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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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Wrong thread I think, but Nyeh, your fault not mine.

I was referring to the group as a whole, not you specifically :/ But if you want me to complain to you specifically, I could do that.... Though I might temporarily have to leave Phoenix alone for a few seconds :/

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The following are a collection of RP system relevant questions, feedback, and dialogue, including quotations from the (now) chat thread as supporting evidence when appropriate or necessary. Most of the issues I raise here don't need extensive discussion or comment, as many of them are simply a call for updating the signup/information topic to reflect the current situation of the rules, however there may be a few points worth further discussing.

There is one major issue in particular I would like to hear back from specifically, even if nothing else is addressed (which would make me sad, but at least even if the OP rules are not updated, most of the issues that I think exist there are highlighted here which at least can hopefully be some sort of a guide post if all else fails), and that is regarding effects of the Crimson Weapons that I think have either been forgotten or ignored.

This feedback will result in a multi-post due to an error I received from the forum's software informing me that "You have posted more than the allowed number of quoted blocks of text".

Part 2: The Stats and Combat.

Initially, when you make a character, you will receive 20 points that you can put into any of the stats that you desire. You must put a minimum 1 point into HP, but are otherwise uninhibited with one exception. At no time may you place more than four points into any category except HP (which caps at 6).


2.1) HP: ....

For every point spent in HP, you receive three HP, making the max at base level twelve(and the minimum 3).

Need to edit the opening rules to be consistent. Max HP at base level is 18. This is how we've been going with it all along.

2.1) HP: .... This is not to say that having it drop down to 0 is a good thing at all though. You are unable to fight until after the current fight is over and receive no EXP at all for your efforts.

The rule about gaining no XP when being knocked unconscious has never been enforced, and should be done away with in the opening rules.

2.2) Strength and Magic: ....

Lastly, all weapons and tomes require that you have at least 1 STR or else you will take a -1 penalty to SPD.

Does the -1 penalty to Speed for having 0 strength apply only to attack speed (determining doubling), or also to calculating a character's avoid score? Also, have players been taking this into account? (I think Morgan may have been doubling some 2 speed bandits when she shouldn't have, but cannot remember.)

2.6) Combat: ....

The hit dice is the first and most important dice. It will determine if you actually hit an opponent or not. Roll the dice than add on your SKL rating. If the final total is less than your opponents evade stat (determined by their speed/luck) than your attack will hit.

Long ago, the rules were amended so that Hit - Evade = 0 is a successful hit, yet this section of the opening rules was never updated.

Posts from Feedback around the time of the change, demonstrating widespread support and acceptance.

OK, let's just offically say when Hit=Evd it's a hit due to hits being more fun than misses, not making high Evd so broken etc. It seems better overall.

It also means we'll be taking more counters, which means maybe soemone other than me will get KO'd for once.

Okay then Proposed changes (See below for reasoning)

1:(Hit=Evd)= Attack hits


Point 1: It's something Cynthia seems to push for, though I believe it won't be too important once we have a new stat system working. For those of you worried you'll have to relearn everything that won't be neccessary, only thing changing in regards to battles are "Who roles your RNG" "How you level" and "The relevance of gold"


All of these are just suggestions, and will need to be approved/rejected by Snowy first.

I fully agree with point 1. I didn't realize how far out broken Evade would get.


2.6) Combat:


Character A

HP: 6 (2 points). STR: 2, MAG: 2, SKL: 2, SPD: 2, Luck: 2, DEF: 2, RES: 2

Character B

HP: 6 (2 points). STR: 2, MAG: 2, SKL: 2, SPD: 2, Luck: 2, DEF: 2, RES: 2


It is now B’s turn to attack. For his roll, A gets a 3, 6, 6. The 3 is a hit (3+2=5 and B has only 4 evade), and the critical dice and the damage dice happen to align, making this a critical hit! First off, B adds in his STR bonus (assuming it was a physical attack) than he deducts the opponents defense like normal for a total of 6 damage (6+2-2). Then… he doubles that damage to become a massive 12 damage! A is defeated here because A has only 6 HP.

