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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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There are 11 preferred weapons if Dark magic counts Pelleas as it's only user since he's the only PC user of it.

But only 10 can be blessed at a time due to Ragnell and Etard both being for Ike.

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She also has 0 move... right? So... have fun there :awesome:

Edit: Ashera WILL NOT MOVE, for the sake of future generations!

It even kinda makes sense... in a convoluted sort of way...

Anyway strange they gave her 20 vision actually. Also amusing is transformed birds having 0. Maybe just Ravens. Still funny to run into an enemy and not even be able to see them.

Edited by Cylon
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Something I've noticed in my draft playthrough: Apparently the two Allied Snipers in 2-E won't move when you try to put the Allies on Avoid or Target. In fact, they may never move no matter what.

Also, even with max mag/skl/spd, Calill still only 3RKO's Ludveck with Meteor...

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Something I've noticed in my draft playthrough: Apparently the two Allied Snipers in 2-E won't move when you try to put the Allies on Avoid or Target. In fact, they may never move no matter what.

Also, even with max mag/skl/spd, Calill still only 3RKO's Ludveck with Meteor...

Personally I like Calill because Rexflame is pretty much the only usable by her. And I use only her in chapters she's in because I never use any of the Crimean royal knights.

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The painting in Oliver's mansion, in the treasure room with the statue frag, is a Fuzzy from Paper Mario. I don't know what the rest of them are, though.

I want a picture nao :lol:

Maybe Ashera's FoW range isn't actually meant for FoW. Maybe it's read by the game as the range for her to summon, attack, or whatever else she does in her normal map area?

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I just noticed it when I was playing that chapter recently. I made a mental note and finished the chapter, and I'm not gonna bother going back to take a picture. Maybe someone with Dolphin emulator could do a better job than me.

It really is there, though. Intelligent Systems is responsible for both games so an easter egg like that makes sense.

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I just noticed it when I was playing that chapter recently. I made a mental note and finished the chapter, and I'm not gonna bother going back to take a picture. Maybe someone with Dolphin emulator could do a better job than me.

It really is there, though. Intelligent Systems is responsible for both games so an easter egg like that makes sense.

Darn, if I still had FE10's files on me, I could try searching through the texture files.

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The cameo painting wouldn't happen to be the left-one in that treasure room around 28:00, would it?

If anyone knows any chapter-warp codes, I can get to the level on the emulator and take a pic. I don't feel like getting all the tools to break the ISO down on my brother's computer :p

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FE1/3/11/12 Minerva, FE6 Echidna. There may be others but those come to mind off the top of my head. Lrn2JapaneseFE.

FE1/3 Minerva doesn't use axes.

I remember someone (probably Narga) saying that Part 4 enemies have 3rd Tier caps and critical bonuses.

It's on the site too.

Also amusing is transformed birds having 0. Maybe just Ravens. Still funny to run into an enemy and not even be able to see them.

Okay, this is weird. I'd imagine birds would have a wider vision range than any other unit.

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Okay, this is weird. I'd imagine birds would have a wider vision range than any other unit.

Most birds have no night vision, which happens to be what fog of war in this game is, darkness.

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At least Janaff gets +5 vision. It's funny though that thieves and beast laguz have as much vision as the character who is supposed to have like the greatest eyes in Tellius.

Will this thread ever die? :XD:

It's amazing how many fun facts this one game has. I guess it makes sense since FE10 is easily the most complicated game in the series.

It appears that the concept of Mantle and the goddess' blessing changed between FE9 and FE10. In FE9, it doesn't seem that Mantle was intended to be the goddess' blessing yet. It appears to have been created simply to prevent Sephiran, an important character, from dying without having to make it a requirement in the battle conditions (if you were told that Sephiran dying results in a game over, it would make it too obvious that he is important). This is further suggested by the description, which suggests that Mantle is simply supposed to be a decent protection skill, not full invincibility (that wasn't how it was programmed of course, but that's how it was meant to appear plotwise). The goddess' blessing in this game is not represented by a skill but rather by a hidden ability in BK and Ashnard.

Of course, in FE10, the goddess' blessing was combined with Mantle. Since the goddess' blessing is now represented by a skill, and BK is known not to have mantle, it was necessary that BK's armor lost its blessing.

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At least Janaff gets +5 vision. It's funny though that thieves and beast laguz have as much vision as the character who is supposed to have like the greatest eyes in Tellius.

Will this thread ever die? :XD:

It's amazing how many fun facts this one game has. I guess it makes sense since FE10 is easily the most complicated game in the series.

It appears that the concept of Mantle and the goddess' blessing changed between FE9 and FE10. In FE9, it doesn't seem that Mantle was intended to be the goddess' blessing yet. It appears to have been created simply to prevent Sephiran, an important character, from dying without having to make it a requirement in the battle conditions (if you were told that Sephiran dying results in a game over, it would make it too obvious that he is important). This is further suggested by the description, which suggests that Mantle is simply supposed to be a decent protection skill, not full invincibility (that wasn't how it was programmed of course, but that's how it was meant to appear plotwise). The goddess' blessing in this game is not represented by a skill but rather by a hidden ability in BK and Ashnard.

Of course, in FE10, the goddess' blessing was combined with Mantle. Since the goddess' blessing is now represented by a skill, and BK is known not to have mantle, it was necessary that BK's armor lost its blessing.

I realized that Sephiran would be important when I looked at his stats and skills.

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At least Janaff gets +5 vision. It's funny though that thieves and beast laguz have as much vision as the character who is supposed to have like the greatest eyes in Tellius.

Will this thread ever die? :XD:

It's amazing how many fun facts this one game has. I guess it makes sense since FE10 is easily the most complicated game in the series.

It appears that the concept of Mantle and the goddess' blessing changed between FE9 and FE10. In FE9, it doesn't seem that Mantle was intended to be the goddess' blessing yet. It appears to have been created simply to prevent Sephiran, an important character, from dying without having to make it a requirement in the battle conditions (if you were told that Sephiran dying results in a game over, it would make it too obvious that he is important). This is further suggested by the description, which suggests that Mantle is simply supposed to be a decent protection skill, not full invincibility (that wasn't how it was programmed of course, but that's how it was meant to appear plotwise). The goddess' blessing in this game is not represented by a skill but rather by a hidden ability in BK and Ashnard.

Of course, in FE10, the goddess' blessing was combined with Mantle. Since the goddess' blessing is now represented by a skill, and BK is known not to have mantle, it was necessary that BK's armor lost its blessing.

How exactly does mantle work in PoR?

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