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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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Morgan attacked the weakened Wyvern with her Flux tome

(4, 5 ,6) rolls

9-2 =7 damage.

The Wyvern Knight was even more heavily injured, but managed to survive and aim his axe at Morgan!

(5, 6, 6) roll

The axe chopped through Morgan quite easily. Strangely though, some dark force managed to hold her body together (Miracle activate)

She was mad now, smash time!

(3, 1, 6) roll

5-2= 3 damage (saving roll=3)

The Wyvern Knight (#1) was dead, but Morgan was grievously wounded (1 HP).

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A man in blue was traveling along, lost in thought, when he heard sounds of conflict. Taking his sword out, he ran towards the site of the conflict, where he saw what appeared to be a band of outlaws fighting Elyisiman soldiers. The swordsman was about to get away from the conflict, when one of the Elysiman infantrymen ran towards him, apparently convinced he was one of the outlaws.

"Just my luck," the man muttered, as the soldier attacked (5,5,4). The soldier stabbed the man through his left side for 7 damage. Dropping his sword, the man fell to his knees, clutching his side.

"I yield," he said, before collapsing.

Edited by Snike
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"Huh?" Chase said, "What the hell! Some soldier just stabbed that guy! Hey, you! You're not supposed to do that, pal!"

Chase punched the soldier in the face, stunning him for a moment, and asked the collapsed traveller, "Hey, you! Are you okay?"

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"Tch... I'll be fine. This happens to me all the time. " The traveler got up, and produced a vulnerary. Beginning to apply it, he said "Don't mind me, just deal with the soldiers."

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"Err, right. I think they're mostly dead now... 'cept that guy, and the wyvern rider who's somewhere around here."

"Hey! Somebody get those guys!"

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OOC: I'M CLAIMING THE LAST SOLDIER! IF ANYONE ELSE KILLED IT, WELL TOO BAD! HA! I'm not going to let whatever it is that's making me feel aweful stop me from fighting!

IC: Dismounting from the steed, Esphyr swiftly unslung her sword and charged at the remaining soldier, eager to fell him and clear the area of enemies. She swung her sword overhead in a powerful cleave, aiming to sunder the helm of the soldier and put a swift end to the fight! Yet the soldier was more than ready for her and quickly sprung to the side, causing Esphyr's sword to cleave into the ground and miss him entirely. A miss that was soon retaliated from as he thrust his spear forwards, catching Esphyr firmly in the gut. Only a lucky angle on her armor managed to stop the spear and save the mercenary from a early death. Undeterred, Esphyr quickly slashed down the shaft of the weapon; missing a lethal blow but slashing his face. Enraged, he thrust forwards again, only to have Esphyr spin her sword and catch the shaft of his lance, severing it. Then, with her opponent disarmed, she thrust forwards again, magic flowing across the edge of her blade as she impaled the man through and through.

With the soldier dead, she withdrew her blade. "These are Elyisiman soldiers. Looks like they're serious about hunting us..." Esphyr suddenly stopped, her ears attuned to the surrounding land. "I think I hear something!"

Esphyr attacks Soldier 3: 2, 6, 3. MISS!

Soldier: 4, 2, 4 Hit for 5 damage! Esphyr has 4 HP left!

Esphyr attacks for 6,3,2: Hit for 3 damage. Soldier has 6 HP left.

Soldier: 1, 2, 4: Miss!

Activate Arcanium (+1 damage)

Esphyr: 5, 3, 3,: CRITICAL! 8 damage! Soldier 3 is defeated!

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Kelas looked around wildly. The wyverns had come seemingly from nowhere, but by the time she was on Amari, arrow on string, the others had neutralized them. She lowered her bow, scanning the sky for another wave. "Looks like there's more on the way," she said, spotting a few far-off specks.

Arrin had his thunder tome out: whoever these soldiers were, they didn't need to know he was a Crimson wielder.

He noticed an unfamiliar man on the ground. He ran over: "Are you all right?" he asked.

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[[OOC: First bit is just some flavor. No rolls.]]

Immediately after dropping off their soldier cargo, the wyvern riders were back in the sky, wheeling and screeching. One by one they peeled off, aiming for individual targets. One moved to engage the party's own wyvern rider, another went after the cavalier that had shown up at some point, while the third swooped down at Tessa. She managed to fend off its axe strikes by parrying desperately with her sword, but the ferocity of the assault forced her and Trevor to lose ground. Things were not looking good for the situation until a bolt from the blue pierced the wyvern in the wing, and the rider turned his attention to the archer that proved to be more of a menace, and went after a new target.