The damage calculation here is incorrect. A's defense was forgetten to be multiplied by 1.5 The amount of damage should be "like normal for a total of 5 damage (6+2-3). Then… he doubles that damage to become a massive 10 damage!" The opening rules example should strive for consistency.

2.7) Saving rolls: ....

When you take an attack that would normally drop your HP to 0 or below, you may make a special roll to retain 1 HP instead of outright dying/being knocked out/retreating. You must roll a number that is less than your luck divided in half. For example, if you had 4 luck, you would need to roll a 1 or a 2 in order to succeed and retain 1 HP.

Discussion in feedback came to the consensus that the following is the correct interpretation.

"You must roll a number that is less than or equal to your luck divided in half (rounded down). For example, if you had 4 luck, you would need to roll a 1 or a 2 in order to succeed and retain 1 HP. If you have 1 luck, you cannot make a saving role."

(Relevant feedback post.)

And I think Saving Rolls are a round down. It actually says 'less than Lck/2', but then says with 4 Lck you get it on a 1 or 2, so I assume it's 'less than or equal to Lck/2'

3.2: Level Ups

As always in a FE game, you are capable of increasing the level of your character. It takes 100 EXP to level up as always as well. EXP is gained either from fighting opponents or from exceptional roleplay combined with somewhat signifigant posts (in other words, yes I give roleplay EXP). The EXP given will not always be the same across all party members, and any differences will be noted. Whenever you level up, you will gain three stats that you may spend in any stat you so desire so long as it does not break the cap.

Lack of any roleplay EXP ever awarded (save perhaps the uniform "we didn't fight this chapter, so you all get 7 XP" from chapter 3) leads me to believe it should probably not be mentioned in the rules. If there's never been an example thus far of RP exp given for expceptional posting in 7 chapters, there's no point in giving new players false hopes about it.

3.3: Class Change

At least once during the RP, you will gain enough EXP to have your character reach their class change. When this happens, you gain four stat points in any category you desire as well as having the caps on all your stats increased by at least two! Your skill cap is increased from being able to have only one skill, to two skills, and a class-change is one time a character may gain a skill (at the cost of three stat points again). Additionally, every class gains a unique skill upon leveling up that grants them a unique power and does not count against the skill cap!

This section is far too vague. "Having the caps on all your stats increased by at least two!" doesn't provide a good reference. Are the stat cap increases class dependent or player decided. Could my troubadour arbitratily decide, "I will increase my magic stat cap by 5, and pour the four promotion points earned directly into that straight away, neglecting all other stats."

The skill cap increase is also questionable. Not enough stat points are granted at promotion to take advantage of the opportunity to add two skills at promotion, meaning players that didn't take a skill at creation will always be down one potential skill than other characters. Can people "save" their stat increases from their pre-promotion level-up in a "bank" to earn a skill upon class change, or must all points on levelling be spent immediately? I'm asking because while general opinon has seemed to be that 3 stat points for a skill was too much at creation (evidenced by almost nobody taking skills), however they might be worth an investment at class change.

Some of the discussion while I was sleeping also appeared to be about caps, and such, so I'll need to review that a little bit later and see what's up.

3.2: Skills

Name: Speedy blow/spell

Activation: At the start of your round.

Effect: You may reduce your STR/Mag by 1 or 2. In return, you may boost your SPD by a similar amount until the start of your next turn. This SPD gives only .5 evade.

Does this speed increase allow you to exceed the stat cap?

Name: (weapon) slayer

Activation: Passive

Effect: Reverse the Weapon triangle for your weapon type! Sword gain a WTA against lances, and a WTD against axes. Does not work for WTN weapons at all.

This skill is ridiculously underpowered, and either need elimination, or extensive revision.

Name: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round

Effect: Increase your SKL by .5 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.

Is this increase in skill rounded up or down? There are no consistent rounding rules anywhere to be found, so specifying each time is necessary.

Name: Vantage

Activation: Passive.

Effect: During one round of combat in which you are counter-attacking, you may attack first with one counter.

Since enemy phases do not have counters, perhaps amend this to. You may counterattack during the enemy phase?

