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The Serenes Forest User Tier List: Tyrant (Junior) Version

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Not particularly. I just feel that Rhaan and Hatari deserve higher than they currently are. (And some other people but those are the two I remembered)

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How does Nestling get so high in these tier lists and Luminothe so low? I find Nestling's perverted topics much more annoying than talk about poo.

Nestling is delightfully wacky, and I know nothing of Luminothe, so I can't speak for him!

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How does Nestling get so high in these tier lists and Luminothe so low? I find Nestling's perverted topics much more annoying than talk about poo.

Partly because people would be pissed if I lowered him. The other part... also being that.

Though now that this is a tyrant tier list I really don't give a damn. Nestling lowered.

@Furetchen... sure why not.

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I have never seen Luminothe, so I say he should be argued down. I don't even know where he is on the list. BUT DOWN.

He's banned (and for a good reason, he's the biggest idiot ever to join the forums) and he's already at pretty much the lowest spot you ca be if your name is not "Kai".

^You're not. Most people aren't.

For now you're just above ALS.

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He's banned (and for a good reason, he's the biggest idiot ever to join the forums) and he's already at pretty much the lowest spot you ca be if your name is not "Kai".

^You're not. Most people aren't.

For now you're just above ALS.

I demand to be lower.

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I already said you could be if you get 3 people to join my mafia game.

@Soul: *removes floor beneath you causing you to drop down a lot*

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Thread will be locked for lacking creativity and having an abundance of bias. Lightning's ban is being discussed at this very moment.

... I'm pretty sure you're joking, but then I remembered that you're a mod now and I'm genuinely unsure...


Edited by Lightning
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Thread will be locked for lacking creativity and having an abundance of bias. Lightning's ban is being discussed at this very moment.


@ Rein: He's joking

@ Nightmare: I dont think it is wise to threaten people with your mod status. Might get you kicked out

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... I'm pretty sure you're joking, but then I remembered that you're a mod now and I'm genuinely unsure...


Well, nothing has been decided yet, anyway. Don't worry about it too much, there's only nobody on your side....um....I'm not helping your confidence with that statement, am I? :lol:


@ Rein: He's joking

That's what you think.

@ Nightmare: I dont think it is wise to threaten people with your mod status. Might get you kicked out

I don't think that was threatening. It's just a statement of liesfact. Nothing wrong with stating what isn't.

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