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If a new Fire Emblem Game was created....


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everything RD has plus add support conversations, arenas (for those who use them), world map, creature campaign, trial maps, magic weapons.

plus magic users shouldn't counter with staves. if they have another weapon they should counter with that instead

also add tomes that let magic users attack twice like Brave weapons

balance the stats of classes and characters as much as possible

healers need to level up faster

and allow forgable ranged swords and daggers

Edited by Killer Poleax
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But they do "actually have mt". Which is what he implied they didn't have. Which is why it is important.

"Actually do damage" seems to be what you are reading.

Because apparently it wasn't obvious enough for you Narga; as NotSal has alredy pointed out, I was using the literary element hyperbole. If they gave us staves that actually had the MIGHT to do some DAMAGE, then it'd be okay. But since we have yet to get this, its just pointless to equip staves. Another thing I want back is the FE10 style Forges. I liked being able to make more than one forged weapon each chapter, and the coin boost was a nice touch. I think they should introduce the forging of staves. It would have to work on a different system, but it would be cool to be able to forge your own staff and control how much HP it heals or whether it heals status problems and the range and the such. The more options you choose the more expensive and the less amount of uses it gets. If you used a coin on it the possible things for it to enhance would be like "+5 HP healed" or "+2 range" or "+3 uses". Stuff like that. As long as they made it in a way that wasn't abusive, it'd be a great tool.

Edited by StinDuh
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  • 3 weeks later...

FE9 styled Supports where supports are achieved by the chapters spent together instead of by turns in battle. The support bonuses weren't as overpowered and broken like the GBAs and RD (Earth Affinity +7,5 AVO). Fully scripted Support Conversations like what we got used to in GBAs and PoR of course and most importantly the addition of a Support Archive that shows you the ones you unlocked. To me it raises the replay value.

Bonus damage being 3 x Weapon MT. Raises the stakes and rewards good use of them.

Do not remove Weapons Trinity on Hard Mode. I would've liked better it if the bonuses and penalties where doubled or something... It raises the stakes.

Unifying Anima Magic gives room to add elements other than just Fire Wind and Thunder.

Strength determining if the equipped weapon will slow someone down and not Constitution. Seriously, I see some units with high Strength but get slowed down by heavy weapons anyway because of their lower constitution. Really, how does that make any sense?

The diversified arsenal that RD brought including Crossbows.

Ballistician class sounds like a good idea although I never played SD

Yeah, I don't see the two promotion that RD brought working that good... So I'd stick with single promotions.

Mounted units getting another move after attacking.

Fixed Mode! At least make it optional. Dang, I sometimes go crazy because of how my characters end up at times ¬_¬

Especially when you use the characters that are weaker like Fiona and especially the RD Laguz regardless of where they stand. It just raises the stakes.

Bring back the Mercenary & Hero class but I would like to rename the Mercenary "Blader" or something since they were often portrayed with the bigger swords since Mercenaries is merely someone who fights for a wage: it could be any class...

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I have to say, if they're going to make AS loss determined by Strength instead of CON, they should at least not make Weight completely irrelevant by the midgame like they did in SD and RD.

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I'd like to have:

branch promotions (FE8)



ranking like fe 7


the stone item from fe8 to be able to be used by herons/dancers

3 tiers

bexp and forging like fe9/10

return of dancers soldiers shamans and their promotions and summoner class plus phanthoms

more magic tomes light dark fire thunder wind is nice but add ice/water and maybe another

SS cap the weapon you want your character to like gba

different routes

if laguz return have them reach lvl 40 not 20 same for dancers.

dancers being able to fight or do more than dance

dragons to be fe9/10 ish

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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How about make a start-out-with-a-lance/spear lord? Would that work? (Unless that's a new idea.)

Support conversations = good. It gives more depth to the characters.

Branch promotes sounds cool. (At least, Gaiden was. I never played Stones.)

Dancers with swords.

Edited by 存理者
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How about make a start-out-with-a-lance/spear lord? Would that work? (Unless that's a new idea.)

Well, I feel Ephraim worked nicely.

I feel the protagonist should be more powerful than the other guy. Eliwood and Lyn...were just loads.

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I have to say, if they're going to make AS loss determined by Strength instead of CON, they should at least not make Weight completely irrelevant by the midgame like they did in SD and RD.

How about

AS = WT - ((STR/2) + (CON/2 + 2))

I want capture and fatigue back in.

