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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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For something unrelated to Ether's complaints, I'm looking at the difference between Priest/Cleric and Troubadour, and honestly thinking Priest is getting the shaft end. First, Priests will be wielding Light magic, meaning that they ignore enemy luck in Evade, so the extra Skill is hilariously unneeded. Second, Speed is already > Skill anyway. Thoughts?

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Okay, Ether now, he's crying over nothing, and to compensate for any nerfs, there's equal benefits.

(You can only use 23 of those 30~32 fields anyway)


What do you mean by new arrivals? I'm guessing you mean in terms of exp/levels. Which is a different issue to stats and caps being discussed at the moment.

I don't know, I'm personally leaning to bonus exp. (5Exp per chapters missed) But that's just my idea. (Would be on 40 EXP level 1 at the moment. (Semi compensates?)


1Spd= 1Evade now?

Not sure what you mean by point 1.

Edited by Kanami
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The RP isn't over. Think of this as similar to the first Yggy fight in ToS. Edit: I messed up bad on my calc. This is why I shouldn't post when someone is nagging me to get some stupid thing done and won't accept that I already did it.

Edited by Snowy_One
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@ Ether

Irina's DEF is almost maxed, but I took the skill hawkeye costed me three stat points. Your guys aren't the only durability units, just the only ones that are leveled up. As far as your complaints, I kind of agree, but I can see both sides.

@ Bal

Priests? No comment -_-

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1Spd= 1Evade now?

Not sure what you mean by point 1.

I can dig it, but still, even if it's a flat 1 Evade, higher speed cap is better for both doubling, and evading, while skill is just... no.

As for point one: "Light magic completely removes an opponents luck from their evade stat, but all attacks dealt with light magic deal 1/2 damage."

I'd honestly recommend you buff the Priest/Cleric magic cap instead of the skill cap, but that's just me, and maybe I'm off-base.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Okay, Ether now, he's crying over nothing, and to compensate for any nerfs, there's equal benefits.

(You can only use 23 of those 30~32 fields anyway)


What do you mean by new arrivals? I'm guessing you mean in terms of exp/levels. Which is a different issue to stats and caps being discussed at the moment.

I don't know, I'm personally leaning to bonus exp. (5Exp per chapters missed) But that's just my idea. (Would be on 40 EXP level 1 at the moment. (Semi compensates?)


1Spd= 1Evade now?

Not sure what you mean by point 1.

Let's see,equal benefit,you say?You randomly take 3 points from Soldier "because it's a low tier class",2 of those were even after I had proposed dropping res from 4 to 3,which makes the most sense,and you still take away more points,leaving Mag of all things high.How is that equal benefit.You want to take an HP from wyvern for the sake of keeping extra magic,how is that equal benefit?

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Troubadours have to use Str to attack, while Priests/Clerics get to use Mag(which halves their damage,but still). So...meh. Stats for both those classes don't matter too much anyway.

WRT durability I think 15 HP/6 Def/7? Avo for Aiya should be sufficient. Anything that has a decent Str score probably also has a decent chance of missing, since Str/Skl tend to be inversely related. Really you only lost 1 point of Def and like 1 Avo overall.

For example max Str Skl fighter can hit her for 3 damage on average (whoop de fucking doo) and only hits on a 5 or 6.

Max Str/ Skl Myrm doubles her, but doesn't even damage half the time.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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5 Avo for Aiya,but people seem to still be pushing for an HP nerf,either that or Skl,but Skl is really important.

Damian lost 3 Hp,1 Def if Nady nerfs the cap like in her chart,and 2 avo overall.

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I'm currently thinking about possibly cutting the 1/2 thing out and replacing it with a hard reduction instead. It will probably hurt more at the lower levels, but in the later part, end up helping more once enough stats are gained.

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@Ether, I'm not talking to you until you learn how to refresh your page.


Hmm, My proposal fix would be increasing all caps by 4 upon promotion, (opposed to 2) and that should fix it, we only get 7 stat point after promotion, and how they're passed around shouldn't matter much. And clerics won't be using Light tomes until promotion right?

Either way, I'm fine with increase cleric mag by 1.

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All characters caps were 4 before new stats <_< I don't see how going back to 4 Max in everything is going to help.

Before new caps (Soldier DEF=4 Now, Soldier DEF=4. That hasn't been altered, only thing that's been nerfed is HP. (And Mag, but I doubt that matters)

Either way, taking another look at the list, I'd recommend boosting stats caps all round by 2+ HP, and 1+ In all other fields.

Edited by Kanami
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The def formula was switched,so 4 def is less than it used to be.

Also,enemies break caps,so your earlier comparisons are invalid.

We had 5 Skl Bandits in chapter 2,IIRC.

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Either way, taking another look at the list, I'd recommend boosting stats caps all round by 2+ HP, and 1+ In all other fields.

Maybe. But if you're gonna up the caps, then there should be a proviso that at character creation there is a lower 'cap' that can't be breeched, so that someone won't start off as lopsidely overpowered glass cannon, or vice versa.

