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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"Well,that was refreshing..." Damian stretched happily as he stepped out of the baths,and put on an unstained set of clothing.

Aiya followed soon after,and with both dressed,they shared a kiss before leaving the bathing room to see what had happened in their absense.

"Sorry 'bout that,everyone.So what did I miss?" Damian asked.

OOC:Someone just give them a summary,so they know what is going on

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"A world being shattered?What do you mean by that?" Damian asked Esphyr,her statement confusing him.

"And why do you have a feather stuck to your face?"

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Esphyr quickly looked down, her eyes crossing as she looked at the feather, before she flicked it away. "I mean... Nothing. Never mind. I should apologize though for acting so unprofessional earlier. And... And you showered recently?"

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Kelas woke with a jolt, falling backwards off the fence. As soon as she'd regained her breath, she let out a string of profanity not confined to a single language. She got up and dusted herself off. Amari nickered. "Stop laughing," Kelas ordered the horse, and went back inside. She ignored the looks of a few people at her new patch of dust, grabbing some spare clothes and heading for the inn's baths.

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Having been standing not too far away, Iso watched the conversation between Damian and Esphyr. He didn't think Esphyr was crazy, but with everything he'd seen of her, he was certain that she was at the very least completely uninhibited. Not the most dangerous quality in a crimson weapon wielder, but still risky as hell given recent events. He decided to keep leaning against the wall by the door and listen. Distracting himself from his past wasn't going to be easy.


After a few more minutes, he found his thoughts racing. He couldn't stop thinking about his old friends. The people he used to travel with. The ones who wanted to help him destroy Proxima and free him from its curse. These new people in his life were poor replacements for the most part.

The more he thought about their fates, the angrier he became. Eventually his irises were glowing a feint red again.

Iso: *sigh* dammit ... ... d-dammit ....

He quickly lifted up his hand and covered his face while squeezing his fist tightly.

Iso: I'm so ... SICK of this ... ... how much time now? How long until they come at me again? How on earth will I protect my sister, when I can barely protect myself?

He dropped his hands and walked off. (Forgive me for not having a better location picked out, Snowy ... it's off the top of my head. Retcon if necessary >_< )

When he reached the hallway at the top of the stairs, he saw Katie reading through a book. He slowly approached hoping to identify it before she noticed him. The very next step he took caused a squeak in the floor that immediately got her attention.

Iso: :mellow: >_< :unsure:

She stood there for a moment waiting to see what he would do. Iso shrugged and then came closer.

Iso: I don't know if you heard about this, but that waitress we ran into at the other inn tried to put something in our food tonight. ... ... THAT'S ... why I made you the chef ... <_<

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Katie gave a soft sigh before she closed her book and opened up the diary that had been given to her. Flipping through it, it became clear that, after a certain point, she had taken over the book completely and the handwriting was all her own. She flipped through several pages containing maps, magical formulas, notes, details, and the like until she reached a small page with only three words on it. Sandwiches, ham/turkey. She gave a quick point to it before turning to a designated writing page. That's all I can cook. If you make me the chef, you too will soon be poisoned from eating nothing but those. That's not why you came here though. Right?

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"Yes,I did." Damian replied to Esphyr's comment about him bathing.

Esphyr seemed to notice his arm around Aiya's waist,but hadn't commented on it.

"And you don't need to worry about earlier.It was a bad wound,to be certain...and I probably didn't make it better by being so hasty to treat it." Damian said rather sheepishly.

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Iso: I-I guess ... well you are by far the easiest person to communicate with. If those assassins don't end me, the rhetoric of the others certainly will.

Not comfortable standing directly in the middle of the hallway, he leaned up against the wall next to one of the doors.

Iso: In truth, I didn't think I'd find you. I came up here to try and forget about ... about the last group of people I traveled with. It isn't working -_-

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Helios arrived near the group. Look at them. So carefree and happy. They have no idea of the danger and gloom that lies ahead. Helios remembered the book that he read. He had no more hope left in this world. He would rather die but a faint portion of his soul makes him continue to struggle. Helios knew that his death would be near and that they must defeat the demon king as fast as they can.

OOC: No he isnt emo :facepalm:

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Did everyone wake up now or something? Did we timeskip to morning or is everyone talking for no particular reason?

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Helios felt no need to be here. He went to see Luna. She was up. Helios saw Marks horse as well. He fed Luna. Marks horse neighed at the sight of food. Helios fed him too. He sat down. He remembered that he had a horse back home. He wondered what happened to the horse.

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Kamilla frowned, tonight seemed longer then usual, she had heard the two soldiers talking with Esphyr earlier but having heard nothing interesting, she decided there really wasn't any need to listen in. She figured if she didn't have anything to do, she might as well go collect a few herbs, as a apprentice priest, she'd been forced to study herbs as an alternative to healing, most of her knowledge consisted of what herbs could act to heal what sort of illness, but while studying, it was inevitable that she'd learn which herbs were poisonous and not to be used under any circumstances.

She doubted she'd find anything useful, but it wasn't like she had anything better to do. "Ah well, might as well go find myself a few fatal poisons" she said out to the moon. Stretching she headed over to a cluster of shrubs she'd seen when they'd arrived.

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Morgan returned to her room and saw Tessa preparing for bed. The young troubadour's face did not have its usual smile and still had the remnants of tears.

Morgan walked over and said "If this is about the incident with Esphyr earlier, you need not concern yourself. She is having some personal issues right now, so blaming yourself is both pointless and unecessary."