Finally with some breathing room and able to assess the situation, Tessa looked around. Irina and Isotov were currently engaging their enemy, and things seemed to be proceeding well for them. The other wyvern had abandoned attacking the mounted knight and was circling over towards Morgan. Tessa didn't see where the soldiers had gotten to, so she made a snap decision to back up the shaman, knowing from experience that the fight was liable to be difficult, that she wasn't particularly sturdy, and moreover she was currently facing it alone.

Riding over in that direction she arrived just after the exchange had finished. The large beast had crashed spectacularly into an ungainly heap, defeated, while Morgan was in terrible shape, with a gaping axe wound that ran from her shoulder down clear her torso, bleeding profusely. It was a miracle she was still standing. Praying to The Lady, Tessa extended her staff, placing it on the wound, and a soothing white light shone from the tip, and her injury began knitting itself back together (+5 HP).

Knowing her services must still be needed elsewhere, she glanced back to where the archer had been. Despite her mistrust of the man, the fact was his attack had drawn the attention of the enemy away from her, and she was grateful. He'd fired several volleys at the beast, but had taken a nasty hit from the the backswing of the axe before finally downing the foe. Deeming now as good a time as any to pay back the favor, she urged Trevor in that direction. But the outlaw was on the move as well, beating a strategic withdrawal, which required some course alteration. By the time Tessa'd caught up to him, he was standing near a tall unfamiliar man, who'd been wounded and driven to his knees, and Chase was himself at lancepoint of an enemy soldier. Things looked grim, until Esphyr charged in, and engaged the foe. Taking advantage of this window of opportunity, she took care to mend the archer (+5 HP).

Once that had been taken care of, Tessa once again surveyed for targets, but by this point, the battle had been brought to an end. This afforded a somewhat more leisurely approach, and she managed to provide first aid to the rest of the group in need of it before Kelas called out "Looks like there's more on the way!"

[[OOC: I'm guessing a +5 each to Isotov at this point is in order too, to get him back on his feet for wave 2. Esphyr can probably be topped off too, as she's hurt and nearby. I'm gonna need to have an actual conversation with Eric before healing him, I think. Also, I know I missed some, but I'm not sure healbotting everyone can be remotely justified. If I'm wrong, let me know.]]

OOC: Uh ... Snowy? I just noticed something. For a saving roll to work, you have to roll a number that's half or less than half of your luck number right? Well its number is one, so the skill couldn't possibly succeed :unsure:

Was that on purpose or did I miss something?

Wyvern Rider LUK=1

Screwed on that one apparently ....

I rolled any way, just to check for 1s. They all fall regardless.

Edit: Slight change to the OOC, and also fixed some wording fail describing Morgan's wound.

Edited by Balcerzak
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OOC: Unfortunately, with Crimson weapon sapping applied, Iso is KO'd. He can't help with wave #2, and Irina used her second vul, though she may still be hurt.

Also, nice post, Bal, that really puts the reader on track with the situation and give you a better sense of time progression. Seemed like a minute or so long battle rather than an inarticulate scuffle :lol:

Quoting Bal's post for page 8 reference:

[[OOC: First bit is just some flavor. No rolls.]]

Immediately after dropping off their soldier cargo, the wyvern riders were back in the sky, wheeling and screeching. One by one they peeled off, aiming for individual targets. One moved to engage the party's own wyvern rider, another went after the cavalier that had shown up at some point, while the third swooped down at Tessa. She managed to fend off its axe strikes by parrying desperately with her sword, but the ferocity of the assault forced her and Trevor to lose ground. Things were not looking good for the situation until a bolt from the blue pierced the wyvern in the wing, and the rider turned his attention to the archer that proved to be more of a menace, and went after a new target.

Finally with some breathing room and able to assess the situation, Tessa looked around. Irina and Isotov were currently engaging their enemy, and things seemed to be proceeding well for them. The other wyvern had abandoned attacking the mounted knight and was circling over towards Morgan. Tessa didn't see where the soldiers had gotten to, so she made a snap decision to back up the shaman, knowing from experience that the fight was liable to be difficult, that she wasn't particularly sturdy, and moreover she was currently facing it alone.

