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My resignation


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Hey all,

Sadly it has come to this, but I have completely lost interest in the Fire Emblem fandom and merchandise. Moreover, I can't seem to get much interest in the topics being discussed outside the Fire Emblem boards, either, and that is probably reflected by my activity lately. I haven't responded to reports in a while, my last post that was not in the staff forum was probably about a month ago, and I have barely posted in the staff board. In other words, I'd say it's time for me to leave the staff, as it is probably in everybody's best interest.

I'm not sure if I'll still be around after this, but if I am, it will probably be as a lurker.

However, I still want to thank you all for having given me this opportunity, and for having accepted me as a staff member.

Time to go demote myself. Thanks, everyone, and good luck with everything you still want to do.

- Tino

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Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck, fuck...I just can't believe you mixed the word "Fire Emblem" with "Not interested"...dammit, Tino, what's going on...before Sirius or Narga even where moderators, you used to be one of our most reliable, not ever-present, but still reliable.

I thank you for that, we all should really, thanks for everything.

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i would like to announce my resignation also, coinciding with tino's. i know she'll feel a bit like cs lewis on jfk's assassination, but i really just cant take this job any longer

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I only just noticed this. I at least hope you don't plan on leaving the forum, that would be a real shame. I still wanna argue about Nino with you some more.

Edited by Raven
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I'll most likely jump into lurker mode for a while, and maybe reply to the occasional interesting topic, but I wouldn't expect much if any FE related discussion from me anymore. It just doesn't interest me anymore...

Thanks for all the replies, I guess.

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So long Tino.I won't beg you to stay as a mod (that's annoying), but I think you did a good job while it lasted. Good luck at whatever you pursue.

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