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Alex: His hair looks kinda lopsided considering it's supposed to be short hair.(Short hair like that shapes to the head)

Marco: the Halberdier pauldrons are off angle with the rest of the body. And the far side looks larger than the near side.

Cormag: Looks like the 5th skin tone is an FE7 color. Also recolor the armor. I mistook him for Glen at first sight.

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Come on, do you guys really think I'd do something so blatantly obvious if I didn't have intentions behind it?


Kuuyo(Originally by AoDNightShade), Marco, Weiss and Alex.

Edited by 暁
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Are you trying to give the illusion of cheekbones on Alex? Because right now it's still pretty odd, especially with the illusion you seem to be trying to pull. You need to define them more by adding some of the third skin shade where you want them to be defined the most, like Dorcas has.

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  • 2 months later...

What's that meant to mean? :c

Hair isn't my strong suit, I kinda got it to a point I was happy with and I'm afraid that If I do anything to it, I'll ruin it.

The scarf was just ripped from an older mug of mine, which I deleted months ago, so not surprised it sucks.

Thanks for the comment though, Aeo right?

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Forty? FORTY? And he looks like that? What's he been doing all these years? Rotting away in a dungeon cell? Good gosh, man! Aging =/= sunken cheeks. Aging will give you wrinkles, definitely, but unless you're particularly unhealthy for some reason or another, you shouldn't be gradually rotting away into a skeleton with skin drawn over it. Age makes people SAG. They get baggy and saggy and wrinkly, like an outfit a formerly-obese person can't wear anymore because they're finally normal-sized. Yes, age may make your features more prominent, but that's just TOO prominent. Not to mention you'd probably make your mother unhappy if you envisioned her looking so old at forty. Thirty-five is the prime of one's life, supposedly. Fifty is going over the hill and becoming fucking old, and sixty-five is the age of retirement, when you can officially call it quits for being assuredly OLD. Forty is not that sad of a year in comparison, all right?

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