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Is it normal...


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I wouldn't think so.

I found an unexpectedly long white hair on my right arm, longer than any black hair on both arms. That made me raise an eyebrow.

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That's not normal at all. I can't know in truth without a picture, but it's probably nothing.

I had a similar scare for about a month when I was seventeen that the hairs on my arm were turning white, one by one. In fact it was just that I was starting to tan to the point where the skin on my arms was darker than the hair, which it still is.

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I don't think it's "normal", but I don't think it's anything to worry about. I have an uncle that I'm told started balding in college, so it's not like that stuff never happens.

And IIRC, every guy's hairline starts to slowly recede at puberty. So technically, it's happening to everyone, just at different rates.

Edited by Ragnell
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this girl whose hair does this every now and then, but it wasn't a normal type of thing. It was... idk, it was something. idk if it was something hereditary or a disease or whatever. Whenever her hair did this though, while it is not allowed otherwise, the school let her wear bandanas to hide it whenever it happened. So... I don't think it's normal.

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...to have a thinning hair line at age 13. I'm really getting freaked out.

I wouldn't say it's completely in the norm, but I personally wouldn't worry about it too much. Just give it some time. See what shakes.

If, on the other hand, you're graying at 17 and calling everything "phony"...

Ho ho ho...

I know this girl whose hair does this every now and then, but it wasn't a normal type of thing. It was... idk, it was something. idk if it was something hereditary or a disease or whatever. Whenever her hair did this though, while it is not allowed otherwise, the school let her wear bandanas to hide it whenever it happened. So... I don't think it's normal.

My 10th grade physics teacher was balding in college too.


Obviously your uncle was my physics teacher. :awesome:

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No it's not normal. Has anyone else in your family started going bald young? I kind of thought mine was too the other day though, until I realized that I had just pulled a bunch of my hair out. Maybe you did that.

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I wouldn't think so.

I found an unexpectedly long white hair on my right arm, longer than any black hair on both arms. That made me raise an eyebrow.

I get that too. I had one on my chest and one on my face...

As for balding at 13, of course it's possible. In high school I knew 2 people who were balding...

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I actually have a patch of white hair on the side of my head, and Im below 20. Its pretty fun having a jew fro and trying to locate a patch of hair.

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I wouldn't say it's too horrible. I already have some small greying in an area on my head, and a pal of mine has a full on portion of his hair that is completely white.

I can't see thinning being too much worse than that. Maybe. >__>

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