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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 40

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Since General Spoon isn't doing these anymore I'd thought I'd revive them...

Anyway. please vote for what YOU think is the best/worst in the series for this round. The round will last for about a week or so, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round. You may nominate for idea that have already been nominated.

Please remember to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out. Your vote will also be thrown out if the FE game it is from is not stated if it is needed. This is mainly to avoid confusion.

If you excessively complain about the results of previous rounds, you will not be allowed to vote in these topics for a period of time that will be determined later. A list will be kept of those who will not be allowed to vote, and how many rounds until they can vote again.

Previous winners (Best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Best Non-Final Boss: 1st- Black Knight ; 2nd- Alvis and Trabant (tie)

Best Thief: 1st- Pahn ; 2nd- Matthew ; 3rd- Lifis, Volke, and Sothe (tie, FE10 Sothe can only be assumed)

Best Personal Weapon: 1st- Graphcalibur and Pugi (tie) ; 3rd - Wolf Beil

Best Chapter: 1st- FE10 2-E and FE5 chapter 14 (tie) ; 3rd- FE6 Chapter 21, FE5 chapter 24x, FE5 chapter 13, FE4 chapter 5, FE5 chapter 22, FE9 chapter 13, FE9 chapter 26, FE8 Ephraim's Route chapter 11, FE10 4-5, FE9 chapter 17, and FE10 3-E (tie)

Best Final Chapter- 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE4 ; 3rd- FE5

Best Final Boss Weapon- 1st- Judge ; 2nd- Flametongue and Loputousu (tie)

Best Personality: 1st- Levin and Kieran (tie) ; 3rd- Wallace

Best Rapist or Attempted Rapist: 1st- Narshen ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- FE10 opening movie soldiers

Best Tactician: 1st- Mark ; 2nd- Soren ; 3rd- Jeigan Book 2

Best Est Archetype: 1st- Nino ; 2nd- Sara ; 3rd- Zeiss and Pelleas (tie)

Best GBA Critical animation- 1st- Lyn (Sol Katti) ; 2nd- Warrior (Axe) ; 3rd- Hector (Armads)

Best Console Critical animation- 1st- Celice 1st attack ; 2nd- FE4 Swordmaster/FE10 Black Knight (tie)

Best Epilogue- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE9

Best Gato Archetype- 1st- Athos/FE5 Sety (tie) ; 3rd- Galzus

Best DS critical animation- 1st- Hero (2nd attack), Swordmaster (2nd attack), Mage, Lord, Berserker (1st attack) (tie)

Best Form of Abuse- 1st-Favoritism; 2nd-FE9 BEXP Abuse; 3rd-Arena Abuse

Best FE- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE5 ; 3rd- FE7 and 10 (tie)

Best Ruler: 1st- Alvis ; 2nd- Ashnard, Naesala, Caineghis, Dheginsea, Sanaki (tie)

Best Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE7 19x(HM) and FE5 21x (tie); 3rd- FE7 19xx(HM)

Best Unit: 1st- Levin!Arthur; 2nd- Ike (O_O); 3rd- Seth

Best Merc/Hero: 1st- Dieck ; 2nd- FE3 Oguma ; 3rd- Skasaher

Best Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Seth and Aless (tie) ; 3rd- Titania

Best Peg Knight: 1st- FE10 Elincia ; 2nd- FE4 Fee and FE3 Book 2 Paola (tie)

Best Defense Chapter: 1st- FE10 3-13 ; 2nd- FE9 C8, FE10 2-E (tie)

Best Archer/Sniper/Marksmen: 1st- FE10 Shinon ; 2nd- FE4 Jamka, FE7 Rebecca (O_O) (tie)

Best Desert Chapter: 1st FE8 Scorched Sand ; 2nd FE10 4-3 ; 3rd FE7 Living Legend

Most Hyped: 1st Lilina ; 2nd FE10 Haar ; 3rd Nino

Best Addition to the Game Series: 1st Capture ; 2nd Weapon Triange ; 3rd Rescue and Skills (tie)

