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What is your fear?


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I am afraid of heights, I nearly become pertified, im not afraid of much, but heights is one of my fears.

being alone is also a fear, a couple years ago when i moved to Texas i had like no friends for like 18 months and it sucked balls =[

death is not that scary to me, if there is an afterlife...well curiosity killed the cat. If someone came up to me with a gun, i wouldn't have fear, i would just wish i could've done more things in my life.

Ikelover's fear of my parents figuring stuff out, example: my friend is over and we talk about Pr0n, my mom walks up the stairs, I would go crazy pulling my hair out.

I am not one bit afraid of the dark though(so no, me and Ikelover are not to similar), i actually perfer night to day, for a variety of reasons, one being that not many people are around, so much less stress. It is also cooler, and i just like the darkness and moonlight.

The two biggest fears of death are: dying and not being remembered, isn't this a fear of evreyone? Dying a virgin, this would just suck frog balls. I'm a teenager so don't make fun of me for being a virgin >.>

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Winged Ants. My apartment building has always had the things. This summer I woke up and I was LITERALLY COVERED in the things, crawling on my skin, bed, furniture and floor.

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Winged Ants. My apartment building has always had the things. This summer I woke up and I was LITERALLY COVERED in the things, crawling on my skin, bed, furniture and floor.

This made me shiver.

I fear bugs to a lesser extent. But spiders in general, bees and anything that can prick you in a painful way,(I hate vaccines they hurt ;_;) [i'm okay with mosquitoes though i used to live with them literally.], weird looking and ugly bugs.

Edited by SlayerX
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I'm not entirely sure if I'm scared of dying alone or not... truly I'm extremely shy when not on the internet (not very smart) so at least for the moment I am just so used to being alone. By now I've become just about hopeless that I would overcome my shyness so I have almost accepted it. I'd hate the thought of dying alone but I have reached the point where I think it might be possible.

But I do have my family though =o So nevermind. If I'd have anyone besides them, then... nope I'm not at all confident about that XD

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Afraid of my friends dying, disappearing, leaving without a trace, etc.

Basically I'm afraid of being completely alone. I'm not quite sure life has a purpose without at least someone out there who cares about you, somewhat.

I would never make it in I am Legend

EDIT: forget my post about the spiders. Oddly enough I'm not afraid anymore.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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This made me shiver.

I fear bugs to a lesser extent. But spiders in general, bees and anything that can prick you in a painful way,(I hate vaccines they hurt ;_;) [i'm okay with mosquitoes though i used to live with them literally.], weird looking and ugly bugs.

awww, shots aren't too bad

I'm not entirely sure if I'm scared of dying alone or not... truly I'm extremely shy when not on the internet (not very smart) so at least for the moment I am just so used to being alone. By now I've become just about hopeless that I would overcome my shyness so I have almost accepted it. I'd hate the thought of dying alone but I have reached the point where I think it might be possible.

But I do have my family though =o So nevermind. If I'd have anyone besides them, then... nope I'm not at all confident about that XD

Just talk to people, if you are afraid people won't like you, then they shouldn't be your friends, i believe everybody knows people that can put up with them, i didn't believe this for a long time but personal experiance(dont say PEMN its real life :awesome: )showed this to me.

I would never make it in I am Legend

Will Smith hardly could, and he was still insane, no one else aside from Chuck Norris and maybe the new old spice dood could make it

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awww, shots aren't too bad

But they hurt ;_; or the shots they give you when you are hurt. I remember once they applied it wrong and so they had to do it it again :sob:

Also, i fear of not eing remembered after i die.

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But they hurt ;_; or the shots they give you when you are hurt. I remember once they applied it wrong and so they had to do it it again :sob:

Also, i fear of not eing remembered after i die.

lol, i like it when you get shot at docters when your sick, cause then you'll usually get better =]

I think this is a fear of most people, cause that would really suck dick

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a bit of a problem with the dark, and confined spaces (like, not being able to move my arms freely). I've gotten over it somewhat as I've matured, but I still don't like to go to bed in the dark right after watching a scary movie and I have to make a conscious effort not to freak out if I'm confined...

Other than that, nothing really I guess. Just normal stuff.

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I'm very afraid of girls that are too pretty o.o

Well, I've only seen one of them, but still.

hehe, i never am scared of stuff like this. rejection is never an issue, approval can be, kinda like i dont care if im rejected but i wanna be aproved by at least 1/4, y'know?

I have a bit of a problem with the dark, and confined spaces (like, not being able to move my arms freely). I've gotten over it somewhat as I've matured, but I still don't like to go to bed in the dark right after watching a scary movie and I have to make a conscious effort not to freak out if I'm confined...

Other than that, nothing really I guess. Just normal stuff.

hmm...sounds like closterphobia, runs in my family, but i got fear of heights instead of it.

Am i one of the only people in the world who likes the dark? i perfer night to day, rain to sun and often cool(but not COLD) to hot.


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I don't have many fears like the dark or being jumped, but there are a few irrational ones.

1. Sunken (especially visable) biggish boats. Dear God. I don't know why. Also, big ugly boats. Cool ones are fine, but when theres a huge dirty old houseboat it just bothers me for some reason. Maybe it'll save my life someday

2. Whenever I've been reading about weird stuff for a while I get inexplicably and uncontrollably paranoid. Its not too serious, but its sort of the reverse I WANNA BE A HERO effect that I used to get after watching Hercules and other such movies. Reading about stuff like cults that committed suicide or Stephen King novels and stuff like that.

3. Never marrying someone I truly want more than anyone else I know.

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Those...aren't romantic, they're sexual. Romance emphasizes emotion over libido.

I just didn't wanna say it so blatantly in a thread about ph33r >.>

Edited by Nightmare
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That crap from Twilight.

Vampires may cause blindness because they get all shiny (that seems to be the general consensus nowadays). (I'd hate to go blind.)

Werewolves just because I own neither guns nor silver bullets. The only thing I have that is remotely silver is spoons. Good luck stabbing a werewolf with a spoon.

I hate vampires. They should all be killed by cyborg ninjas and nanomachine suppressor injections.

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I personally am not a fan of roller coasters. I really cannot explain why. Speed, being upside down, height, and other parts of one do not bother me at all. Funny enough, after the first hill I am fine.

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I'm scared of:

  • Heights (oh God, I'm gonna fall @_@)
  • Bugs (they crawl on you and are just uncomfortable to be around)
  • Roller Coasters (never gonna give you up trust the safety of those things, plus the height)

Pretty common stuff, me thinks.

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