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Ether's Mafia game thread.


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Reading comprehension got the better of you :awesome:?

Oh, okay. I was unaware of that, and it seems plausible.


Also, if I knew that, wouldn't it make me a Senator? The Rebels don't have any information gathering roles, after all. Shooting your own foot much?

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Reading comprehension got the better of you :awesome:?


Also, if I knew that, wouldn't it make me a Senator? The Rebels don't have any information gathering roles, after all. Shooting your own foot much?

What it means is that you know you're lying about being the hunter. The Rebels do in fact have that information.

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Yeah, way to try and change the subject. You've now acknowledged that the councilman gets an investigation result if he dies. 180 degree turn much?

And we didn't know at that point that Cynthia would be inactive all game.

Well according to Lightning's tier list 9because thats a reliable source) Champ Cynth is at the bottom. So why waste an investigation on her?

Also I'm assuming you would've researched the better players yet you haven't said what role/character Tables is

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Its meeant to be a ( not a 9 in my last post.

Also Tables is far more trustworthy than you at this point, the only part that worries me is the lack of attacks on Titania which may be down to the dragonlord.

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Trompe is probably also scum, and Raymond is busing him to appear innocent.


If Raymond's scum, then I'm logically the wall. Why would the wall NOT claim? THINK ABOUT THIS.

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If Raymond's scum, then I'm logically the wall. Why would the wall NOT claim? THINK ABOUT THIS.

Simple. Because if there are two wall claims and one of them is scum, the other one is wall. The mafia isn't stupid, and knows full well that one of them could get a free pass that way.

And besides, we still don't have a clue what Cymthia's doing, since she hasn't made a single post this whole game. For all I know, she's the wall and one or both of you are scum.

Think about that for a moment, please.

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If Raymond's scum, then I'm logically the wall. Why would the wall NOT claim? THINK ABOUT THIS.

The only reason I can think of is that if the mafia were trying to re-enact Spartecus in which case I'm Wall-ecuss ;)

Hikas rants would suggest because those other guys said so!!111

Seriously I have no idea unless it was pre rebel-senate contact but even then there should be a third wall.

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Which might be Lux (ruled out in about 15 minutes, I believe), or Cynthia (perhaps). So either option is possible. Plus, they could be from the other faction - IIRC, the claiming was done before Spoon's alliance plan (I might be wrong, though).

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I think Ether is stalling out the day phase on purpose, because he's hoping that you'll get lynched so your whole plan will fall apart.

Think about it guys. If Tables was town, why would he have told Ninji not shoot me? Why wouldn't he tell Ninji to shoot me, a confirmed mafia? He's trying to keep the night kills going for as long as he can, in order to weaken the town.

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Actually,i just forgot to end it yesterday before I left,sorry guys~

Votes had been thrown around every which way,and several potential conclusions had been brought up.In the end,one final conclusion was made.

"Today,you leave us,Sir Zelgius!"

It had been decided,Zelgius was to be killed.With Mia dead,someone had to bring the executioner`s sword.Glances passed between the crowd,until someone stepped up.

"I'll do it...he killed my brother,my father...my friends...!" Mist picked up the blade,and walked toward Zelgius,who had been bound.

"And to think,at one time,I thought I would be the one to extinguish your bloodline..." Zelgius spoke,before his head rolled upon the ground.

Afterward,Mist collapsed to the ground in tears.


Zelgius(Lux Aeterna),the Commandant,was executed!

Night 4,Commence!

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I think Ether is stalling out the day phase on purpose, because he's hoping that you'll get lynched so your whole plan will fall apart.

Think about it guys. If Tables was town, why would he have told Ninji not shoot me? Why wouldn't he tell Ninji to shoot me, a confirmed mafia? He's trying to keep the night kills going for as long as he can, in order to weaken the town.

Full marks for determination here surely.

It couldn't possibly becaus you've publicly announced yourself so you can't defend yourself as well against a lynch compared to Trompe/Raymond.

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Stupid Computer. Halfway through a post and it crashes. Oh well.

Ahahaha. Spoon, now your partner in crime is dead, guess who's dying tonight? Or tomorrow, perhaps.

But either way, it makes little difference. You're alive because there's been no reason to kill you. Mike's been busy protecting me or playing WIFOM, but we haven't got a lucky hit yet. Meanwhile the Pure Spirit has been aiming for you pretty constantly, actually, but Ninji has had to aim for better targets. And actually, he chose to hit Raymond, not me.

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Stupid Computer. Halfway through a post and it crashes. Oh well.

Ahahaha. Spoon, now your partner in crime is dead, guess who's dying tonight? Or tomorrow, perhaps.

But either way, it makes little difference. You're alive because there's been no reason to kill you. Mike's been busy protecting me or playing WIFOM, but we haven't got a lucky hit yet. Meanwhile the Pure Spirit has been aiming for you pretty constantly, actually, but Ninji has had to aim for better targets. And actually, he chose to hit Raymond, not me.

Oh well thanks for keeping me incognito :(

Well I suppose I amy as well tell you Spoon that I'm leaving Cynthia alone tonight if you're still trying to dig up dirt on Tables

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:facepalm:. I just noticed that. That's what happens when I rush. I BLAME YOU FAIL LAPTOP! I'd have made it look like WIFOM, except now you've just confirmed it <_<.

Well, we can still win this. Mike, I'll send you a new order for tonight, and we still have a chance they'll hit the Pure Spirit. So that means 2/5 townies will cause us to win, and they need to attack 2. That gives us a 70% chance they'll hit a PS or DL switch (assuming it's all random).

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So that means 2/5 townies will cause us to win, and they need to attack 2. That gives us a 70% chance they'll hit a PS or DL switch (assuming it's all random).

Spoon + the Rebels need to be fully unified on their votes to win this so if we pick a confirmed target for tomorrow so we should be able to use that to spot the fake out of Trompe and Raymond or they will end up killing their ally.

Also if Champion Cynthia is the other Rebel (likely as she's been inactive and Spoon said only one rebel contacted him)then she wont contribute at all for the lynch vote.

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Spoon + the Rebels need to be fully unified on their votes to win this so if we pick a confirmed target for tomorrow so we should be able to use that to spot the fake out of Trompe and Raymond or they will end up killing their ally.

But of what use is that to us? If the mafia manages to even as much as equal our day phase voting power, we cannot lynch them even if we know who all of them are.

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But of what use is that to us? If the mafia manages to even as much as equal our day phase voting power, we cannot lynch them even if we know who all of them are.

Yeah but they'd need Champion Cynthia to come online and vote with them to match us if they manage to kill two without losing anybody.

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