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Toy Story 3


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Okay. So I found out a few months ago that Pixar finally decided to make Toy Story 3. Let me put this into perspective. I'm a huge Toy Story fan. My first video game ever was a Toy Story game for the Game Boy. Toy Story is my favorite movie of all time. So this is one of the best things that's happened this year. And it's supposed to be great, too. I'm seeing it at 5:00 today. No joke.

This is so awesome for me that I'm happier about Toy Story 3 being made than I'm happy that today's my last day of middle school ever.

If anyone's seen it, what do you think? Awesome or pretty good or what?

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I've just seen it today, and it was pretty good. Not as great as the previous Toy Stories but it's still enjoyable.

Also, the monkey scared the crap out of me. I don't know why, but it just did =/

Edited by Aquilae
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My first video game ever was a Toy Story game for the Game Boy.

Toy Story on the Genesis was ten times better.

Also, Toy Story 2 was celluloid shit. I hope the third one channels some of the fun of the first.

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Toy Story on the Genesis was ten times better.

Also, Toy Story 2 was celluloid shit. I hope the third one channels some of the fun of the first.

Kindergarten kids ripping apart toys. At least that's what I got out of the trailer.....XD

I should go and watch this.

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I officially have a new favorite movie. It's great. It's fabulous. It's outright stupendous. Go see it right now if you can. No, I don't care if you think you're too old, nobody's too old to watch Toy Story. Hilariously awesome movie.

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It's a film for the young and the young at heart. It's great, it's amazing, it's funny, and I can guarantee a moment so touching, so heartwarming, that if you don't feel ANYTHING from seeing that one part, not even a single tear being shed from your eye, you might as well consider yourself dead inside.

[spoiler=The heartwarming moment is]at the end of the movie.

If you haven't gone to see it yet, I suggest you do so. This is Grade S, Instant Classic material here. Go with your parents, your date (if you've got one), your cousins, aunts and uncles, whatever. I can guarantee that you won't ever be disappointed in seeing this movie. I will say again, and I will say it a thousand times if I have to, just to get this message across: Go see it.

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I never liked either of the first two Toy Story movies. Don't know why, perhaps it was because I saw them as a child and I disliked most of the movies I saw as a child...

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I saw the movie with a friend of mine and his kid brother.

In the end I had a waterfall of tears behind my 3D glasses and I think my friend did too, but we conveniently ignored each other for a while until it was over.

I haven't been so emotional during a movie since watching Forest Gump.


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Pixar is the best thing. My advisor wants me to try and intern there in a couple of years... which would be awesome... except I'm pretty sure my head would explode if I actually got the internship...

And they can do sequels as good as the first installment in a series too... that's a rare thing.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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I watched Toy Story 3 a couple days ago. Now, I liked Toy Story 1 and 2 but they're nowhere near my favorite Pixar movies.

However, seeing all the old toys after 10 years was great and Pixar leverages this sense of "seeing old friends down on their luck" sad feeling and creates an amazing movie. I was fighting back tears completely throughout the movie.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh yeah!!! I actually watched Toy Story 3 either the day after or a couple days after I made my post on here. It was really really good!

Yeah it was kinda sad too so it was awesome =D

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If you don't feel a twinge of sadness in this film you have no soul. Pixar truly is the best in the business, and Toy Story 3 easily lived up to the series' legacy. I obviously loved this movie.

Plus I really related to the movie in that I watched the original Toy Stories as a kid, and now I'm preparing to head off to college just like Andy.

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I almost shed a tear. And I never* cry. I just love Pixar.

I think many of us think of ourselves as growing up with Andy. I'm a year younger, or so, but still. It helps us connect with the story better.


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