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more slayer weapons


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we have weapons that are effective against swords, lances, axes, fliers, horses, armors, dragons and probably more that I'm not thinking of right now. I'm just thinking, where's the effective weapon against mages? or against archers?

now I got curious and wanted to hear if you people have any good idea's for slayer weapons, balance them as good as you can and post them here for everyone to read. good luck!


snipe bow

weapon type: Bow

effective against: Mages/sages

weapon level: A

description: the lighter arrows make the shot faster, but it can't get through armor. it loses the effectiveness towards fliers

MT: 6

range 2-3

WT 8

(it doesn't need to be realistic)

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Archers don't need weapons effective against them because everything hurts them easily.

Mages don't need physical weapons effective versus them because their DEF is 0.

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Well, even if I don't get it to good I'll post one I designed.

Mystic Slayer

Weapon Level: C

Effective against. Mages/Sages, Shaman/Druid, Priest/Bishop

Weapon Type: Sword

Description: A cursed sword that cancels magic and works against magic users.

MT: 7

WT: 8

Range: 1

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we have weapons that are effective against swords, lances, axes, fliers, horses, armors, dragons and probably more that I'm not thinking of right now. I'm just thinking, where's the effective weapon against mages? or against archers?

now I got curious and wanted to hear if you people have any good idea's for slayer weapons, balance them as good as you can and post them here for everyone to read. good luck!


snipe bow

weapon type: Bow

effective against: Mages/sages

weapon level: A

description: the lighter arrows make the shot faster, but it can't get through armor. it loses the effectiveness towards fliers

MT: 6

range 2-3

WT 8

(it doesn't need to be realistic)

Even if it doesn't need to be realistic, it sounds very silly and unnecesary, most Archers and Mages have poor durability.

A silly weapon is Thani, for example, a magic can't be effective against infantry.

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I don't see the point of having a weapon that does effective damage against archers: All you have to do is get in the squares immediately next to them and then procede to pwn them without fear of being countered (unless of course, they have a crossbow).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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You know, these types of mage-effective weapons already exist. They're called brave weapons.

Yeah, provided you are strong enough to 2HKO, braves are cool against them. Especially if you have above 90 hit (preferably 100).

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I actually think Knives should have many more effective weapon types. Manslayer for Mercs/Fighters/Halbs/Swordsmen, Magebane for Mages/Priests, maybe an anti-air knife, to go with the Stiletto. Then maybe an Assassin could actually, you know, assassinate specific units. Plus with the lower Mt of a knife it's less imbalanced.

If anything, they need to think harder about whom to give effective weapons. The Hammer is just stupid, for instance. Durrrr let's give the strongest weapon class usually wielded by high-STR characters an effective weapon against the guys who are supposed to be the physical defenders! It's so bad in FE5 with all the armors wielding Hammers that using Dalshien is actually worse than a non-Armor character with less DEF. It was better when it was a sword, and arguably it'd be better on a lance. Then give the Halberd to Axes and, uh... swords can keep the Wyrmslayer, I guess.

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You know, these types of mage-effective weapons already exist. They're called weapons.


If anything, they need to think harder about whom to give effective weapons. The Hammer is just stupid, for instance. Durrrr let's give the strongest weapon class usually wielded by high-STR characters an effective weapon against the guys who are supposed to be the physical defenders!

Isn't that the point? Hammers are supposed to be a "secret weapon" against armor units. And it's not like Hammers are plentiful anyway.

It's so bad in FE5 with all the armors wielding Hammers that using Dalshien is actually worse than a non-Armor character with less DEF.

FE5 was designed to give players aneurysms.

It was better when it was a sword, and arguably it'd be better on a lance.

They have that already. The sword is called "Armorslayer" and the lance is called "Heavy Spear." There's also the Rapier and various prf weapons.

Then give the Halberd to Axes and, uh... swords can keep the Wyrmslayer, I guess.

Speaking of Wyrmslayer, I miss the Clipper from FE4. That was effective against wyverns and pegasi.

Armors and mounted units are the only ones that need slayer weapons, I guess, since they tend to have high DEF. No other unit type really requires it.

Maybe they could add a Lordkiller, a weapon effective against Lords! Though that'd probably be an enemy only thing.

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I actually think Knives should have many more effective weapon types. Manslayer for Mercs/Fighters/Halbs/Swordsmen, Magebane for Mages/Priests, maybe an anti-air knife, to go with the Stiletto. Then maybe an Assassin could actually, you know, assassinate specific units. Plus with the lower Mt of a knife it's less imbalanced.

If anything, they need to think harder about whom to give effective weapons. The Hammer is just stupid, for instance. Durrrr let's give the strongest weapon class usually wielded by high-STR characters an effective weapon against the guys who are supposed to be the physical defenders! It's so bad in FE5 with all the armors wielding Hammers that using Dalshien is actually worse than a non-Armor character with less DEF. It was better when it was a sword, and arguably it'd be better on a lance. Then give the Halberd to Axes and, uh... swords can keep the Wyrmslayer, I guess.