Class: Rogue

Name: Lethality

Activation: Passive

Effect: Critical attacks deal X4 damage instead of X3

Normal criticals only deal x2 damage. Do lethal criticals really do x4, or only x3?

Class: Thief*

Name: Steal

Effect: Deal 3/4’ths damage (rounded up). Additionally, if you rolled a 5 on your skill roll, you may steal 1 item from a enemy that is not equipped. You may not critical or activate any other skills on the attack in which this skill is used.**

*The thief base class can use this even though they are not promoted.

** Only potion-types can be stolen from player characters without permission granted by the player.

A 1/6 chance to steal something seems very underpowered. Not to mention the fact that items have almost gone the way of the dinosaur (more potion carrying enemies who will actually use them please!) I would suggest the following revision. "Deal 3/4 damage (rounded up). If you have more speed than your opponent, and did not roll a 5 on your skill roll, you may steal 1 item from an enemy that is not equipped. You may not critical or activate any other skills on the attack in which this skill is used."

Class: Falco Knight

Name: Reroll

Effect: Twice per battle, you may discard a roll you made and reroll your dice.

Clarification. Do you discard the entire set of three dice, or only one die at a time? Also, does this reroll apply to Saving rolls as well as combat rolls?

Class: Valkyrie

Name: Sol

Activation: Passive

Effect: If you roll a 5 on your skill roll, you may regain HP equal to 1/2 the damage you dealt with that attack.

Is this rounded up, or down?

3.3: Weapons/Weapon Triangle

Light magic, staves, bows, and knives are all considered WTN, but each of them has their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Knives always deal -1 damage, but get +1.5 evade (equal to +1 SPD). Additionally, a bow user may attack someone without taking a counter attack (unless the person also is using bows or magic), but all weapons receive +1 damage against them. Light magic completely removes an opponents luck from their evade stat, but all attacks dealt with light magic deal 1/2 damage. Staves allow you to heal a ally for a amount equal to 3/4 of your magic stat, but you can not attack with one equipped in combat.

Bow use is currently under discussion, did we ever reach consensus? Anyway, one further thing to chime in is that I don't think Bow vs Bow combat should have them suffer the defense penalty, that should only be in Bow vs Close Range, IMO.

Light magic, seems a bit underpowered, to be honest. Maybe deal 3/4 damage (rounded down)?

Staves were previously amended to heal 3 + 3/4*MAG.

(Posts in question.)

I've been doing some thinking on the healing thing as well, actually (not surprisingly). In the games, a basic heal staff heals 10 + mag. A vulnerary heals 10. So maybe here we could employ a similar sort of scaling (it's sad that I'm not as useful as a potion)? Maybe an option would be something like a staff heals 3 + 3/4 Magic stat (Vulnerary base level + current Mag dependence)? That would range from 3 to 6 HP depending on user's magic stat, which I don't think would be overpowering. The random elements suggested above might work too, but healing in Fire Emblem is almost never RNG affected, though there really isn't a reason to be completely wedded to the games when it comes to ideas. Anyway, I dunno, I'm just throwing out another possibility.

Anyways... The intent for healing was that it wouldn't be a 'restore people fully' type-thing; but rather akin to a vulnerary; except permeant. However, I see your point. I'm willing to accept the 3+3/4s thing at least for now. I mean... I went in knowing the system was untested; so if it's clear something isn't working; it needs to change.

3.4: Crimson Weapons

As mentioned above, Crimson weapons are very powerful weapons. So powerful that there are only nine of them in the world. A sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger, and one for dark, wind, thunder, and fire. In order to use a crimson weapon, your character simply needs to call its name. Upon taking a Crimson weapon, you negate the weapon triangle entirely and gain a +1 to all your attacks (daggers go from -1 to 0). Additionally, all your attacks alternate between targeting defense and resistance with the first attack made hitting the proper stat. However, there is a cost. Every attack you make costs you 1 HP (even if you miss), and this effect slowly increases over time. The first two times, it costs only 1 HP, the next two, it costs 2 HP per attack, than 3 HP, etc. The only way to reset these stacks is to have combat end and rest for a bit. Additionally, if the weapon type had a special ability (like bows) that ability is removed.