Riding over in that direction she arrived just after the exchange had finished. The large beast had crashed spectacularly into an ungainly heap, defeated, while Morgan was in terrible shape, with a gaping axe wound from her shoulder down clear her torso, bleeding profusely. It was a miracle she was still standing. Praying to The Lady, Tessa extended her staff, placing it on the wound, and a soothing white light shone from the tip, and her injury began knitting itself back together (+5 HP).

Knowing her services must still be needed elsewhere, she glanced back to where the archer had been. Despite her mistrust of the man, the fact was his attack had drawn the attention of the enemy away from her, and she was grateful. He'd fired several volleys at the beast, but had taken a nasty hit from the the backswing of the axe before finally downing the foe. Deeming now as good a time as any to pay back the favor, she urged Trevor in that direction. But the outlaw was on the move as well, beating a strategic withdrawal, which required some course alteration. By the time Tessa'd caught up to him, he was standing near a tall unfamiliar man, who'd been wounded and driven to his knees, and Chase was himself at lancepoint of an enemy soldier. Things looked grim, until Esphyr charged in, and engaged the foe. Taking advantage of this window of opportunity, she took care to mend the archer (+5 HP).

Once that had been taken care of, Tessa once again surveyed for targets, but by this point, the battle had been brought to an end. This afforded a somewhat more leisurely approach, and she managed to provide first aid to the rest of the group in need of it before Kelas called out "Looks like there's more on the way!"

[[OOC: I'm guessing a +5 each to Isotov and Eric at this point is in order too, to get them back on their feet for wave 2, but if that's too much I dunno. Also, I know I missed some, but I'm not sure healbotting everyone can be remotely justified. If I'm wrong, let me know.]]

I rolled any way, just to check for 1s. They all fall regardless.

Edited by Phoenix
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Kelas looked over the group: several were injured fairly heavily. Isotov, she noticed, was unconscious, though Tessa had stopped his wounds' bleeding. They had maybe a few minutes before the next group arrived...

Well, this would only take a few minutes. She dismounted again, hitting the ground running, Amari at her heels, and dragged the unconscious mage over to the packhorse. The gelding was fidgeting, but nowhere near a state of panic. Checking over Isotov's wounds again, she saw that they'd already partially knitted together: ah, the wonder of staves. He was heavier than she was, but with the extra strength lent by adrenalin, she got him into the saddle, tying him into place with the belts left behind from carrying Esphyr. "Keep him safe," Kelas told the horse, knowing that it didn't know commands, but it wouldn't hurt to try... she slapped it on the rump, and it cantered to the rear of the group, on the lookout for any attacks.

She looked up: the wyverns were gaining. She sprang up onto Amari's back again, raising her bow in readiness.

Arrin had his thunder tome out. Daranau was grumbling in the back of his mind; it wanted out, but it wasn't going to. Though he was shaken by the suddenness of the attack, he tried to keep the calm his teacher'd emphasized throughout all of his training... he opened the heavy book, turning to the first unused spell. When the riders reached them, he'd be ready this time.

OOC: Yes, I have again basically used the "rescue" option, thought it's really just for story purposes, since the packhorse isn't a unit... leaving Isotov KO in the middle of the fight would not realistically end well.

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..... holy crap you just posted like 10 times in a row... (I just counted and it's 11 times 0_0)

"Is that all of them dead?"

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"I would say yes, but I would be wrong." said Esphyr, pointing up and into the sky. High in the air, four more wyvern riders were slowly circling about overhead. Three of them seemed to be normal wyverns, but the fourth was clearly different. Far larger than the others, the wings of the drake were simply enormous; each one of them easily the size of a full wyvern and possessing enough of a draft to send large blasts of air earthwards with each and every flap of his wings. Sunlight shone through the taunt membrane, revealing that the drake was colored a flamboyant white with thousands upon thousands of speckles of multicolored paint dotting the giant span like the painting of a abstract artist while the rest of the wyvern lay hidden by the sun overhead. Yet there was no need for identification as to who's wyvern it was for anyone whom had been inside Elyisima before. The drake of the wyvern lord Percy was very well known to all there.

"Awww hell... We got a hero in the air!" shouted Esphyr, her voice quivering in uncertainty at the prospect of fighting such a powerful being.

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"... This sucks... I've taken a bad hit already, so I wouldn't be very helpful... You guys take them out! I'll stay here and help this guy and Isotov. And the pack horse." Chase said. "And if you're still concerned about my intentions," Chase glared at Tessa while he said this, "take my bow. Might come in handy anyways."

Kelas was loaned the Wind Bow!

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