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Why don't you just pick a female myrm?

I normally wouldn't mind to pick a female but I have issues with the design of them in FE games since the ones on the GBA.

Female characters will always wear either shorts, skirts, stockings, hoses or similar and the female player character is, according to the scans, no exception. (Heavy armored or magic using units are usually a exception, though.)

In other words, Clothes that would leave their legs with little to no protection to the environment, leaving them vulnerable to weather or to certain hazards in environments which can be rather difficult to travel through, risking nasty little injuries or illnesses that could have easily been avoided by just wearing some robust pants.

In my eyes this makes these designs look kinda wrong and out of place.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Of course, female fighters wearing skirts is totally unrealistic, and should be removed from the game. No reasonable person could disagree with this.

But, the work remains unfinished. Next, you'll want to remove manaketes, magic tomes, pegasus knights, healing staves, vulneraries, keys (honestly, skeleton keys for every possible lock?), blue/green hair (dye is OK, but the carpet should match the drapes), the weapon triangle, and fun.

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I just don't feel like having my avatar wear clothes which just feel unfitting to me. After all an avatar is kind of supposed to be... well me. And I know I wouldn't wear something like that on a battlefield.

Also, I don't quite get how you equal my personal issues with the character designs with wanting to remove gameplay elements. Those are two completely unrelated things.

Especially since I don't want anything removed in the first place, I would like stuff added like the ability to create a male myrmidon or at last a female myrmidon who wears pants.

Edit: I edited the last part out since I didn't think it was necessary but since it was seen and quoted already I guess I put it back in before it gets confusing. The rest of my edits are still in effect, though.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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I just don't feel like having my avatar wear clothes which just feel unfitting to me. After all an avatar is kind of supposed to be... well me. And I know I wouldn't wear something like that on a battlefield.

Also, I don't quite get how you equal my personal issues with the character designs with wanting to remove gameplay elements.

Especially since I don't want anything removed in the first place, I would like stuff added like the ability to create a male myrmidon or at last a female myrmidon who wears pants.

He was addressing the fact that you seemed peeved about the most insignificant "Not real/efficient" thing in the games,which was the female characters showing their legs.

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Well, I guess that would explain it, sorry about that.

But still, even assuming I would like to get ride of stuff for realism, I wouldn't remove stuff like magic and pegasus. A fictional world doesn't need to run on the logic of our world. It just needs to run on it's on logic and in the Fire Emblem universe magic and stuff exist. However stuff like cold temperates, illnesses and injuries also exist there. In fact people die quite often on it. In this way the series was always quite believable.

Also suspension of disbelief works different with gameplay elements, then it works with story or character art and in my case it can be less stretched for the latter.

Unless the character design is so off that any exceptions of practical clothing will be numbed instantly like Guilty Gear or Final Fantasy.

Edit: In those cases you could say it's covered my the logic of it's world, but Fire Emblem with it's depiction of war and it's consequences on the people and stuff has been kind of realistic enough to leave me with at last some expectations in terms of realism.

Edited by BrightBow-User
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Pegasus riders are exclusively female. Always have been, always will be.

I do want a female Mercenary though. That way I can use Ogma, that female Mercenary, and I can change "My Unit" to anything I want, since I would already have two Heroes! :D

In Fire Emblem mystery of the Emblem, there actually were male pegasus knight enemies. The female only rule wasn't said until Fire Emblem thracia.

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In Fire Emblem mystery of the Emblem, there actually were male pegasus knight enemies. The female only rule wasn't said until Fire Emblem thracia.

Oh...do you know where I can see a vid about that?

I guess its exclusively female for playable characters, then.

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Oh...do you know where I can see a vid about that?

I guess its exclusively female for playable characters, then.

In the older games Wyvern knights such as Michalis would've had to have been pegasus knights at one point. Still I don't expect to see them anymore, even in the remake of Shadow Dragon they're totally gone.


Edited by Emperor Hardin
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In the older games Wyvern knights such as Michalis would've had to have been pegasus knights at one point. Still I don't expect to see them anymore, even in the remake of Shadow Dragon they're totally gone.


If males got Peg. Knights, I would choose that class.

Unless males got Soldier/Halberdier. That'd be even better.

OR go FE4 style and go Mage Knights. The real kind, not the ones from FE8.

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I don't get why peg knights can only be girls now. With reclass, they can be either post promo. And you can't use the weight argument. Rescuing dudes in huge armor on top of that girl weighs a lot more than some dude in average or little armor.

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Since Thracia it had been stated several times that pegasus only accept a female as a rider. Male pegasus enemies in FE3 aside, by now people pretty much see them as a women only class and would probably be irritated if that would suddenly change.

However there really is no reason to restrict the Myrmidon (Or Swordfighter), Mercenary and Armored Knight classes. Playable characters from both genders belong to all of them. Why would you restrict the players freedom in such a way? Gender-specific restrictions for the sake of having gender-specific restrictions?

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Since Thracia it had been stated several times that pegasus only accept a female as a rider. Male pegasus enemies in FE3 aside, by now people pretty much see them as a women only class and would probably be irritated if that would suddenly change.

However there really is no reason to restrict the Myrmidon (Or Swordfighter), Mercenary and Armored Knight classes. Playable characters from both genders belong to all of them. Why would you restrict the players freedom in such a way? Gender-specific restrictions for the sake of having gender-specific restrictions?

Males seem to have a lot more restrictions, actually, if you take the series as a whole.

I want a male myrmidon for My Unit, please.

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Well, this IS a remake of FE3...

But that seems pretty pointless. Why is it that males only get dragons for flight, but girls get both dragons AND pegasi? And besides, they're only as unmanly as you make them. You can make a little pink pony and call all horses girly. It's not that hard to make cool pegasus.

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Male Pegasus Knights would be nice.

After all, the person who rode a Pegasus in the original Greek myth was a dude. Forgot who, though.

Bellerophon, wasn't it?

Wow, ninja'd twice by five minutes.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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Yeah. It was Bellerophon.

Though he kinda fell off the Pegasus.

Perseus had a ride on the Pegasus too, or do I remember incorrectly?

Either way, men had been PegKnights since ancient times, IS should give us that.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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In FE4, Mage Knights were horsemen that used magic and swords.

Although I wouldn't mind Mage Fighter either.

FE4's Mage Knights were nothing impressive with their physical strengths, making the sword-wielding part felt like an afterthought anyway.

Calling the mounted mage class Mage Knight works for me any day.

(Of course, it would have been different, if we are talking Thracia 776, but FE4 gets all the credits anyway...)

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