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I'm really questioning how durable you think your PCs should be Ether. Aiya only takes 1/5 of her HP on average from the highest Str enemy type with max Str. That's awfully good, considering she's probably ORKOing to 2RKOing it in return. And it won't even have good Hit on her (50% tops)

Any more durability and you'll be tinked by everything except mages, and 98% of enemies in this RP have been physical.

Damian is slightly less tanky, but more dodgy, the fighter can only hit him on a 6 I think. And he still only takes like 1/4 of his HP.

You guys don't seem to want to accept that even if you build your character with max defenses they will be able to be hit and damaged sometimes. Just like characters with max offense don't ORKO everything. It's called balance people.

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I'm really questioning how durable you think your PCs should be Ether. Aiya only takes 1/5 of her HP on average from the highest Str enemy type with max Str. That's awfully good, considering she's probably ORKOing to 2RKOing it in return. And it won't even have good Hit on her (50% tops)

Any more durability and you'll be tinked by everything except mages, and 98% of enemies in this RP have been physical.

Damian is slightly less tanky, but more dodgy, the fighter can only hit him on a 6 I think. And he still only takes like 1/4 of his HP.

You guys don't seem to want to accept that even if you build your character with max defenses they will be able to be hit and damaged sometimes. Just like characters with max offense don't ORKO everything. It's called balance people.

Again,cap breaking on enemies.I think the biggest thing is that the changes are incredibly selective,and as ambiguous as some might be trying to make it,it is all very obvious.

Sorry if I got upset,but being constantly complained at because of durability gets tiresome very quickly.

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I think the reasons many enemies broke caps was because the old cap system was very restrictive. I don't foresee many enemies breaking 6 Str personally, at least not standard ones. Durability against bosses might be tougher, but you're not really supposed to be able to tank a boss for 5 rounds.

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Well, I personally didn't mind the 4cap for all fields rule in terms of character creation.

To be honest, that was my original issue, it might defy FE logic, but I was under the impression that 4max was a signup rule and not one which would apply to the RP level ups.

Assuming you couldn't spend 2 points on the same stat, that would mean the highest stat attainable (excluding HP) would be 4initial+4levels= 8.

And I wouldn't mind switching to that system really, Ether's being all sad and whiny because his characters are no longer invincible. And there seems to be a few niche's I missed like the light magic stuff. Which I didn't read since it didn't concern me.

While we're hurling complaints, it'd be nice if being a Halton soldier and owning a Bull wyvern didn't scare the crap out of every enemy we come across. You have a God-mod complex Ether, whether you admit it or not. And I'm not the only one who thinks this, and apologize for not stating this earlier.

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I think the reasons many enemies broke caps was because the old cap system was very restrictive. I don't foresee many enemies breaking 6 Str personally, at least not standard ones. Durability against bosses might be tougher, but you're not really supposed to be able to tank a boss for 5 rounds.

But Skl buffs are probable,and all this durability does is let me be a little less restrictive about attacks.If we could counterattack,you'd have a better case,but at this point,all it does is stop me from dying. Not dying seems like a cool idea,y'know?

Again,specific tweaking just annoys me to no end.Instead of buffing Str,or whatever,you nerf Def,instead of fixing hit around,you nerf avo.Both of these things target my characters quite conclusively.

A god mod complex?I'm sorry,you can spawn countless enemies,random assault groups,etc.

Phoenix can call in Ixion or Ivanko to kill or screw up almost anything,and can impersonate people,and Cynthia can mindwipe people,yet when I use Ulhrahn in a harmless RP joke,I'm GODMODDING?!? It had a minor effect on combat once,and how long has it been since Damian's rank meant anything?

Edited by Ether
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The stat nerf is something you'll need to address with Snowy and Cynthia, I haven't said much considering dropping the value of Def/Spd. And while personally see the argument on both sides there, and still remain undecided. If that's what you're complaining about, I'm not the right person to talk to, Phoenix had a little spasm about it before it's implementation as well.

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Kai, just shut up, you're not helping and your point is invalid

My point is invalid? Or are you just being ignorant?

Think Nady, i refuse to believe that you missed this

Either your ignoring it or i overestimated you

Snowy gave us 20 stat points

We have three level ups to gain

How many points does a level up bring?

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No, you're just being stupid or illiterate, one of the two, possibly both.

-I say stat cap is 32, you say it's 30. (It's actually 32)

-I specifically state that maxes vary from 30~32, you argue that they need to be dropped to 30 to fit the cap, which has established as 30~32.

-You state mages have 30 stat points, I say good for you, read above.

None of that addresses your new point of "How many stat points do we get after a level up"

The answer to that is 3

Level 1: Total 20/30~32

Level 2: Total 23/30~32

Level 3: Total 28/40~42 (Max increased by 2 around the board, additional 10 points spendable (Max is 40~42)

Level 4: total 32/40~42

(I think it was 4 for a promotion, might of been 5 but it doesn't make a difference to the list regardless

Edited by Kanami
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