she will give it to someone. The knitting supplies are consumed in the process; Granny tells me who gets the vest on the night she is knitting it)

Everyone else are Townies


1 Vanilla Mafia (gains train speed powers if politician dies)

1 Hooker (gains train speed powers if Conductor dies)

1 Politician (real vote cast in secret) (gains train speed powers if Hooker dies)

1 Engineer (Basically the godfather of this setup, he doesn't go out at night to kill . So he won't show up on watcher or tracker reports. He also appears innocent on cop reports. He has the final say in the mafia's kill. At most every other night, the engineer can choose to stop the train at night or to double the train's speed at night. When the train is stopped, it makes no progress that night. When the train's speed is doubled, it makes twice the normal progress that night.)

1 Conductor (If the Engineer dies, the conductor gains the Engineer's ability to change the train's speed, and also gets the final say in the mafia's kill. He will still show up on tracker and watcher reports, and will still appear guilty. The last time the Engineer changed the train's speed carries over after the Engineer dies EX: The train is stopped at night, and the Engineer is then hung during the day. The Conductor will not be able to change the train's speed right away.)

3rd Party

1 Survivor

1 Fool (wins if he gets lynched, everyone else will continue to play for 2nd place)

The Train

The train will move along a predefined schedule. At certain points, the train will stop at a station stuff might happen. The train will only stop at a station if it reaches it at the end of the night/beginning of the day. If the train goes through a tunnel during the day, all votes will be anonymous that day if the lightkeeper is dead. The Mafia can interfere with the train's schedule.

Some things I'm currently thinking of for when the train stops at a station (these would be spread out along the route):

This actually happens at the start of the game, before the train starts moving. The train has a nearby animal shelter at the start, and the town decides which kitty they want to adopt. The chosen kitty will then become the pet of everyone on the train.

Candles are stocked up on. If the lightkeeper is dead and the train goes through a tunnel, these are consumed automatically, and the votes are public. The train can hold a max of 1 unit of candles at a time.

Granny gets some knitting supplies. Granny immediately begins to knit a bulletproof vest.

The mafia gets a crate of bombs, which they can use when they stop the train. The bombs go off in the morning, and will destroy the tracks in front of the train. This consumes the bombs. The tracks will take all day to repair, and the train won't make any progress. The mafia can hold a max of 1 crate of bombs at a time.

The mafia gets a can of liquid Schwartz. This can be used at night to quadruple the train's speed that night. The mafia can hold a max of 1 can of liquid Schwartz at a time.

The vigilante gets an ammo. The vigilante can hold a max of 3 ammo at a time.

The mafia gets a magnifying glass. This can be used at night to determine the role of one person. The mafia can hold a max of 1 magnifying glass at a time.

The cop gains one extra investigation that night, which cannot be hooked. If the cop is dead, the tracker gets an extra track that cannot be hooked. If the tracker is also dead, the watcher gets an extra watch which cannot be hooked.

Edited by General Spoon
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Now I need to decide if I want to implement it in more of a regualr way, a Spirit Tracks way, a Diabolical Box way, a Phantom Train way, or something completely different.

Or maybe a mix of these things.

Edited by General Spoon
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