Best Lord Unit: 1st Sigurd ; 2nd FE10 Ike ; 3rd Arum and FE9 Ike (tie)

Most Generic Playable Character: 1st Ralph ; 2nd Aran ; 3rd Vika (she got exactly 1 vote)

Best Castle: 1st Crimea Castle and Grado Keep (tie) ; 2nd Daein Keep

Best Dragonkid: 1st Fa ; 2nd Chiki ; 3rd Al

Best Staff: 1st Again ; 2nd Physic and Warp (tie)

Best Knight/General: 1st FE10 Gatrie ; 2nd Oswin ; 3rd Wallace and Amelia (tie)

Best Priest/Cleric/Bishop: 1st Sapy ; 2nd Moulder, Natasha and Serra (tie)

Best Glass Cannon; 1st Sara ; 2nd Micaiah ; 3rd Lucius

Previous winners (Worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

Worst Non-Final Boss: 1st- Aion ; 2nd- Toras ; 3rd Batta the Beast

Worst Thief: 1st- Cath ; 2nd- Daisy ; 3rd- Ricardo

Worst Personal Weapon: 1st- FE9 Rolf's Bow ; 2nd- Sol Katti ; 3rd- Daim Thunder, Ettard, Amiti of FE9, and Caldabolg (tied)

Worst Chapter: 1st- Lyn's prologue normal mode ; 2nd- FE6 chapter 14 ; 3rd- FE7 Chapter 11 (Eliwood's tale), FE10 4-1, FE10 1-5, FE4 chapter 7, and FE7 16x/17x (tie)

Worst Final chapter: 1st- FE6 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE8

Worst Final Boss Weapon: 1st- Dark breath ; 2nd- Nightmare ; 3rd- Ravager

Worst Personality: 1st- Aran and Vika (tie) ; 3rd- Soren, Florina, Horace and Clarine (tie)

Worst Rapist or Attempted Rapist: 1st- Gheb ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- General Lang, Eliot, Garnef, and Narshen (tie)

Worst Tactician: 1st- Malledus ; 2nd- Mark ; 3rd- Soren

Worst Est archetype: 1st- Sophia ; 2nd- Est and Fiona (Tie)

Worst GBA critical animation: 1st- Great Knight ; 2nd- Thief ; 3rd- Mage, Bishop, Pirate, Soldier, and Ewan (tie)

Worst Console critical animation; 1st- FE10 Sword Armor ; 2nd- FE4 Mage Knight ; 3rd- FE4 Bow Users

Worst Epilogue: 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE11 ; 3rd- FE8 and FE4 (tie)

Worst Gato Archetype: 1st- Karel ; 2nd- Gato/Gotoh ; 3rd- Lehran

Worst DS critical animation: 1st- Sorceror, General (Bow), Mage (tie)

Worst Form of Abuse: 1st-Battle Save Abuse; 2nd-Arena Abuse; 3rd-RNG Stat Abuse

Worst FE: 1st- FE1 ; 2nd- FE7 and 8 (tie)

Worst Ruler: 1st- Desmond; 2nd- Dheginsea; 3rd- Mordred, Alvis, Darin, Talis, Nailah, Micaiah, Victor (7 way tie )

Worst Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE5 24x; 2nd- FE7 19xx(HM); 3rd- FE5 14x, FE6 22x, FE7 31x(HM), FE11 16x (tie)

Worst unit: 1st- Bantu; 2nd- Yuno and Lyre (tie)

Worst Merc/Hero: 1st- FEDS Samson ; 2nd- Oujay ; 3rd- FE3 Samson

Worst Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Arran ; 2nd- Zealot ; 3rd- Vyland

Worst Peg Knight: 1st- FEDS Est ; 2nd- FE6 Yuno ; 3rd- Sigrun, FE9 Elincia, Florina and Syrene (tie)

Worst Defense Chapter: 1st- FE7 C15 ; 2nd- FE9 C13 ; 3rd- FE7 C18 (HM), FE7 C28 (HM), FE9 C8, FE10 1-5, FE10 3-5 (tie)