I've never seen the "alternate between targetting defense and resistance" come into effect. Was this removed, or just forgotten?

Similarly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone be affected by an increased HP Sapping rate. Was this also removed, forgotten, or combats never last long enough for it to matter?

3.7: F.A.Q.

Q2) Is all combat stat-based.

A: No. If you so choose, you can engage in fights without stats. However, the fight should still reflect your stat build.

This may be misleading. While non-stat combat certainly does exist, it should be clarified that plot-combat does not provide XP.

Q4) In some skills it mentions ‘counter attacks’. Except we don’t counter in player vs player. So does this mean that you will control some of our attacks?

A) No. I will not control a players character barring special circumstances.

We don't even counter in enemy vs player, either...

Q5) Then what does it mean?

A) You are not limited to only one round of combat per post. You may take so many as you choose so long as stats for the enemy are posted somewhere here. If you want to go five rounds, go right ahead. However, if you do this, keep in mind that the enemies get phases as well. In these phases, your attacks are considered ‘counters’.

Q6) But then couldn’t my character just clean up an entire field of enemies in one post?

A) While I plan to make them strong enough to not allow this to be a possibility, I will not deny that it is possible I will make them too weak. If this is the case, please be considerate of others and don’t take more than your character should be able to realistically handle (even if his stats could keep going) and try not to hog kills.

These needs to be replaced or removed, as they no longer fit the current battle schemes.

(Cf. the following.)

Possibly. Something like "after the first 5 posters attack, stop posting so the enemies can attack". Although the current system doesn't let players counter on the Enemy Phase, which I find a bit silly. If you're going to get smacked around, you should at least get some Exp for it.

I don't mind doing the enemy phase, I just need to stop you all from posting while I'm doing it.

OK, here are a list of changes to the combat system Snowy and I discussed:

1. Exp. 5 per hit/heal/dance, 10 for kill, 10 for boss hit, 20 for boss kill. Everyone also gets 5 Exp for exisitng, even if you didn't fight. Also, you are in charge of keeping track of your total accumulated Exp thus far. I'll probably use this system to calculate the exp from the last battle if there are no objections.

2. Invisible Castle/ other thing where you can see your die rolls. I am going to strongly recommend this (not require just yet), because so far rolls have defied the laws of probability. Not pointing fingers, but yeah.

3. Turns. There's definitely going to be a wait period in between attacks. I'm thinking 5 posters in between before you can go again. You still might get another attack in though, because future encounters may have more enemies.

Anyway, WRT rule changes, 1 and 3 seem to be approved. Regarding Invisible Castle, I'll propose a compromise. For most fights it's not reuired but if it's important (such as a fight between PC's or something) it should be required. Just for the record, you gain the same amount of Exp for missing as hitting, punishing the honest seems cruel (has anyone missed an attack yet in this RP btw? Suspicious...)

I'm going to say battle posts are any posts an attack is made. Don't count Tessa healing someone as a battle post.

(I believe this last bit refers to any non-stat Tessa healing, for plot purposes.)

OK, I think the system should work like this:

5 people go (different)

Enemy Phase


So, I think everyone who went before can go again, as it's a new 'Player Phase'

Any characters who have leveled up no longer receive 5 exp for existing.

Finally, of note, you should mention the username and password to the shared account:

I actually registered a group account, both for this, and for other reasons Nadesico had mentioned earlier. I believe I posted the info somewhere earlier, but maybe this was before your time. Let me look it up.

I believe it was just

user: LordOfAzureFlame

pw: LoAF

3.8 Supports:

Did we ever wrap up current discussion on this subject?

Here's a list of somewhat relevant stuff. I didn't include anything from the huge first chunk of arguing (that was somewhere in the ~40s of the chat thread), but the decision that was arrived at that there had to be a general group consensus for supports to be formed. No formal rules regarding how many in favor vs how many opposed were ever codified as far as I saw, or can recall.

In terms of advancing with multiple supports at the same time, we have the following bits:

@Snowy: Are we restricting Supports to one support per chapter as Snike(?) suggested, or can we do as many as we want?

