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You don't necessarily need to trust me(especially given who else seems to be reading this topic) but I'll go ahead and give some opinions because I'm bored.

Treck or whatever his name is kinda reminds me of Brock for some reason. His left (our right) pauldron seems either way sharper than the other one or at an awkward angle, and I personally think the AA'ing between it and his sleeve could do without the outline color there. Also, there's one pixel from that pauldron's trim above his chestplate that doesn't seem like it should be there.

I've only got one little problem with Clarine, and that's that the part of her hair that hangs down ends right where it looks like it would be going down her shirt, in which case it ought to cast a different kind of shadow, I'd think. Not that it would make sense for that to happen, anyway. Yeah, the first loop on the near part of her whatever looks a teensy bit jagged, but that's pretty negligible. And besides, maybe your style of doing trim just involves that 1-2-L-1 thing.

Roy, unfortunately, looks almost like nothing was changed unless you look at him for a while. While I love what you did to his cape and pauldron, his skin tone looks a little bit ghostlike.

But again, I don't have any idea what I'm talking about XP

I do like how you made the first two smiling, though XD

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Noah became Spiky McGee, maybe he should go model for Abercrombie after the war is over? I like the armor though, and 47948201 already did a good C&C.

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Cecilia is very messy, especially in the clothes.

Dieck looks like he lost muscle. AND HE LOST HIS SCAR D=

Alan kind of reminds me of an FE5 sprite like the one in this prerelease screencap for some reason.

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Posted: Aug 27 2010, 01:12 AM

Quote Post


Over on FEND.

Yeah, been a long time, I dropped that jacket concept and asked VAMP to help me with the RR Jacket concept and he got that done for me, a while ago now that was though. =o

Like so: 3d20e2a15296790196e34b6a15759305.png

Since then I've removed the grey swirls and the inner shirt and given him more of a Squall from FF8 inspired design.


Anyways, I got a little sidetracked there, but I wanted to try the jacket concept again.


Based on an old Nikolas sprite which eventually was changed into a Gordon(Gordon was one of the first few sprites I ever made, like, years and years ago, I haven't forgotten it, I made Nikolas into a Gordon for the FEU forum hack, and he's still there today, besides the fact he was resprited by Nayr.) I then found him a few months ago and worked on him again, giving him a new palette and fixing his angling problems. I went back to him today and took away his body and started from scratch.




3 references I used for the jacket.

He is now named Sykes, and I am yet sure if I want to use the version with the black shoulder things or the one without them.


First gallery post of 2011.


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Captain of the newly heralded Royal Knights, he was sent out on a regular routine scan of the local towns on behalf of the Capital, but little did he know he was being sent into a trap planned by nameremoved. nameremoved secretly planned to eliminate all the military forces in the nation, that way no one could oppose him. A Swordmaster named nameremoved was ordered to kill Gordon and his troop, but nameremoved arrived on his way to the capital, and helped eliminate nameremoved and his troop.


Calm, quick to think things through. Doesn't bond much with people and is often the silent but smart one. He is a Wyv. rider under training by Gryffin, whom he gets along with ok. Aoto also seems to have an ok relationship with Nickt, Gryffin's commander. He tends to clash often with Leijin over reasonings and over what they should do next.


Looked after by nameremoved, her older brother after their parents were killed in the attack on their village, she was left with nameremoved and nameremoved when nameremoved left to defeat nameremoved, later she and nameremoved track down Nickt to find out what happened after they were both abandoned by nameremoved, who had left to look for nameremoved and joined nameremoved's campaign. Claire and nameremoved follow suit.



A young roaming swordfighter whom is trying to find his place and a way to earn forgiveness for a mistake earlier in his life.

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I think I'm getting really sucky at chibi's. :c

Young Ruka.


My worksheet of making Ruka older.


Older Ruka.



Some of you probably remember this one, she's now named Garnet, and also got an appropriate palette change.




Maetira. (Oldest character I have, one of the first that I wrote up that I still have, he came before Gordon and stuff, back when I first joined Fire Emblem World forums. His design has changed considerably but he still has red hair. :D)


Rose. (Can I get people telling me what age they think Rose is plz?)


Seij. Generic Shaman Boss.


Sykes finished.

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