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How about

AS = WT - ((STR/2) + (CON/2 + 2))

I want capture and fatigue back in.

I'm more in favour of penalty = WT - (min {con, (str + con * 2)/3}), with penalty having a minimum of 0.

Keeps the emphasis on con but allows str to play a part. A unit with 5 str and 8 con can wield an 8 wt weapon with no penalty. A unit with 20 str and 8 con can wield an up to 12 wt weapon with no penalty, but any higher and there is still a penalty, just not as bad as with 8 con. Yours allows that 20 str, 8 con unit to wield anything up to 16 wt with no penalty.

At least, I assume you meant

AS = spd - (max {0, WT - ((STR/2) + (CON/2 + 2))})

rather than what you wrote, since that would be more in line with what the games had done previously except now str and con are averaged and then you add 2.

But yeah, it was silly how in RD there was virtually no AS loss for anyone by part 3. Most units didn't even face any in part 2. The only units in part 2 that even had AS loss from anything available were Marcia and Nephenee, and even they only lost 2 and 3 from their strongest weapons. I think. Also, I hated how very few of the enemies lost AS from anything. Much as I love Mia being one of the best units, if enemies were weighted down by their weapons (and with the variety of weapons used they'd lose varying amounts of AS) then the rest of the GMs would at least be able to double some of the warriors and halbs along the way. Just think of all the steel axe bandits/fighters/pirates in fe6 that allow even Alan to double them.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Yeah that was supposed to be the AS loss formula. Basically making CON have a bit more of an impact than STR. That way, Wt doesn't become irrelevant as quickly and less chance of there being ridiculous AS loss from stuff like Dark Magic in FE8.

AS = spd - (max {0, WT - ((STR/2) + (CON/2 + 2))})

is correct.

Edited by Speedwagon
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What's this all about Str vs Con for calculating speed reduction depending on weapon weight? From my understanding, Con is an indicator of muscle mass, which somewhat translates to Strength anyway but it's not be-all-end-all. Sure, I have a Con of 14 (6 ft 3", 200 pounds) but I doubt I'll be able to use a real Steel Lance as easily as a wooden one since I'm untrained and all that. Really, Str based AS reduction seems like the more realistic thing. Or is this all about gameplay?

Edited by Ingen
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Constitution is a measure of a unit's size. You can be the size of a pea with all of the strength in the world and it would be difficult to swing an axe.

That said, constitution made all units unique while the str = con system obsoleted weapon weight past a certain point in the game. I think that from a game design perspective, one is more desirable than the other.

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I personally think the "best" way (IMHO) to go about the situation for calculating AS is to stick with Con as the main driving factor (with a minor growth rate too, no less (kind of like FE5 with the Move growth)), since it makes the most sense. Sure, you could have diminutive characters that are freakishly strong (ToS!Presea, for instance), so Str should play some role, but in the settings that IS has crafted thus far, Con seems the most important (since we haven't had cases like Presea thus far, to my knowledge). And, magic really needs to get sorted out too. Books can't be that heavy, and if Wt is actually measuring strain on the caster, then Str shouldn't be used for AS calculations. Just my thoughts.

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I personally think the "best" way (IMHO) to go about the situation for calculating AS is to stick with Con as the main driving factor (with a minor growth rate too, no less (kind of like FE5 with the Move growth)), since it makes the most sense. Sure, you could have diminutive characters that are freakishly strong (ToS!Presea, for instance), so Str should play some role, but in the settings that IS has crafted thus far, Con seems the most important (since we haven't had cases like Presea thus far, to my knowledge). And, magic really needs to get sorted out too. Books can't be that heavy, and if Wt is actually measuring strain on the caster, then Str shouldn't be used for AS calculations. Just my thoughts.

I don't think FE needs another random growth stat. If constitution grew similar to weapon ranks (with limits), that would be rather nifty. The caveat is that not all units want high con, so having a growth rate in con is not exactly a good thing.

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I don't think FE needs another random growth stat. If constitution grew similar to weapon ranks (with limits), that would be rather nifty. The caveat is that not all units want high con, so having a growth rate in con is not exactly a good thing.

I'm talking something minuscule here, like <10% for any given character. It only makes sense that as a character is fighting (and, consequently working out), they're going to be getting bulkier. However, it won't be happening that fast, hence the really small growth rate.

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Ideally (Assuming everything could be done perfectly)?

