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Most difficult final boss in the series?

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I'd say Ashera, hands down.

She can seriously fuck up your shit hard with those Judge attacks, inflicting massive damage and silence/stun on all of your units. It's tough enough just getting to her, having to destroy those aura barriers first. And those aura barriers can take plenty of hits. Those super-powerful Mastery Skills? Nope, won't work.

And if she isn't defeated by a certain broken mercenary with a certain 1-2 range sword, she gets back up and regains ALL of her HP.


But at the same time, I guess that makes it all the more epic.

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Ashera's the most challenging too, I'd say. However, Julius in FE4 can be difficult if you have a really weak Julia/ she died, since Loptusou halves your attack power...

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Ashnard, since you have to fight your way through his troops (including Bryce) before you can get to him. And when you do everyone, with the exception of Ike and whatever royal you brought (if you chose to have one), can't attack him because of his blessed armour.

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Ashnard, since you have to fight your way through his troops (including Bryce) before you can get to him. And when you do everyone, with the exception of Ike and whatever royal you brought (if you chose to have one), can't attack him because of his blessed armour.

AND HE MOVES IN HM the only way I could do that chapter on HM without losing anybody was only bring Ike and Nasir and then I have to wait until Ike gets lucky with an aether until I can call Giffca for help :(

OHe's still one of the most awesome boss fights since K.Rool

Ashnard is definately the second hardest after Idoun

Edited by mikethfc
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NM Ashnuts is an absolute joke. HM is a different story, but NM is stupid easy.

I'm going for Ashera, only having seen 7-11 each on Normal difficulties:

Fire Dragon died spectacularly to Canas every time, or Hector every other. Dart once.

Formortiis ...well, he's harder than the Fire Dragon just because you have to take him down quick. He still ain't particularly *hard*.

Ashnuts was a joke but I haven't bothered to do an HM PoR run.

Ashera was more of a Puzzle Boss, and definitely harder than the rest of the list. Certainly more annoying due to "oh let's one-shot Snacky/Kurth/Nasir at random lo~ol".

Medeus was 1RKO'd by Marth, but FEDS Normal is a joke so whatever.

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If you know what you are doing, Ashera is pathetically easy. All it really takes is checking out this page and scrolling to the bottom. That's it. You can easily take her out in 2 to 5 turns. Ashera will never be able to silence or stun anyone. Julius is easy too, even without Julia. Give Celice a power ring and keep the charisma bots nearby and his lover (if he has one) nearby. Then watch as he does 5x2 damage every time he attacks. dancer dances and Celice counters on enemy phase and that's 30 damage a round and it's nearly impossible for Celice to die (seriously, Julius will have less than 30% hit rates and thanks to Tyrfing being awesome he'll do like 10 damage a pop to Celice's 70 hp. Just heal him. Julius needs to do like 6 or 7 duals in a row on the same attack sequence in order to KO Celice).

Of the ones I've played, I'd go with HM Ashnard because of the surrounding area. Well, if I could ever play it probably MM Ashnard. I mean, his buddies will be much stronger then, yes?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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hardest boss: Ashera, having to kill her with Ike makes it already harder. And if her aura counts, she is truly the hardest boss I've ever faced in any FE.

hardest final chapter: FE9's. sure, Ike can solo the chapter. but most other characters are hard to keep alive even on easy mode when they are blessed and level 20/20

most final chapters/ bosses are just annoying, not really hard. since they're mostly all about defeating 1 enemy and are easier than other chapters.

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I think it really depends on what the question is.

Final boss unit only: Ashnard, hands down. Two forms, both strong enough that your capped Lord struggles and lots of people are 1RKOed, plus epic movement, and only 3 units can attack him - 1 of which joins half way through and the other sucks. Yeah.

Final boss + Vanguard: It's a tough call between Julius and his 12 dark warlords, and Ashera and her Aura's. But I'm gonna go for Julius - they move with a certain amount of Cohesion and have skills to stop you. Ashera on the other hand is more like a Puzzle: Where to place your dragons and best units to maximise damage?