I don't see how that's a problem. In fact, I quite prefer having the anti-armour weapon as an Axe, a Hammer being able to destroy armour makes more sense than just having a sword with arbitrary armour-piercing properties. And really, the high-STR characters are the ones you want fighting Armours anyway. The Knight Killer/Ridersbane/Horseslayer also makes sense, since spears are supposed to be good against horses or for prodding riders off their mounts. And the Wyrmslayer... well, the sword is the 'classic' heroic dragonslaying weapon.

I can live with the Halberd, though. It's too goddamn useful for me to stay mad at it <3

Edited by Slowking
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I don't see how that's a problem. In fact, I quite prefer having the anti-armour weapon as an Axe, a Hammer being able to destroy armour makes more sense than just having a sword with arbitrary armour-piercing properties. And really, the high-STR characters are the ones you want fighting Armours anyway.

It devalues mages. And high-STR Axe-wielding characters ought to be able to damage armors anyway, especially if they're using lances, no?
The Knight Killer/Ridersbane/Horseslayer also makes sense, since spears are supposed to be good against horses or for prodding riders off their mounts.
It's fine in the hands of a Halb, but with so many mounted classes capable of using Lances, it's just sort of weird to have somebody using a weapon that's effective against themselves. It just feels all wrong, like a bow-wielding Pegasus.

...wait, now I want a bow-wielding Pegasus.

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I fail to see why a weapon that has effective damage against archers or mages would have much value, to be honest. Archers get pwned by 1-range attacks (unless they have a crossbow, that is), and with mages' poor durability, talking them out in one hit or one round is rather common.

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3 as the effective coefficient. Longsword and Silver Sword FE9 comparison is a good a example of why this is the case.

No forging or if that continues to exist, at least make it so the effective weapon will always be better than a forged Silver or something similar.

The return of the Clipper Sword. Swordies in FE6 would've loved this.

Magic that is effective against some type of enemies and make the coefficient for them be 4 if IS is going to continue screwing over the AS, MAG or weapon MT of mages.

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A silly weapon is Thani, for example, a magic can't be effective against infantry.

I agree. A fencer with a rapier instablicking cavalry makes far more sense.

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I'm thinking silver weapons should be effective against wolves. I mean, does anyone else find it a coincidence that a game has both silver weapons and a half-human half-wolf creature that is capable of turning into a full wolf? It would balance the wolves out, since they are awesome.

Conqueror Bow:

weapon type: Bow

effective against: Any class that can normally receive effective damage (in FE9, for example, that would including laguz, fliers, knights, and horse knights).

weapon level: A

description: A special bow designed with the properties of all effective damage-dealing weapons.

MT: 10

range: 2

WT: 20

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All they really need is magics that reverse the triangle. And a stave that can do actual damage.

What's the point of having both a Swordslayer and Swordreaver?

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Sure, there are Iron and Silver Swords. There are also Iron and Silver Lances, and Iron and Silver Axes.

There are Swordreavers and Swordslayers. There are only Lancereavers. Only Axereavers. No Lanceslayers or Axeslayers.

Now, in GBA games, a lot of the lance-wielding enemies have armour, or ride a horse/pegasus/wyvern , and they get hit for effective damage by armourslaying/horseslaying weapons or bows/Aircalibur. There are no axe-wielding armours though, or axe-wielding cavaliers, or axe-wielding fliers.

Therefore, not only do Axe users get a good weapon that Lance and Swords users don't, they're also the only ones that never get hit for effective damage. They get the cheapest weapons too.


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Sure, there are Iron and Silver Swords. There are also Iron and Silver Lances, and Iron and Silver Axes.

There are Swordreavers and Swordslayers. There are only Lancereavers. Only Axereavers. No Lanceslayers or Axeslayers.

Now, in GBA games, a lot of the lance-wielding enemies have armour, or ride a horse/pegasus/wyvern , and they get hit for effective damage by armourslaying/horseslaying weapons or bows/Aircalibur. There are no axe-wielding armours though, or axe-wielding cavaliers, or axe-wielding fliers.

Therefore, not only do Axe users get a good weapon that Lance and Swords users don't, they're also the only ones that never get hit for effective damage. They get the cheapest weapons too.


sure, I'd like an axeslayer. That would be cool. My Thany would have fun with that. But lack of consistency doesn't mean removal of extra options is the best decision. It means that lanceslayers and axeslayers should exist, not that swordslayers shouldn't.

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GBA axers are absolutely broken. This is provable by somebody smarter than me.

*points to FE6 and axes' godawful accuracy in that game*

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If every weapon class had the same weapon selection, what would be the point of having different weapon classes outside of aesthetics?

weapon triangle. Different wts, different mts, different hits. There would still be differences, it's just that one weapon type wouldn't have an unbalanced advantage against another (swordslayers). But then, i.s. made fe4 and 18 wt axes (and tons of magic swords), so nevermind about getting a fair balance in the weapons.

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