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Lightning's Mafia


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Okay, well at least you have a reason. Still, it would have been a lot better if you had just protected me on your own without telling the bodyguard what to do.

Bodyguard needs to protect Mikethfc tonight now. Sorry Tables.

Ugh no still protect Tables it will be a waste for the BG to protect me. There is a reason behind the madness and hopefully Haar wont switch my places. In the end it comes down to trusting my semi-insanity

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Okay. How about this.

The Bodyguard (who should keep his mouth shut) will protect mikethfc. Mikethfc will protect Fayt. Haar does not switch mikethfc or Fayt with anybody. This ensures that the only person that can die this way is the bodyguard, and the senate will have to guess for that.

And as a somewhat selfish request, I'd like Haar to swap me with somebody random, since the nurse and bodyguard are tied up.

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And as a somewhat selfish request, I'd like Haar to swap me with somebody random, since the nurse and bodyguard are tied up.

Someone who isn't me.

I will win your evil game of tic tac toe if it's the last thing I do >8[

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Okay. How about this.

The Bodyguard (who should keep his mouth shut) will protect mikethfc. Mikethfc will protect Fayt. Haar does not switch mikethfc or Fayt with anybody. This ensures that the only person that can die this way is the bodyguard, and the senate will have to guess for that.

And as a somewhat selfish request, I'd like Haar to swap me with somebody random, since the nurse and bodyguard are tied up.

Please just trust me for now ;)

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BG should randomly choose between me and mike. That way they know they're dicing with death going after either of us. Switching Spoon seems okay. If he's town, it might save him as he's a high priority target; if he's a Senator, then there's a chance he's getting killed.

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BG should randomly choose between me and mike. That way they know they're dicing with death going after either of us.

No prizes for guessing who I'll say to guard ;)

(If you can't wait I'll reveal it soon enough ;) )

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Hmm nobody seems to trust me

Perhaps if I were to use All Caps HOW ABOUT NOW GAIZ

Yeah. We can't tell if you're trying to pull a really good move, you're lying about being the nurse, you're a mafioso, or you're just a really bad player who doesn't know how to play well. And right now, all those seem plausible.

Chances are I'm going to have to waste a cop investigation on you now because I've lost all my trust in you.

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Yeah. We can't tell if you're trying to pull a really good move, you're lying about being the nurse, you're a mafioso, or you're just a really bad player who doesn't know how to play well. And right now, all those seem plausible.

Chances are I'm going to have to waste a cop investigation on you now because I've lost all my trust in you.

Going back to the trust thing its also a waste to do an investigation on me, Lightning's post come day 3 should reveal what you need to know

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Going back to the trust thing its also a waste to do an investigation on me, Lightning's post come day 3 should reveal what you need to know

Gatrie the Armoured - Can survive one hit at night

You're pretty horrible at this

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... Moving on from this absolutely meaningless conversation, it's now Night Phase. The RP post will be coming quickly.


Back at the meeting hall, the decision to kill Mordecai had been made.

"But Mordecai is innocent, Tibarn. Please do not hurt Mordecai!" exclaimed the Tiger himself. "If you hurt Mordecai he will be sad."

"Sorry, Mordy, but that's the town's decision. I can't change it." Tibarn announced, then transformed into a hawk. He attacked Mordecai, but the beast laguz instinctively transformed into a tiger. Tibarn flew by attacked him with his beak once, then again on the return, but only two distinctive "tink" sounds were heard. "Darn it! His defense is too high!"

"I HAVE A PLAN! KILL IT WITH FIIIIIREEE!!!" shouted Calill, who cast Rexflame on Mordecai.

"... Mordecai... doesn't like fire..." choked Mordecai, before untransforming and collapsing to the ground, dead. After checking his wallet, he was revealed to be Lux Aeterna.

Mordecai, the Defender, has been killed!

Edited by Lightning
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If mafia didn't figure it out around the time of this post I would consider it impossible for town to lose

Fine I'll confess, I'm really WoMC

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Oh, by the way, you guys just killed one of your most valuable townies. Nice job.

It's okay - if he can't be bothered to make a post every once in a while, he's just as good dead as being a 'valuable' townie.

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"I HAVE A PLAN! KILL IT WITH FIIIIIREEE!!!" shouted Calill, who cast Rexflame on Mordecai.

I didn't even vote Lux >8[



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Wait, could Lux protect one person EVERY night, or just once? The way you worded it made me think only once, so that's not all that useful.

But anyway, if he won't even show up and post once and a while, I don't mind losing him. Lurkers be warned.

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So,what do we do now?

We have Mist and Ike who can both protect someone,but Ike only gets three shots at it,and also has the ability to kill instead.

So,we should probably discuss who these two will protect.

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[spoiler=What I was in the middle of posting]Lightning, don't waste your time on him. If he's lying, the real Nurse can claim in a day or two.

Anyway, I'm not happy with a Lux Lynch. We have no reason to suspect him or not suspect him, so it's almost a wasted vote. It also worries me nobody has tried to vote someone else. Looking at the list I have, I have reason to think that Ragnell is innocent (this is based purely on speculation, though, but I think I know his role). Ulki seems somewhat innocent too, Bizz is uncountered as Miller, mike has claimed Nurse, and we know about Fayt and I.

That leaves:

Trompe le Monde

General Spoon




The Dragonslayer



Lux Aeterna




Fayt, do you have a report from day 1 to out? Until I hear that,


Mike defends Fayt, Ike chooses randomly between me and Mike.

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Wait, could Lux protect one person EVERY night, or just once? The way you worded it made me think only once, so that's not all that useful.

But anyway, if he won't even show up and post once and a while, I don't mind losing him. Lurkers be warned.

I've decided that in my game, I'm just going to modkill lurkers each day phase because I'm sick of people like Lux who are too lazy to actually play the game instead of just signing up, stealing a useful role, and then not doing anything.

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