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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"Y-You're right Morgan." said Esphyr, her voice becoming even. "It's not that bad... I-I shouldn't be bawling like a baby. I don't know why I suddenly started crying."

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When Kelas had spoken up from behind her, Tessa slowly turned around. She'd been there the whole time hadn't she? An almost goofy look of embarrassment started to spread across her face, which formed an almost comical contrast with her red-rimmed eyes and slightly visible tear tracks.

Kelas hadn't even managed to finish her thought, though, before a cry of "Dinner's ready!" came along and interrupted. It was followed shortly thereafter by the young thunder mage running into the corral, a worried expression on his face. When asked if she was alright at first she just sniffed, nodded, and wiped her face once again with the back of her hand. Then she managed to crack a smile, and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Esphyr will be too, in a bit. Everything will work out OK." She also turned to Kelas and smiled a sort of silent 'Thank you', though she wasn't sure if she was understood.

She let herself be led inside for supper. She had little appetite at the moment, but that would probably pick up after she started to eat something.

[[OOC: Yeah, I figured as much, but Tessa wouldn't pick up on that either, so I'm playing along and having fun with it. Thanks though! She'll probably just be keeping an eye on him, bothering him, and continuing to make the symptoms worse. :)]]

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Kamilla reached into a labeled bottle and sprinkled it's contents on a few of the dishes, she could hear the innkeepers wife talking to someone outside the kitchen. She quickly put the bottle away, as the woman returned with a a confident smile, apparently she was pleased that the food had been prepared so quickly. She even joked about offering her a job if Istample ever became a tourist destination.

As the woman started lifting dishes and taking them out, Kamilla grabbed a few plates as well, following close behind, she was looking forward to dinner....

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OOC: Sorry, Nady-chan, but I'm going to screw with your plot just a lil-bit :awesome:

When Kamilla had pulled out a bottle to sprinkle over the food, Iso had come walking into the room. He noticed that Kamilla was the only one by the table, and on instinct he quickly backed out of sight before she saw him! He peeked around the corner and watched as she sprinkled the unknown contents of the bottle onto the dishes.

Iso: (... ... what ... the ... hell ...? :angry: )

Iso turned to leave, but Irina bumped into him just outside the room! Iso covered her mouth and dragged her out of earshot.

Irina: What are you doing?! :blink:

Iso: Be ... quiet ....

Irina: Um ... okay ... Arrin said dinner was ready. Aren't we going in?

Iso: No ... we're not. I told you I didn't trust these people, and this is why.

Iso turned back to make sure no one saw them, and then he grabbed Irina and hauled her upstairs to the room they were to sleep in. He shut the door behind him.

Irina: :huh:

Iso: That damn waitress just put something in the food. I don't know what it is, but I'm not touching anything.

Irina: Salt? Pepper? *gasp* Onion powder?! :drool:

Iso: ... not ... bloody ... likely .... :facepalm:

Irina: You think it's poison don't you?

Iso: Don't know ... don't care. This is why I appointed Katie as the chef.

Irina: Your chef ;] ... Well ... let's tell the others and let them decide what to do.

Iso: Simple enough -_-

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Arrin ran to the table, now laden with food. He piled a bit of everything onto a plate and dug in. Something tastes a bit weird... well, nothing's as weird as Teacher's cooking was... He hadn't realized how hungry he was. He was finished his first plate in a matter of seconds, leaving Kelas to call, "Oi, leave some for the rest of us, would you?"

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As the rest of the group arrived to eat, Iso and Irina came running down the stairs! They both came up to the table to see Kelas and Arrin already there! Iso slid to a stop right behind Kelas which immediately got her attention!

Iso: Wait! Don't eat the-

Iso was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. He looked behind himself, and saw Irina pointing to Arrin, who had instantaneously finished off a single dish!

Irina: :unsure:

Iso: Oh no :facepalm:

Irina: So ... um ... Arrin ... ... does the food taste alright?

Iso: Where's the waitress. If something happens to him, she dies :angry:

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Chase walked inside and saw an empty seat with food on it. "Um. I don't recall having ordered anything. Did someone order for me or is someone not here right now?"

He heard Irina and Isotov tell Kelas, "Don't eat the--" and something about "if something happens that waitress is dead". Putting two and two together, he exclaied, "Okay, I definitely think she's out to get us, but has she really stooped so low as to poison our food? Well, I didn't order anything anyways, but still... Isotov, where'd she go?"

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When Chase walked in, and asked Iso about Kamilla, he looked at Irina. She still wasn't entirely sure that Kamilla was "betraying" them.

Iso: We need to catch her before she does something else, or gets away. Irina, find the others and tell them.

