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What cant you stand?


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My brothers.

And people that annoy me and don't know when to stop... Like hello i we stoped like 2 days ago, why are you still talking about the samething?

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*takes a deep breath*

Labour Governments, Characters with Mary-Sue personalities, the government interfering with peoples lives more than it should, people going to the toilet when I'm having a bath (I'd lock the door, but the lock is broken and it's not high on my mothers list of priorities), my siblings coming in to my bedroom, my second youngest brother laying in my bed, my sister being a real brat (I don't care if she has aspergers), Hollywood remaking classic films that don't need to be remade, American English, Hollywood altering history in their films, Celebrity gossip, Musicals (except Singin' In the Rain for some reason), reality TV.... (I could go on, but I'd end up ranting).

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I hate it when your watching one of those sex scenes in a movie and you cant forward it since your too lazy and your girlfriend is right next to you. It makes you feel really uncomfortable

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I hate it when your watching one of those sex scenes in a movie and you cant forward it since your too lazy and your girlfriend is right next to you. It makes you feel really uncomfortable

YES. Except teh GF part, replace that with any family in the room. Anytime there's a god damn love/sex/emotional scene in any game I play, I almost turn it off because of the amount of attention it'll bring... *sniff* :(

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Stupidity can be fixed. What I can't stand is when people choose to remain ignorant, or refuse to put any effort into learning anything. Treating learning like terrible drudgery, basically.

Also, terrible spelling/grammar, mainly in someone's first language. Especially of the "im to lazy 2 tipe prprly o well" variety. If they're just learning the language, it's much easier to let slide (I know my Chinese is terrible, so yeah...)

The Twilight series. For numerous reasons, which I will provide if prompted, but will not spam this post with. In general, published works that still contain rabid Mary Sues with which one cannot sympathize. It's true; many published heroes could be considered Sues based on skills/coolness/etc... but I can sympathize with them despite that. The ones who I can't... argh.

Oh and those giant mosquito things. I know they don't bite, they are just the wrong bug. Yechh.

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Stupidity can be fixed. What I can't stand is when people choose to remain ignorant, or refuse to put any effort into learning anything.

Oh, I agree and should have specified as such in my first post here. But I prefer to consider that ignorance. If someone is ignorant about something, but is willing to learn, I have no qualms with that. But when people just act dumb and don't do anything about it, I do have a problem.

Oh, and I apologize if this causes someone to get offended, but religious fundamentalists can really tick me off. So too do the religious people who try to force their beliefs on myself or on others. :/

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Sometimes Lazy people tick me off

People who act like if they're Cool

Vain People

People who yell at me *I can get really ugly if you yell at me for something that i didn't do*

Gossipy People *They are the worst human beings on earth*

Envious People

I Can Go On With the list...

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I'm curious but, many people seem to be listing it, so what exactly do you mean by "people who try to act cool"?

Anyway, the one thing that comes to mind is terrible mainstream music. You know, almost all of this new stuff that's circulating around. It's kind of me being elitist, but I take music very seriously.

Edited by Nightmare
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I mean People who think that they're better than others because they have this and that. I can see that they aren't, they are just using one of their so-called *masks* to fool people,

Edited by Nithaiah!! :3
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White guys who try hard to be cool.

Morons who think they're smarter than I am.

The upper classes.




People who vote for the National Party.

People who think Pauline Hanson was a good politician.

People who watch Eurovision for the song quality, not the Narm Charm.

People who take everything too seriously.

People in general.


Denis Leary.

Fashionable people.



People who don't learn.

People who don't care.

People who are stuck up full of shit and proud.

Gun enthusiasts.

Jeremy Clarkson's barnet.


The city of Rome.

The city of Milan.

Big cities in general, apart from Sydney, I grew up there. And Florence is alright for some reason.

Bangkok Airport.

People who are stupid and proud.

People who think the wrong side won the American Civil War.

Australians who drive Fords or BMWs. And there are a LOT of them.

Defective Toyotas.

Fashion accessories.


Litter trays.

Flatulent people.

Overweight people who wear tight shirts.

And recently, Japanese RPGs.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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The upper classes.

Hey I'm in the upper classes.


And a monarch.

People who don't care.

Hey I don't care about things that would create unnecessary thoughts.

Big cities in general, apart from Sydney, I grew up there.

I love big cities, man.

And recently, Japanese RPGs.

Older Japanese RPGs are some of my favourite games.

I'm really offended.

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Makeup. Specifically, on me (other people are fine.) Feels weird on my skin, and no matter how good the person doing it, it looks weird (I look in the mirror and my skin looks all grainy.) Bleah. Also it smells.

People who are assholes in the name of religion (either for or against). Particularly on the "for" side, composed largely of people who completely disregard the source material, usually the bit about loving everyone, and go on to make those of us who aren't busy railing against the "evil" group of the day look bad. But we're not going to turn this into a debate about that, so I'll shut up about it now.

On a lighter note, professors that are perfectly capable of being comprehensible, but choose not to.

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