Worst Archer/Sniper/Marksmen: FE6 Wolt ; 2nd- FE5 Ronan, FE9 Rolf (tie)

Worst Desert Chapter: 1st FE6 Arcadia ; 2nd FE9 Chapter 15 ; 3rd FE10 4-3

Least Hyped: 1st Thomas ; 2nd FE10 Aran ; 3rd Eliwood ; Arum and Syrene (Tied)

Worst Addition to the Game Series: 1st Reclass ; 2nd GBA support system ; 3rd Fatigue

Worst Lord Unit: 1st Lyn ; 2nd Roy ; 3rd Micaiah

Least Generic Playable Character: 1st Levin ; 2nd Oliver ; 3rd Ardan

Worst Castle: 1st Nados Castle ; 2nd Laus (yes, a territory was voted as the second worst castle) ; 3rd Araphen Castle, Jehanna Hall, Castle Nox and Castle Goldoa

Worst Dragonkid: 1st Al ; 2nd Myrrh ; 3rd Chiki

Worst Staff: 1st Silence ; 2nd Berserk ; 3rd Again

Worst Knight/General: 1st Wendy ; 2nd Meg ; 3rd Ardan

Worst Priest/Cleric/Bishop: 1st Corple ; 2nd Wrys ; 3rd Renault

Worst Glass Cannon: 1st Lilina ; 2nd Diadora, Micaiah, Sophia (3 way tie)


Best/Wost Reference to plant-life (2)

Best/Worst Quote (2)

Best/Worst Weapon Type (2)

Best/Worst Support Unit (2)

Best/Worst First Boss

Best/Worst Couple

Best/Worst Unlockable Character

Best/Worst Pet

Best/Worst Facial Hair

Most Easy/Most Difficult Boss

Best/Worst Support Conversation

Best/Worst Mount

Best/Worst Offense

Best/Worst Healer (primary use is healing)

Best/Worst Name

Best/Worst Dracoknight

Best: Haar (FE10)

Worst: Haar (FE9)

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Best: Palla (Book 2). If she doesn't count, then Miledy from FE6.

Worst: Eda from FE5. She joins pretty late in the game as a level 5 dragon rider. She doesn't even have anything to make up for it, either. No skills, no PCC, no awesome personal weapons... And it doesn't help that dragon units take a pretty big hit to their stats when they dismount.

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best: a toss-up between FE10 Haar and FE6 Miledy. They are both really good. It's my opinion that she's better than anyone else while she's around (after a couple of chapters) and Haar v Ike is more of a toss-up.


Worst: Eda. No move stars, 1 PCC, lowest move growth, etc etc. No redeeming qualities and you already have Karin and Dean. I suppose an extra flier has some use in one of the coming chapters, but of the ones I've played she's the worst. Even worse than Zeis. At least she comes with B lances, though, to his D.

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Best: FE6 Miledy

Worst: FEDS Est

Eda and Zeiss (from FE5 and FE6 respectively) retain their rescuing capabilities and Zeiss can be decent if you're willing to invest the EXP into him. FEDS Est is screwed because of the lack of Rescue / Drop which makes her near-useless.

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I was going to revive these myself if nobody else did lol

Best: Cormag. He doesn't have Haar's only weakness. HAW.

Worst: Vaida because she scares me and honestly I can't think of any *bad* Dracoknights particularly.

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Best: FE6 Miledy

Worst: FEDS Est

Eda and Zeiss (from FE5 and FE6 respectively) retain their rescuing capabilities and Zeiss can be decent if you're willing to invest the EXP into him. FEDS Est is screwed because of the lack of Rescue / Drop which makes her near-useless.

Well, I've never played feds but I'll believe you about that. However, with the speed at which you go through fe6, is it even possible to raise Zeiss? I mean, at least he has decent str, but with D lances he's kinda stuck with iron for a while unless you want him to have 85 base hit with the steel lance when enemies are pulling 30 to 45 avo. It's mostly their ability to rescue that would perhaps convince me they aren't the worst.

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