I... I think there is no harm in building multiple supports. Especially if we are requiring approval from others. If it's obvious they're just support-hogging, we can just refuse to give them a bonus.


(Debatable) You can however create two supports in one chapter as long as they are with different people, controlled by different RP'ers. This is mainly for the sake of social networking within the group.


I also think the 'one support per chapter' rule is a little arbitrary, as long as you've had enough interaction to bump up a support level the chapter it occurs in seems unecessary.

Think Snike suggested it(?) and it generally went untouched[.]


Depends, really. I mean I know a few of us can be reasonable with it, but I also know a few of us that can't. And I'm sort of inclined to cut off any chances of complications before they occur considering the frequency of arguments in here (mainly started by me). I'm happy with the current system of discussing possible support options, and then getting a general opinion before proceeding, so if you people want to allow it, I'm not entirely against multi-supports either.

Whatever the result I just want it to be paced.


As far as the actual in-game increase goes, there seems to be somewhat of a split camp on the matter. One the one hand, some argue that the increase should be codified by a infodump of some interactions that were worked out over PM, others feel that's unnecessary (but may still do it anyways). A few samples of opinions:

Personally, I'm not sure I even see the need for "actual support convos" to be labelled and set aside as such. Maybe this is just me.

I think what he means is why can't supports be the sum of all interactions to date; it doesn't take a lengthy conversation to determine whether two people are friends or not.

I agree. It seems to me that relationships just tend to develop over time and at some relatively arbitrary point we can slap a letter on it.

On support-stacking.

You get support bonuses from all your partners.

New proposals:

I had an idea that would remove the uselessness of B and S supports (statwise). Currently C has the same bonuses as B and A has the same bonuses as S. So I had an idea- what if at C and A levels you only got your bonus? Let's take, for example, a Wind/Ice support.

C support: Wind affinity person gets +1 hit, Ice affinity person gets +1 def.

B support: Both people get +1 hit and def.

A support: Wind affinity person gets +2 hit and 1 def, Ice affinity person gets +1 hit and 2 def.

S support: Both people get +2 hit and def.

Sounds good, no?

An interesting proposal, but there's something very broken about it. Currently that would mean that Tessa would be getting +2 Avoid, putting her to a total of 10. Nobody wants to see that kind of dodge monster at this stage in the game. Nearly the same with Damien.

I have an intriguing compromise though. Still attribute +0.5 bonuses, only have the way the rounding works be treated differently for you and your partner. IE your bonus rounds up, while your partner's rounds down (or vice versa). I'm not sure yet which idea I like more as far as getting the bonuses, whether yours have priority or your partners' do. I'm leaning towards giving the partners' priority, for the sake of not being as easy to break by somebody with a particularly desireable affinity trying to just go around and get as many supports with as many different people, instead of continuing to further the relationships they've started to work on already, while slowly also continuing to branch out.

I should take this time to mention, I fully endorse the support pyramid idea as well.


Also, I have a suggestion regarding supports (Though it'll most likely be unpopular)

-Support Pyramid

I really don't want to see the current "support" driven plot interaction continue the way it's going, most characters (including Kamilla) pretty much refuse to spend time with characters they're not supporting with. And in many cases are just interacting with one character

I'd like to see a rule be made so that before you can increase a support level, you need another support below the other one. Using Ether as an example

For Damian/Aiya to progress to B

Damian/Esphyr needs to be a C

Aiya/Someone needs to be a C


This would result in a character support max of 8






3.9 Notes:

Here is the note section. It’s here that I will post any and all enemy stats, any notes pertaining to the RP, or other tidbits. Best to check here regularly.

Crimson weapons: The Sword: Held by Esphyr.

The Lance: Held by Damian

The Bow: Held by Rayton

The Knife: Held by Reika

The Wind: Held by Helios

The Shadow: Held by Morgan

Buyable items: Vulnerary (heals 3 HP. Three uses): 5 G.

Smelling salts: May revive you once in combat per level (2 HP). 20G.

Light Rune: No statistical value, but FE vets should know what this is used for anyways. 10 G.