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Final boss + Vanguard: It's a tough call between Julius and his 12 dark warlords, and Ashera and her Aura's. But I'm gonna go for Julius - they move with a certain amount of Cohesion and have skills to stop you. Ashera on the other hand is more like a Puzzle: Where to place your dragons and best units to maximise damage?

The part about Ashera is why I don't consider her to be difficult. The guys around Julius move and you either have to take Julius' meteos while his friends attack you or slowly draw them all out of his 10 range. Auras just sit there, making things disgustingly simple. You even have 4 Nihils and 2 Parities to help with aurora.

However, Julius doesn't move and it is possible to draw his friends away. Ashnard moves. Ashnard comes after you while his friends are still alive. While I've never played Maniac Mode, I'd have to think that fe9 MM Ashnard qualifies as most difficult final boss.

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Hardest Unit: Ashnuts, of course.

Hardest Boss + Vanguard: FE4 Inflation!Yurius. 45 in every stat? Ew.

If that doesn't count, Yurius + Warlords is pretty tough if you don't know what you're doing. Still rather easy.

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I'm surprised no one has brought up Wrath!Resolve!Ike pwning Ashnard. They really screwed up when they decided to not give Ashnard Nihil (interestingly, he has just enough capacity to get Nihil). I go with Ashera. BTW, has anyone noticed that both bosses have almost the exact same letters in their names?

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Ashnard is a joke. Capped Ike with Wrath/Resolve 3HKOes, doubles and has a 50% crit chance. With Oscar and Soren supports, Ike can't even be hit by Ashnard, since his avoid is so high. Rinse and repeat for the second version.

None of this silly 'waiting for Giffca' business.

Ashera is probably the toughest. It's very easy for her to pick off weak units if you don't know what you're doing.

EDIT: Kinata beat me to it.

Edited by Anouleth
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I believe this is my order:

3rd.- Fire Dragon, really easy to kill if you have trained enough.

2nd.- Ashanrd (either NM or HM) I haven't faced him in HM, but I've heard he's a beast. As far as I've played PoR he's one of the annoyest bosses in the game (second to the Black Knight of course).

1st.- Ashera, first time I fought her I was like "WHAT?! Those auras deal me damage?!" then her judgement, dealing severe wounds to the Heron and Sanaki if unlucky, finally the fact she returns from the dead if Ike is not the one dealing the killing blow.

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1st.- Ashera, first time I fought her I was like "WHAT?! Those auras deal me damage?!" then her judgement, dealing severe wounds to the Heron and Sanaki if unlucky, finally the fact she returns from the dead if Ike is not the one dealing the killing blow.

The auras have a skill. You can look at skill descriptions in-game. But yeah, if you don't know what she does then you can't prepare Gareth to survive the magic attack (with 2 hp) and if you don't know Ike is required to deal the finishing blow then you get to see her revive a bunch.

As for fe9 v fe10, if you want to go for that resolve x wrath idea then you are basically sticking wrath on a unit that will never need it aside from Ashnard and resolve also on a unit that never needs it. It's like a waste of two skills considering at best you'll save a turn or two over Aether Ike + dragon + reyson. You don't have to give up nearly as much to make Ashera easy as you do to make Ashnard easy.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I say that Ashera is the hardest final boss in the series. Of course, that's not saying much, seeing as Fire Emblem final bosses are generally not known for being very challenging. At least she's remotely hard to face :awesome:

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Medeus: Warp Tiki. Warp Nagi. Potentially Warp Marth.

Yurius: Without Narga, he's pretty damn tough.

Veld: lolVeld

Idoun: lolSoS

Fire Dragon: Athos + Luna = ???

Formortiis: Sacred Twins = ???

Ashnard: HM Ashanrd seems tough,

Ashera: Somewhat hard with no royals, but otherwise relatively easy due to Fortify/Ashera Staff.

Probably Ashnard on HM.

