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OMG it's a tier list

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That wouldn't really be fair considering you haven't considered anything I've contributed to outside of the FE3DS board.(Please tell me this doesn't count as arguing for myself)

Edited by Sophius
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Hey, can someone explain to me why Destiny Hero isn't top tier? He was easily the most obvious troll I've ever seen, and yet when he was here people RAGED over everything he said. It was absolutely hilarious. Every day was a new drama-fest. I miss him so much.

Definitely top tier material.

Edited by Ragnell
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Hey, can someone explain to me why Destiny Hero isn't top tier? He was easily the most obvious troll I've ever seen, and yet when he was here people RAGED over everything he said. It was absolutely hilarious. Every day was a new drama-fest. I miss him so much.

Definitely top tier material.

He's banned right? No banned members can be above mid.

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Jarly deserves to be Top Tier. I mean, just look at this story:


He takes the term "Gary-stu" to a whole new level...

Here are some quotes from the story:

To most of his students, Rad Quetz was simply amazing. He was truly a force to be reckoned with when it came to fighting, for Rad knew many of the fighting styles that were available to the world of melee combat.

Gary-stu? Nah

Seeing that master Rad was occupied explaining and defending himself from Yggy and Yogurt's attacks, Ether Ghale got back up from the ground and rushed to the back side of his master, carrying his long pole along and wanting nothing more than to be the first to ever hit the master.

There's a character in the story named Yogurt. Amazing. I await the sequel with the introduction of the character "Cottage Cheese"

Down fell the poor young peasant, hitting back first like a heavy sack of potatoes and groaning in pain.

Only Jarly can use similies so effectively. "Hitting back first like a heavy sack of potatoes"? Brilliant!

“That was another awesome display of skills, master Rad,” said one of the girls, who wore long, dark hair and had a set of beautiful dark eyes as well. Freohr Datia was her name, and she was dressed in typical nomadic clothing. Freohr, instead of a wearing a red bandana like her tribe did, wore nothing. She had abandoned their ways long ago, yet she still wore the nomadic clothing because she still had not had the chance to buy something new.

Ok, this paragraph is simply amazing. First we get to find out about how Rad is amazing again, which is always nice. Thats not the best part though. We have a nomadic girl who goes from wearing nothing to wearing nomadic clothing all in the same paragraph! A purely descriptive paragraph at that! How does Jarly do it?

Yogurt, a stout young man who wore short, darkened hair, eyed Freohr curiously when they came out to the large living room, which felt a little colder than it should. Freohr noticed why, and she rushed to the fireplace to toss a few faggots in to the burning fire.

Is it politically incorrect to toss gay people on to fires? Sure! Jarly doesn't care though, he writes whatever he feels like! Good job Jarly for defying social norms!

“He wont talk, captain,” said one of the three man doing the torturing. “Should I proceed with the sharp objects?”

“That wont be necessary,” replied captain Bread, also known by many in the realm of Broah as the Light Warrior. He was tall, wore his hair short and blonde and he was fair when it came to being handsome. He carried a scar in his right cheek, one that appeared to any who saw it as having been made by a knife or sword. It ran all the way from his jaw-line to his right eye. The Bread was dressed in his one of a kind armor. It was of a dark brown color and adorned with golden emblems.

Now this is when the story gets good. We have a character named CAPTAIN BREAD. Is it even possible to come up with a cooler name for a villain? Not only that, but we even learn his nickname in the exact same paragraph! "The Bread". With an intimidating name like that, he'll have no problem striking fear in the hearts of his enemies.

“And my oh my,” laughed captain Bread. “Look who has decided to join us. What is your name, little one?”

The little dark haired girl responded by kicking the captain in his leg chins. He laughed at her pathetic attempt and grabbed her by the hair as well, making the girl moan in pain.

As if it wasn't enough that Jarly is creating a whole new universe in this story. He's creating WHOLE NEW BODY PARTS. I mean, Leg Chins? Seriously? I don't know what the fuck those are, but I certainly wouldn't want mine to be kicked by a little girl.

He had been living disguised as a human, of course. But Rad had the power to transform into a huge dragon or to a human form with dragon horns, wings and fangs, sort of like the laguz he had come to know while exploring the realms. He wore many magical rings and amulets in his fingers, neck, wrists and arms. As a noble dragon and guardian of Dragonia, he was granted such items. But during the passing of years here in the human realms, Rad had learned to adapt to the human ways of life. He also carried a silver sword, two brown leathery satchels on his waist and a strap around his torso that held four throwing daggers, enchanted as well. He very much resembled one human mercenary. He wore his hair short and of a brown color, his eyes were also a deep brown color and his skin was light tanned. He was dressed in dark pants and black, leathery boots and a dark leathery sleeveless vest covered his upper body.

A character description for a character that was introduced a dozen posts ago? Who cares? We really weren't sure how much of a Gary-stu he was until this paragraph! This paragraph is crucial!

"I have a girl to save," Rad told the man. "Have fun with one of my pets."

Rad Quetz: Master of one-liners.

In short, I believe that this is sufficient proof that Jarly should be Top Tier

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No, you aren't. If you were, then everyone who's joined this site would be entitled to one as well. So if you want to get on it so much, quit whining and make yourself someone who people know.

No offense *shot*

Edited by Sync the Tempest
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XxwolfxX is on the list and he joined after me, and then left.

And you joined six months after me, and have posted a third as much, so by that logic I should be on first. But no one here cares about post count, join date, or if you're active any more. That's why post count was taken away. It just matters that you make a big enough idiot of yourself for people to remember you off the top of their head. Or you're good enough at making fun of idiots that people remember you.

Either way, the more you ask, the lower your spot will be (if you ever get it). Just relax, this tier list obviously isn't accurate, since Destiny Hero isn't top tier (with Jarly right below; Jarly vs. Shuuda fights were so entertaining).

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