Soul Dolls: Little wooden dolls bound to the soul of a willing person. Can be used for long-distance messages by those trained in mage schools. Can only be used by those skilled in the art of magic. 20 G for a pair.

Any other items not listed here may still exist and can still be listed in a sign-up. Just be sure to give it a reasonable gold price and describe it properly.

Needs updating with current weapons and wielders. (Currently 2 months out of date.)

What does "once in combat per level" mean for smelling salts? How or why should character level have any impact on the effectiveness of the salts?

Additional buyable items discussion is now also currently ongoing in the chat thread, but when resolved, should be collected in the official rules (or perhaps a spin-off thread, just somewhere, anywhere that is more accessible than that ~300 page long behemoth).

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Random other things of interest, not addressed anywhere in the opening rules:

Hmm, I'm not sure what the maximum number of characters are but I'd say anymore then three is ridiculous (Characters that have stats)[.]

More characters aren't exactly good... what I mean to say is that a whole pool of nobodies is more of an irritation then a benefit. Personally I'd think two characters each, and an exception for a third if necessary, up to Snowy though :/

Seems to be where the "official" idea behind 3 statted characters came up. Which had me incredibly confused when people kept referring to it as if it were canon, while I had never seen any evidence for it in the rules. Having personally decided I was only going to have one character anyway, I never raised a fuss, but this is the kind of thing that should be prominently mentioned.

Especially considering if it wasn't formalized, when I later see posts like

I guess the rule is

~2characters max

~Additional characters are allowed if you can manage the two well.

I can get incredibly confused, as I don't see any posts indicating disagreement. If there is an official character limit (which I think there ought to be), it should be clearly laid out, and up-to-date with the understood group consensus.

A collection of all of the XP award posts that I could find. There may have been something that I have overlooked, but I'm pretty sure I caught them all. I formally request that these be compiled in a link-list somewhere, perhaps in the useful notes section, or perhaps in a separate thread. I'm not particularly pick where, as long as they're somewhere.

EXP awards: Esphyr: 6 EXP

Daiman: 7 EXP

Aiya: 7 EXP

Morgan: 5 EXP

Michael: 10 EXP

Irina: 2 EXP

Reika: 5 EXP

Helios: 2 EXP

Kelas: 3 EXP

3 gold to all involved in the fight + 3 extra to Michael (Yes, I am going to assume Kelas will finish off her bandit).

Rewards for last battle:

Morgan: EXP: 4

Helios: EXP: 6

Michael: EXP: 1

Irina: EXP: 7

Daiman: EXP: 12

Aiya: EXP: 6

All people who partook (as in, were fielded. Not necessarily killed) earn 7 gold. 8 for Reika since I'm almost positive her hands would have been in someone's pockets at some point during the fighting.

Alright. Here are the exp gains from the mesh fight. I apologize if I forgot something. Please inform me and I will try to fix it.

Kelas: 8 EXP

Esphyr: 15 EXP

Daiman: 15 EXP

Aiya: 22 ESP

Helios: 10 EXP

Tessa: 8 EXP

Ian: 3 EXP

Morgan: 3 EXP.

Edit: I will post soon. I just got home and my legs hurt something fierce though.


But yeah I injured and then killed a Mesh, which is the same as what Esphyr/Damian did, so I should really get about the same amount.

I apologize. I must have missed it. That would be 10 more EXP.

Edit: I do enjoy Phoenix's dialogue too. I wish I could write like that.

All characters receive 7 EXP default for this chapter. Additionally, I will be jumping us forwards too lunch.

Anyway Exp totals from the battle with Percy's group. Please inform me of any possible errors.:

Esphyr: 10

Helios: 40

Mark: 10

Arrin: 10

Kelas: 10

Chase: 25

Morgan: 15

Damian: 20

Aiya: 25

Tessa: 15

Kamilla: 5

Eric: 5

Irina: 5

Isotov: 5

From the battle with the Wyvern riders, Chase's Exp amended from 8 to 15 and Tessa receives 10 Exp. Keep track of your own Exp, and inform people when you level up. If you have a really good reason I can look up your Exp for you I can, but I'd really rather not.