1) Branched (and balanced) promotions. I enjoyed that we had a choice in FE8 between how we promoted, and I would very much like to see it happen again. Getting a choice between, say, the more mobile, but less powerful mage knight and the less mobile, but more powerful sage was very nice and I would like to see that return in some form.

2) Free-Support+Support convo's: I absolutely enjoyed the fact that I could make supports with anyone in FE10. I wouldn't call it perfectly realistic for various reasons, but I would say it was very, very nice to be able to build up with anyone. However, I very much missed the actual convo's considering that most were well written and interesting. I would like to see a mix of the two return. Preferably, support anyone, and then certain characters can get base convo's or convo's when they support on the field.

3) Weapon variety Ala-FE10: No denying that FE10 has had the greatest weapon choice of any American FE game. I would very much like to see a similar variety return next game, though I would like to see it modified a bit.

4) Bonus Experience: It rocked as a system. I would very much like to see it remain.

5) Set level-ups: Always getting a minimum of 1 stat is VERY nice (since no stat ups blow), and the 3 stat limit on Bexp worked wonders for balance IMO.

6) Skills/skill scrolls: Also rocked. I would like to see them remain as well. Maybe not in the FE10 form, but at least in the FE9 form. Possibly allow for skill transfers, but make the skill itself weaker when transfered. For example, vantage might activate 50% of the time on a character who starts with it, but only 40% on another who didn't have it initially.

7) Branching paths/gaiden chapters: They were interesting and I outright enjoyed them. I would like to see them return instead of a alternating storyline.

Things I DON'T want to see return:

Laguz: At least in their current form, then went from being useless half the map, to being only average in usefullness (FE9) or overpowered (FE10). They need some better balancing at least.

Doubling: This is gonna get a lot of fire but... I don't want to see doubling return, once again, at least not in its current form. I outright enjoy the system, but I think it could be seriously improved upon. One possible idea would be to have the second attack loose accuracy (making hit somewhat important again). I don't want to GONE from the game, defiantly NOT! I just want to see it get nerfed a bit. Right now, any character who can't double is a auto-fail, and characters with excessive MT dominate due to doubling having no downsides. Having it modified would be nice indeed.

Forging: Once again, not in its current form. I loved this a lot, but it felt... Kind of unbalanced. Almost all of forged weapons are going to be max MT, MAYBE some crit, and they will outright dominate. It feels... wrong. Sure, they're pricy, but in the two games that have had forging, only the DB (the people who ironically probably needed the forges the most) in FE10 couldn't forge superweapons en-mass. I think it needs some modification before making a return. Possibly in making it a 'gain/loss' system (Higher MT may result in +2 weight for each MT on a melee weapon /suggestion), or simply limiting it again like in FE9.

Arena: By this I mean the FE8 PvP arena. Unbalanced as heck, shouldn't ever return. At least let there be some strategy and/or point to ranged weapons.

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Thinking about it more... Right now I can see one reason why Body Weight would play a role. When you swing something heavy at full strength, you're pretty much going to get dragged by your own weapon because of inertia which will make it hard to balance yourself and be ready for your next strike. That could be one reason. Anyone see others?

Laguz: At least in their current form, then went from being useless half the map, to being only average in usefullness (FE9) or overpowered (FE10). They need some better balancing at least.

My idea for tis would be to have fixed transformation bonuses like FE9 had while untransformed counterattacks with fists could be Str+(1/6 Con) or something since bigger fists have much more of an impact than punier fists.

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My solution would have been to keep the FE10 transform system, but reduce it to 1/2 or 2/3 of stats. Barring that allow them to transform whenever, but stick them with a fixed bonus. The charge bar then functions like a boost, with every 5 charge = +1 stats or something. That way, they can transform at 0% to still be useful, but will want to pop out to charge up or else their attacks hit like a kitten/sparrow/lizard.

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  • [*]FE9 Supports, with the ability to support anyone with anyone for a generic message like in 10

[*]Capture and Dismount

[*]More weapon variety. Why should swords have all the fun?

[*]FE3's system for transforming characters

[*]Side quests that don't require killing off your allies, possibly multiple routes.

[*]Choice of 2 or 3 Lords

[*]FE10 Skills

[*]Constitution for weapons


[*]Minimum Level Bonuses (I.E. you always get at least 1 stat increase each level)




[*]Wyverns weak to Thunder magic/Wyvernslayers.



[*]Return of Dancers/Troubadours/Ballisticians/Mounted Bow Users Whose Name I Can't Recall/Anything I Missed[/List]

Off the top of my head.

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