Irina: Iso, Arrin looks just fine. What if it's not poison? What if you're overreacting?

Iso: She ... put ... something ... in ... the ... FOOD for heaven's sake!

Irina: The food was in the kitchen, and she's a waitress. What if it was just seasoning?! That's hardly suspicious at all, Iso!

Iso: Every time we turn around, she's about ready to sell us out to save her own neck! I'm not taking chances with that zealot near the food. Chase! Help me find her! Irina, Kelas make sure no one else eats this until we find out what was in that bottle!

Irina: 20 Gold says you're overreacting :/

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"Right! I'll go that way, you go, uh, not that way! Let's go!" Chase said, and hurried in the direction where Kamilla's room was... at least, he thought that's where her room was...

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Something was bothering Helios. That girl must have put something in that food. "Good thing i didnt eat that trash" Helios said looking at the bowl that he kicked on the floor. "I would rather starve". Now they were looking for her. He could care less about the poisoning. He was just going to teach her a lesson on edible and inedible. That was not even fit for a dog. He could have kept on ranting when he noticed Esphyr was injured. That fool of a leader pulled it out. "Vermin" he muttered under his breath as he headed toward Esphyr. Even though the fool pulled it out, he could still save her. "Apply pressure to that until you can cover it up" He said coldly. "And dont move her that much".

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The incident seemed to be over,for the most part.Esphyr's wound was healed,and she was not in the best of moods,although that was to be expected.It seemed that the meal was ready,but looking himself over in the mirror before entering the main room revealed that his entire frontside was soaked with blood.

"Well,looks like I'll have to clean up before eating." Damian asked the Innkeeper to point him to the baths,and getting his directions,he set towards them.


Aiya sighed contentedly.She had originally planned to talk to Irina,but seeing as the girl had other things to attend to at the time,Aiya had decided to soak in the baths.

"This is so good~" She sunk into the hot water,her aching muscles nearly crying out in joy at the soothing heat.

She had not gotten the chance to enjoy a hot bath since the day that they had departed the camp for Darien...she reminisced back to the simpler days,laughing with her group of close friends,the wyverns in the stable. She had never had one of her own,but all of the other riders mounts were accustomed to her,so she had ridden a lot back then.

The complaints,the things taken for granted.She remembered complaining to Damian that the Duke had been spying on the women's baths,had she known what had been about to happen,she wouldn't have ran out,even with the perverted noble watching.It wouldn't have mattered,she could have savoured the warmth for hours on end,and would have,if only she had known.

'But then I would have been caught in the raid,and even if I would have survived...Damian and I would have been...'

She pushed the thought out of her head.

"I guess I should get out and see what the others are doing." Aiya told herself reluctantly,and pulled herself out of the bath,the air chilling her wet skin as she was exposed to it.


Damian stopped in front of the door. The group was down in the dining room now,and there were no other tenants staying in the inn,so it should be safe.

He opened the door...


Aiya heard the sound of the door opening.She turned quickly and was about to cover herself,when she saw Damian standing in the doorway,surprised.


'W-What do I do?What do I say?I-I should cover myself!But I'm too embarrassed...I can't even move!Ugh!I'm just standing there with my mouth open,he must think I'm such an idiot!' Aiya's mind was racing. Damian was looking at her,she didn't know what to do.

"Uhh...Aiya...am I interrupting something...?" Damian said nervously.He was trying to look away,but he couldn't take his eyes off of her frame,the water droplets dripping off of her hair,catching his eye and dragging it down her frame unexpectedly,it seemed trying to distract himself wasn't working.

"I should have knocked,I'll go now." He told her,and forced his body to turn away from her,when her voice stopped him.

'He's leaving?That's good right,right?But is it good?Now is my chance,isn't it?To tell him how I feel...wait,why is he covered in blood!?'

"Damian!Are you hurt?"

Her instincts kicked in,and she ran towards him,and embraced him as he turned back around.

"A-Aiya...I'm fine." Damian barely managed to let out. She was pressed against him,the curves of her body molding into his own frame,looking up at him,close to tears thinking he was injured.

'Damn it...what a situation to get in.J-Just try not to look at her,and hope she doesn't shift her weight...Damn...'

"So,why are you soaked in blood then?"

"Esphyr got hurt in training,and I was the one who cleaned the wound,and I got some blood on me,so I came to wash up.She's fine now."

"Oh,okay.I'm just glad you're not hurt." she said to him softly,laying her head against his chest.

"I'll help you wash up,then." she told him,the awkwardness of the situation seemingly forgotten.

