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OMG it's a tier list

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Its not humor, its disturbing

Are people supposed to be entertained by this shit?

Disturbing things are funny.

That's how it works.

Edited by Dark Elves Suck
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Sev-ers: Down if he gets pissy, up if he lets me call him this. And Sevvy. He has to let me call him both.

And on Saturdays.

And he has to return my calls too.

Edited by Obviam
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I can't believe you actually made one that big. If you want some tips on meeting people I am more than willing to help you.

I have seen and experienced your methods. I think the only people who would take this offer are those looking to get convicted.

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Being in an awesome serious relationship feels so wonderful where do you live again I want us to get married I can't live without you I hope I'm not coming on too strong I'll fucking kill you if I can't have you nobody will we're made for one another.

Your electronic man power makes me weak at the knees.

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Electronic man power? I don't even want to know what that is, this is just weird now. That was a very convincing myspace-obsessed teenage girl though, do you know a lot of them >_>? I had a couple friends who were really into myspace and they were total nutjobs. Normal people pre-ms, totally nuts after. Social networking is a scary thing :o!

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Yeah, I'm the victim for people like that a lot. There is a very good reason I stick to smaller websites, every single time I've ever used a social networking site or even a large forum it's always blah blah Death is this and blah blah that until the minority takes the common running jokes and becomes serious about it until I have to leave because I don't like experiencing that.

It also happens to be the reason that the only pictures of me anyone has ever seen online are the really, REALLY, REALLY bad ones. It also happens to be why I go out of my way to say really stupid shit a lot.

Basically I have my crazy ass internet stalker act down.

Edited by Death
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Well I do not at all. I caved after electronic man power, that was just a wtf for me. I have not seen/heard of a whole lot of crazy myspace/facebook guys, at least not in comparison to other girls. There are a ton of those, and some were people I hung out with often in high school >_>. It's like the guys are emo and the girls are nuts, what a terrible generation. I fear for this one as things get progressively worse, lol.

So basically you got the easy part in this exchange, that was totally unfair! I couldn't pretend to be an emo myspace guy if it were my job, let alone in some twisted RP in a hijacked tier list thread.

Edited by Tangerine
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