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Veld: lolVeld

He's not really the whole of the final boss encounter. Beldo/Veld/Whoever is easily one of the worst bosses (he's CAPTURABLE for crying out loud), but his entourage is easily one of the nastiest, and he can't even be attacked until they're handled. Bunch of Dark Warlords on +MAG tiles with Master weapons and ridiculous skills (most of them have Wrath, and the one who doesn't has 4 PCC). Once they're dead it's easy to just ignore the horde of Berserkers by warping Sety (or anyone else you want to kill/capture Beldo) and Leaf to the throne. But getting there... God help you if Elf isn't killed fast.
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If it weren't for narga I would would say Julius. However, because a have decent julia can one-round him with narga, I half to say berdo. The dark war lords(especially Eins[because you need to take care of him on the first turn], Zwolf, and Elf) are a pain in the ass to take care of. And even then, you have to deal with berdo's guard of berserkers and status staff weilding dark mages. And, if you aren't prepared, he can seriously get irratating because of his stone spell. Especially considering people usually like to skip ch. 24x.

For the other boss fights, the key to beating them easily has already been explained.

Edited by Sophius
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Well, it is almost impossible to beat Yurius without Narga, but if you have that spell, he dies in one turn to a under leveled Yuria. I had some trouble with the FE 5 final; it was essentially Sety + Holsety + Rewarp that saved me (he took down 4 of the bosses and weakened Veld before Marietta did the final blow).

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Well, it is almost impossible to beat Yurius without Narga, but if you have that spell, he dies in one turn to a under leveled Yuria. I had some trouble with the FE 5 final; it was essentially Sety + Holsety + Rewarp that saved me (he took down 4 of the bosses and weakened Veld before Marietta did the final blow).

Do people not read me anymore? Yurius is a piece of cake even without Narga. How is it almost impossible? If you know what you are doing and arrange your items well, Celice can cause 30 damage per round to his 80 hp and he heals only 15 or so each round. Doesn't take very long. 4 or 5 rounds depending on whether Yurius decides to do you a favour and dual at least once. And Yurius causes so little damage to level 30 Celice with the Yuria conversation and a +res ring and Tyrfing that it's nearly impossible to die. And thanks to all the +hit bonuses you can get Celice will have 100% hit.

When you can use 6 (non-Yuria) units to KO Yurius without even a chance of failure Yurius cannot be considered "almost impossible to beat without Narga".

Celice + Delmud + Nanna + Celice's lover + dancer + healer = good night Yurius.

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If it weren't for narga I would would say Julius. However, because a half decent julia can one-round him with narga, I half to say berdo. The dark war lords(especially Eins[because you need to take care of him on the first turn], Zwolf, and Elf) are a pain in the ass to take care of. And even then, you have to deal with berdo's guard of berserkers and status staff weilding dark mages. And, if you aren't prepared, he can seriously get irratating because of his stone spell. Especially considering people usually like to skip ch. 24x.

For the other boss fights, the key to beating them easily has already been explained.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how Beldo can be considered the hardest final boss in the series, let alone even in the running for such. He himself is laughable. The dark warlords, on the other hand... aren't. I say Beldo makes up the unholy trinity of most lolable final bosses in the series with Idoun and Fomortiis.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Fomortiis is harder than the Fire Dragon. The Fire Dragon just sits there doing nothing. Fomortiis moves, although his move is crappy, and summons monsters to block you and stuff. Sometimes he summons Dracozombies. I'd consider than harder than whatever the hell the Fire Dragon does.

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Fomortiis is harder than the Fire Dragon. The Fire Dragon just sits there doing nothing. Fomortiis moves, although his move is crappy, and summons monsters to block you and stuff. Sometimes he summons Dracozombies. I'd consider than harder than whatever the hell the Fire Dragon does.

They're both pretty easy, but Formortiis is even more laughable. Unless he spawns 3 dracos in your face, you shouldn't be bothered with the monsters he summons. He doesn't even hit that hard. HOWEVER, the Fire Dragon does a whopping 40 damage per shot, which is enough to two-shot anyone in the game.

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