'I will tell him,I have to... Damian,I love you...that's all I have to say,right?Then why is it so hard to do?'

OOC: Yes,I did completely stray from the topic at hand.And yes,I am requesting permission to write up the A support convo.

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OOC: Kai,the wound was healed and cleaned.It's not bleeding or in immediate danger anymore.

Also,you try cleaning and healing a wound with a muddy root still inside it.In order to actually fix it,you need to remove it eventually,just not until the patient can get medical attention.

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Chase ran around frantically looking for Kamilla, and eventually arrived at what was apparently her assigned room. He tried the door, but it was locked. He attempted to open the door in various other ways, but to no avail. In frustration, he kicked the door and surprisingly, it worked. He noted that it was the right room, but she wasn't there. Chase decided it would be pointless to look for her, so instead, he closed the door almost completely, leaving it just a crack open, and hid near it. Then...

... he waited.

((By the way, the door-kicking part is based on a true story. I was locked out of my house, nobody was home at the time, and my parents were on vacation, and it miraculously worked.))

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OOC: :facepalm:Your going to get her pregnant even before we kill the Demon king

@ Ether: Yeah i kind of figured that out already. Removing it would cause excess damage and more bleeding but it seem to have turned out fine. Then again im using logic in a RP which is kinda meh

The whole deal with Esphyr went by smoothly. That fool didnt kill her. Helios quickly noticed that his pulse was getting slower. He knew that his illness would kill him if he didnt know what it was. Helios had to find out what it was and now. The person with the most knowledge on these type of illnesses would have been Morgan but he knew that she would give him an hour long lecture or something. They seemed to have strayed far from the library. He couldnt go back. His breathing was growing heavier. Helios got up and started to look around for any books this place had

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OOC:Sorry for getting angry,anyway.It's just that it would need to be removed eventually,and with a quick need to be cleaned due to high risk of infection,and with a healer nearby,it wouldn't be a big issue.

And again,they are not having sex,and I'm starting to think that you hold a rather low opinion of Damian and Aiya. Either that,or you are desperate for any opportunity to imagine Aiya getting boned...

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OOC: Yes his opinion of you two has changed alot. He doesnt "respect" Mr. Leader anymore :mellow: . Anyways even if there is an infection it would not be as bad as the blood loss. I would explain but too much of a hassle

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OOC: I was referring to you specifically,not Helios.You always seem to be the first to yell "SEX!" at any posts I make which advance their relationship. Also,Helios does not know everything that happens between them.IIRC,he only knows about when she kissed him.

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OOC: Kai and Ether for support level C XD

Irina looked down at the food that was prepared and realized that she was hungry.

Irina: ... I don't think it's actually poisoned :unsure:

She looked down at Arrin who returned her curiosity. He looked just fine ... Without waiting for Iso to get back, she took a fork, picked up a plate, and took a small bite ....

Irina: ... ... ... needs onion powder ;_;

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OOC: The only reason i dont hate him completely is because he is sharing Nino with me

Mark looked down at his bowl. He examined it a bit and noticed some powder in the side. "If your going to poison us at least do it correctly" Mark sighed. He dropped his food into a garbage pail and served himself to some hardtack he had

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OOC: Back-road inn like this, probably doesn't have any books. Talk to the medic.

"Arrin you fool you're allergic to peppers what are you doing--" Kelas protested, making up lame excuses as she went. She yanked the near-empty plate away from her brother. She hissed to Tessa, "Something's in the food. Warn the others."

"But it's good--" Arrin began, then slumped over unconscious on the table. He began to snore slightly.

"Idiot... no, wait. Gods, he was really tired," Kelas muttered. "Nothing's that fast-acting, so this has to just be him... and he's burning up," she noted as she tried to pull Arrin out of his chair. "And heavy."

OOC: Arrin's actually sick (just a cold of sorts), this isn't really the poison acting (yet).

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Kamilla, strolled out of the kitchen humming to herself, oblivious to the conversation going on, she'd been helping cleaning up in the kitchen and had come out to check the condition of the group.

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OOC: Go to the things you hate to share topic in FFtF. I think you'll find my opinion on your Nino situation somewhere in there.

Iso walked through the inn trying to find Kamilla. In all likelihood, she was in the kitchen, but there was no escape route through there, so he decided to check there last, hoping his sister and Kelas would apprehend her if she showed up.

Iso: <.< >.>

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Chase continued to wait. After about ten minutes of near-complete silence and little-to-no movement whatsoever, he decided it wasn't worth staying there and headed back to the kitchen... only to find Kamilla right there.

"Hey! There you are! What the hell's your problem?! Why are you trying to poison us? Would that really get you anywhere?"

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