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OoC: Err Tessa and Kamilla switched rooms (So Tessa and Arrin could make the bed go squeakie squeak all night long, so you're either in the wrong room, or that ain't Tessa, Omg! It's Shanice! XD


Time-warp to next morning


Kamilla opened her eyes as a ray of sunshine hit her face, her neck was killing her and her body felt so tired she might as well have slept on a rock. Rubbing her eyes she looked around and found that she had indeed slept on a rock. XD "Oh, right" she said to herself quietly as she recalled going out to collect herbs and then deciding anywhere was better then a room filled with the knife brandishing madman (not Kelas) and the upstart mage.

She looked at the few leaves she'd collected last night, fortunately one would help with muscle cramps if boiled. More importantly though, her hair was a mess, she sighed and headed slowly back to the inn.

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OOC: I was a bit confused about what was going on, since Tessa is just sleeping in the same room as Arrin (but she's sleeping and therefore not watching him) and Kelas is falling off fences. Meh, too lazy to change it, maybe Morgan forgot which room was which.

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[[OOC: I think I've got a solution guys!]]

Tessa opened her eyes. She'd been laying in bed trying to sleep, but there was conversation in the hallway, and lingering concerns keeping her mind churning. Despite physical exhaustion, she found herself unable to sleep. Looking around briefly, she noticed that Kelas had stepped out for a moment, but she also realized that she had left all of her things in the other room, when the initial arrangements had been set.

Standing up, Tessa gave a quick check to the sleeping mage. He looked quite at peace, and there didn't seem to be any concerns for the moment. Satisfied, she quietly exited the room and made her way to her original one. She was in the midst of gathering her things when the door opened behind her, and Morgan entered. Tessa turned, and stopped for a moment. She wasn't really sure what to expect. The shaman hadn't wanted them to spar in the first place, fearing someone would get hurt, and sure enough, someone had. While it wasn't who she'd originally been concerned for, surely Morgan was still displeased?

However, these proved needless worries. "If this is about the incident with Esphyr earlier, you need not concern yourself. She is having some personal issues right now, so blaming yourself is both pointless and unecessary." While said in her typical curt and dispassionate manner, Morgan was trying to comfort her, and Tessa found this uplifting, and a deep relief.

"You... You're not mad? I... I know it's not... not really my fault, but still... she probably hates me now, doesn't she?" Tessa wasn't quite sure how she wanted to say things, so her reply was punctuated with pauses.

She felt like dropping the things she'd come for, and running to the other woman, hugging her, and crying once again, like she had with Trevor. After a moments hesitation, Tessa followed her impulses, except for breaking out into tears. She wanted to at least hold back on those if she could.

[[OOC: I feel like I should be putting more in here, but I'm having the damnedest time figuring out what to write. Gah.]]

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Everyone here seems to be running from their past in some way. scribbled down Katie quickly. Esphyr, Morgan, you. I'm the only one whom seems to have accepted it and is now trying to do something about it. I failed my students. They died. Now, I will find some way to get back for them. Katie gave a soft sigh. I don't know what i will do though. I can't cast, fight, or anything useful. Best I can to is hit whatever killed them with my tome. It sucks so much to be so helpless


"No. It's fine." said Esphyr, raising her hands assuringly. "I've had to heal worse wounds on my own with little more than a vulnerary to aid me, and sometimes not even that. It was actually a bit reassuring to have someone willing to help me out." she said, lying with a straight face. "Look, it doesn't matter. Just... I'm a mercenary, and you are my employer. I should be acting like your merc; accepting orders and not breaking down on you. Listen though... I need a small favor. I have... people who depend on my money. I've been working for so long now that I'm due to send a note and a payment. Please, may I have an advance to have something to give them? If there is a problem, I'm more then willing to do additional makeup work."

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After reading Katie's message, Iso grinned. He was surprised to see her admit that she was "helpless". That's not quite what he thought, but he was trying to be optimistic. Her problem was pulling Iso away from his own.

Iso: I don't know if "helpless" is the word I would use, Katie. You downed Esphyr in one hit with that tome. Our enemies have yet to match that kind of striking power. That's quite reassuring.

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The sage turned her head aside, a faint blush coming to her cheek. You flatter me Mr. Iso. In truth, she was nor expecting the blow, and I struck well. Plus, I think she knew what was expected. The weak and helpless mage knocking out the tough and surly warrior is not a unknown trope.

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Only if you fail me Iso. she said, raising her hand to her mouth, her chest rising and falling as if laughing. Don't worry. I give easy tests. Mainly in classes like 'how not to set a wooden inn on fire by using a fire spell inside it'. Think you can pass?

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OOC: I think it was a fine post Bal

Morgan was rather shocked at Tessa's sudden embrace, but managed to clumsily return it.

"I highly doubt Esphyr hates you. It would be rather irrational, even for her, to express her dislike by stabbing herself in the foot. More likely, she is struggling with some sort of issue from her past. This does not seem to be uncommon in our little group, Helios in particular has been acting even more strangely than usual. I endeavored not to pry too much at first, but if people's pasts begin becoming as distracting as this, we are going to have to resolve these problems."

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Caught off guard by her message, Iso nearly started laughing! He quickly stopped himself, and then regained his composure. His reply was filled with a higher amount of confidence than one would expect from the troubled man.

Iso: ... yes ... I'll pass your tests, Katie. Every last one of them.

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Now properly clean, Kelas returned to the room. She paused before entering, though: Morgan and Tessa were in the middle of a conversation. Not walking into that, Kelas decided, and headed back to the common room, wet hair leaving a trail of water drops behind her.

The common room held a few people, all in their own conversations. Well, I won't disturb them. Kelas sat down by the fire, letting her hair dry while she waited for the room to be clear again.

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