*This post is important*

Exp time:

Kelas: 20

Helios: 15 (tempted to give 0 due to cheating)

Chase: 10

Morgan: 25

Eric: 20

Tessa: 20

Esphyr: 10

Irina: 15

Isotov: 15

Damian: 20

Aiya: 15

Arrin: 15

Kamilla: 10

Edited by Balcerzak
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Snowy's rule was "as many as you think you can handle", and there was really no consensus after that.

It's also probably a good idea to distinguish between PC and NPC.

PCs need to follow guidelines for stats, etc (exception for noncombatant PCs), NPCs do not. PCs constantly travel with the group, NPCs do not. PCs can participate in stat combat, NPCs cannot (some exceptions, mostly being able to fight PCs).

Other notes:

I completely missed the line about needing 1 Str or your Spd gets weighed down by 1 pretty much forever. I can attempt to amend this by adding +1 Str at the last levelup.

I assumed Speedy Blow/spell allows you to exceed the Spd cap, kind of like how most supports just add to a stat, regardless of whether you've capped or not.

WRT Crimson Weapon sapping, I can say that this has been enforced most of the time, just that 1 HP loss usually doesn't make the difference between conscious and unconscious. The switching Def/Res has been entirely ignored.

Oh I see, apaprently the sapping is supposed to increase. That's never happened to my knowledge.

On supports, Tessa still only gets +1 Avo overall at C level, regardless of whether she would have just Morgan, just Arrin, or both. Mainly because the total +Avo still adds up to just 1 (0.5 from each) if that makes any sense. Then at B Arrin she gets 1 Res (0.5 rounded up), B Morgan gives her 1 Def (again, 0.5 rounded up). She doesn't get more Avo until a support reaches A (or she gets another C, 3 C supports gives her 1.5 Avo total, rounding up to 2).

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Bal exp post

You just SAVED ME FROM SH*T DOWN THE ROAD :) (nough said ... thank you)

@ Cynthia

Yeah we missed a lot of things didn't we I?

As for PC/NPC differences, I guess Katie is the travel companion exception(until we fix her voice).

Edited by Phoenix
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Missed the most recent one, I think. Either that one, or the Peggy fight, for EXP posts, but all hail Bal.

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Missed the most recent one, I think. Either that one, or the Peggy fight, for EXP posts, but all hail Bal.

Missed the Celeste fight, thank you. It didn't have XP in it, and I must have glazed over it.


Kelas 20

Arrin 30

Aiya 15

Morgan 30

Irina 10

Isotov 15

Chase 30

Eric 20

Tessa 20

Damian 25

Kamilla 15

Esphyr 5

Mark 5

Helios 5

I apprecia the effort but I tallied it up myself before I saw all your posts lol

Edit: Below is for my personal records

80 XP (sum of listed in posts here)

+5 XP (Chapter 1 compensation)

+15 XP (Leeches fight, 5 for existing, 10 for two heals 1073784[/snapback], 1074220[/snapback])//Levelled up

+15 XP (Succubus fight, 15 for three heals 1086954[/snapback],1087914[/snapback],1088200[/snapback])

+0 XP (Captain Travis/Supermodel whatever, missed all combat)

+20 XP (Graveyard ambush, 20 for four heals 1125738[/snapback],1125969[/snapback],1126158[/snapback],1126535[/snapback])

+15 XP (Septimus [Heinz] 1158777[/snapback],1158858[/snapback],1158913[/snapback])

+25 XP (Septimus [Alex] 1159352[/snapback],1159468[/snapback],1159544[/snapback],1159695[/snapback],1159865[/snapback])

Healing XP was buffed to +8 per

+32 XP (Giver's Canyon 1203516[/snapback],1203548[/snapback],1203644[/snapback],1203723[/snapback])//Promotes.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Did I miss something? Iso and Irina are nearly tied for Exp. He's only 3 points below her :blink:

Irina: 55

Isotov: 52

I must have miscounted something.


Subtracting 10 exp from Iso just in case he wasn't around for the 10+ exp post.

Irina: 55

Isotov: 42

Seems more accurate I think.

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Did I miss something? Iso and Irina are nearly tied for Exp. He's only 3 points below her :blink:

Irina: 55

Isotov: 52

I must have miscounted something.


