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Lightning's Mafia


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I've decided that in my game, I'm just going to modkill lurkers each day phase because I'm sick of people like Lux who are too lazy to actually play the game instead of just signing up, stealing a useful role, and then not doing anything.

Fun Fact: If you replace "lurker" with "immigrant" thats the entire BNP manifesto in one sentence.

Also the reason for Lux being lynched was not posting I may have missed it but I haven't seen any posts lately from Trompe, Drachon or Crysta. *sigh* so many bandwagons so little time

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I'm curious about how the Mafia works. (Am I the only person who's getting sick of me asking questions?) So does Sephiran alone pick the targets without discussion until he dies, and then the 2nd in command takes over and so on, or do they all discuss their target together every night?

Basically, to dupe the mafia, do we have to dupe just one person, or all four?

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I'm curious about how the Mafia works. (Am I the only person who's getting sick of me asking questions?) So does Sephiran alone pick the targets without discussion until he dies, and then the 2nd in command takes over and so on, or do they all discuss their target together every night?

Basically, to dupe the mafia, do we have to dupe just one person, or all four?

Mafia discusses things

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They discuss things, but Sephiran has the last word unless he dies. Then Lekain, then Izuka, then Zelgius.

Also if you die you're not supposed to talk in the mafia PM. Or other PMs for that matter. But there are no other PMs.

Which reminds me. Anybody who receives a PM for this game that I didn't start, please tell me and/or Bal via your role PM. Also, invite me and Bal to the PM. Cheating's not cool.

Edited by Lightning
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I'm curious about how the Mafia works. (Am I the only person who's getting sick of me asking questions?) So does Sephiran alone pick the targets without discussion until he dies, and then the 2nd in command takes over and so on, or do they all discuss their target together every night?

Basically, to dupe the mafia, do we have to dupe just one person, or all four?

Godfather (or highest ranked living Mafioso) makes the final decision, but all mafioso get to discuss the kills.

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Which reminds me. Anybody who receives a PM for this game that I didn't start, please tell me and/or Bal via your role PM. Also, invite me and Bal to the PM. Cheating's not cool.

lol whut? The first post said no PMs at all.

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Are you fucking kidding me?

Alright, let's try THIS one.

Mike protects Fayt. Ike protects Mike OR Tables. And Haar can swap me with someone random. Fayt investigates whoever he thinks will give him a guilty.

I'm going to assume that I didn't overlook anything obvious here.

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I guess an inactive defender is about as good as a dead defender, though I would have preferred the mafia waste a night killing him instead.

</obligatory post proving I'm reading this>

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Also the reason for Lux being lynched was not posting I may have missed it but I haven't seen any posts lately from Trompe, Drachon or Crysta. *sigh* so many bandwagons so little time

I don't usually post much...

I've decided that in my game, I'm just going to modkill lurkers each day phase because I'm sick of people like Lux who are too lazy to actually play the game instead of just signing up, stealing a useful role, and then not doing anything.

...but I do follow the threads closely and make sure to use my role as good as I can. I just usually don't vote unless my vote will make a difference or I have a good reason for voting for someone.

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Are you fucking kidding me?

Alright, let's try THIS one.

Mike protects Fayt. Ike protects Mike OR Tables. And Haar can swap me with someone random. Fayt investigates whoever he thinks will give him a guilty.

I'm going to assume that I didn't overlook anything obvious here.

Already suggested it :awesome:. In this game, actually, it might be better to keep mike alive, but if the Mafia knows he'll be protected, I'm dead. That's why we need to play WIFOM.

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So who has roleclaimed? It seems like we've outted a lot of our good resources.

This post seems a bit suspect. I'm not trying to start a witch hunt, but it seems like a good way for the mafia to skip reading the topic.

No one compile a list of people who have roleclaimed.

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WoMC claimed Izuka

Champion Cynthia claimed Caineghis

Lightning claimed Ike

Ninji claimed Meg

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Uhh...all of those are wrong.It's not worth blatantly lying when anyone can easily call you out on it without needing to think.It makes you seem closer to mafia than anyone.

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Uhh...all of those are wrong.It's not worth blatantly lying when anyone can easily call you out on it without needing to think.It makes you seem closer to mafia than anyone.


Half of those aren't even real roles. And Lightning isn't in the game. Mike was being sarcastic.

EDIT: edited for clarity - nothing deleted

Edited by Ragnell
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No. That would imply I want the mafia to win. Yune would prefer the town to win, but would find it amusing even if the mafia won.

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... Yeah, don't do that anymore.

Also, my role is technically Yune if we're going by Fire Emblem characters.

Alright sorry about that

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Hi guys.

I'm still reading this topic, my English project is just trying to eat me.

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