Subtracting 10 exp from Iso just in case he wasn't around for the 10+ exp post.

Irina: 55

Isotov: 42

Seems more accurate I think.

That +10 post was only for Morgan, I forgot to copy in the context, but Snowy missed the fact that she'd killed some stuff.

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That +10 post was only for Morgan, I forgot to copy in the context, but Snowy missed the fact that she'd killed some stuff.

Isotov: 42

Irina: 45

Now it's back to not making sense :/

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In still don't get why Wyvern Knights,who have almost always been powerhouses,still have the lowest stat total.

For example,why does an Armour Knight get more Skl than a wyvern knight?I can't even think of an AK with more Skl than a WK in the same game.

FE6: Both Zeiss and Miledy have +6 Skl on any AK,and they both cap early

FE7: Vaida has more 1 less Skl at base than Oswin has at 20/20,and more than Wallace will ever have.Heath stomps all of them

FE8: Cormag has More Skl than Gilliam,and lol Pegasus -> Wyvern Knight.Amelia only barely edges out Cormag as a Wyvern lord

FE9: Jill = Brom,and Haar = Gatrie. Tauro lags.

FE10: Jill edges them all out.Haar stomps them.

So,aside from FE9,where they are roughly equal,WK's pretty much always have more SKL.

So,I would like to propose increasing the WK Skl cap to 4.

Also,Cavaliers have no listed Str Cap,and IIRC,the Wyvern Knight HP cap was raised to 5,but I need confirmation.

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Posts in question regarding class stat cap totals, for reference purposes.

@psychout: Who said anything about gay? And honestly, can you imagine Ixion dealing with customers? Chances are, he'd set his own store on fire. Nevermind trusting him with a pair of scissors anywhere near your head.

@Eric: Two? :/ Well as long as he crumbled afterwards and covered downtown in ash I suppose we can arrange that.

On a serious note though, I request that Wyvern riders and Thieves get an extra stat somewhere. :P

Latest Stat caps(LINK)

17+14=31 Bandit

17+16=33 Fighter

14+17=31 Soldier

17+15=32 ArmKnight

16+16=32 Mercenary

16+16=32 Myrmidon

17+16=33 Archer

15+16=31 Nomad

14+15=29 Wyvern

15+18=33 Pegasus

16+17=33 Cavalier

14+15=29 Thief

14+16=30 Wind Mage

14+16=30 Fire Mage

14+16=30 Thunder Mage

14+16=30 Shaman

15+16=31 Cleric

15+17=32 Troubador

I hate all Wyvern Riders and Thieves with a burning passion! Any players that play them deserve their miserable caps!

Eh, +1 Wyvern HP +1 Thief Def

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More Specifically this post:


Fiddled around with stats again, this should be the final version unless someone can find an issue, all stat total range from 30~32.

The main reason for the change is some classes being rendered obsolete eg bandit/Fighter,where in the last one bandits just had less Def/Res then a fighter.

Old one


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The one HP add for the wyvern on was already added as far as I can remember and I want to avoid making character stats Identical to another class. And if it get's extra HP it's DEF needs to be decreased to prevent replicating an armor Knight

As for the SKL, it's 3 :/

As for Soldiers, I suppose HP is a bit low, but if we increase HP, RES needs to come down.

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Snowy has the caps in the first post of signups,and they differ from yours.I'm going by the ones he has there.

Talking to Snowy and Cynthia,Wyverns were given 5 Hp and 4 Skl,While Soldiers have had 4 Hp from the beginning.

EDIT: I was certain it was 5...you even said it was fine in Aiya's new stats...

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Cynthia Double post? :/ Interesting

Fine, Wyvern/Soldier on 4 HP

Can't add anymore to Pegasi without first subtracting (Has hit max (32)

@Ether Please Read full post

Fiddled around with stats again, this should be the final version unless someone can find an issue, all stat total range from 30~32.

The main reason for the change is some classes being rendered obsolete eg bandit/Fighter,where in the last one bandits just had less Def/Res then a fighter.

Obviously they're different.

Edited by Kanami
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