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TLoZ: Ocarina of Time remake for 3DS


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I never found Navi annoying. At all.

Me neither.

-Enemies in general will be weakened.

-puzzles will be made easier/ the player will be given many more clues as to how to complete them

-Bosses will be made easier(either by lowering their hit points or altering theier atacks)

-certain items will be made cheaper

-Enemies in general will be weakened.

You mean what they did for TP?

Edited by Kirsche
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And another thing. Traps will be made easier to navigate(signifigantly lessening the dificulty of the shadow temple ) or made non-existant.

Oh, and watch them use wind waker graphics.

Edited by Sophius
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I'm willing to bet that the majority of possible renditions I am about to list will be included in the game:

-In the forest temple, the spirits of dead kokiris will guide you to where you need to go, taking away the maze like feel of the temple.

-on screen verbal clues will be included as to what to do in strange situations(for an example, a message on screen will say "I dare you to shoot me heh heh" during the portion of the forest temple where you must shoot the portraits.

-puzzles will be made easier/ the player will be given many more clues as to how to complete them

-the ammount of damage you take from some enemies will be lessened.

-Time trial portions of the game will be made easier(ie. Fire temple, Lon Lon ranch, Biggoron sword ect.)

-There will be no islamic chant in the fire temple(there was in the original versions)

-Large portions of the water temple will be removed

-water level controls will be available in the main room at every level

-Navi will tell you the exactly the right way to defeat Dark link( "Link, try using the...)

-Bosses will be made easier(either by lowering their hit points or altering their atacks)

-the eye of truth will no longer drain magic( or the song of storms trick will be mentioned in the game)

-certain items will be made cheaper

-sidequest requirements will be lessened( most noticeably the golden skullata's)

-many secret areas will be disincluded(the Deku stitck expsansion room, the room thats accessed by playing the song of storms by the tree by the castle moat, the various areas located under rocks ect.)

-absolutely nothing will be done about things like the fish trick(where you sell a fish to an npc for 100 rupees)

-Enemies in general will be weakened.

-The location of great fairy springs will be made more obvious

so, will we see a picture of you eating crow when none of this happens? Or do you just enjoy whining but never pay up when you are dead wrong?

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so, will we see a picture of you eating crow when none of this happens? Or do you just enjoy whining but never pay up when you are dead wrong?

I can see them removing Islamic chants, though.

Me neither.

I found her annoying as fuck whenever I wanted to go first-person.

Which was often.

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I can see them removing Islamic chants, though.

That and changing the image on the Mirror Shield. Though, I can't see why it's offensive at all.

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I didn't even notice there were Islamic chants in the Fire Temple, but when I did (after reading about it on the internet), I didn't even find it offensive. Other Muslims can get really sensitive with things.

That and changing the image on the Mirror Shield. Though, I can't see why it's offensive at all.

It's because the emblem was Islamic (though I don't believe this is entirely true) and appears in the Turkey flag. Frankly, I thought it was awesome that the Gerudo were the "Arabs" or "Muslims" of the Zelda universe.


I really don't think Nintendo would invest that much time in nerfing the game.

EDIT: Oh and, for the record, I never found Navi annoying and will probably buy this game.

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If there's a Windwaker remake for the 3DS, I will be so happy. I might even cry, except for the fact that I never cry.

That is impossible. It's already been made on the Gamecube, and not that that is an excuse, but the fact it has a direct sequel on the DS makes it pointless.

On a side not: I actually just adore these news, I always wanted to play it portable, it'd be some damn amazing.

I thought I wasn't getting a 3DS, but when I heard the news...heck yes.

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Wow, they've only released it three times before. Nintendo should calm down or they might burst a blood vessel.

Finally someone agrees with me. Everywhere I go, people are applauding Nintendo for gracing us with this.smile.gif

At least they're doing something different with it this time (ignoring Master Quest). Unfortunately I have only beaten it about 7 or 8 times so I'm not exactly ecstatic...

-the eye of truth will no longer drain magic( or the song of storms trick will be mentioned in the game)

What trick? Either way, I used the equip-unequip glitch with that...

Also, Water Temple being made easier has been confirmed... You can search for the article...

Edited by kryptonite
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Finally someone agrees with me. Everywhere I go, people are applauding Nintendo for gracing us with this.smile.gif

Sure it's a remake, but I think this and Starfox 64 should get a break, because it HAS gone through a change in the transition, that being it's going form console to handheld. I'd LOVE Starfox 64 on the go.

Now, all they need to do is make F-Zero X for this before they start making true 3DS unique games, and I'll definitely WANT this....Though I've got Esau's worry on it being freaking expensive.

Watch it be 599 U.S. Dollars, and they'll announce a RIIIIIDGE RACER game.

At least they're doing something different with it this time (ignoring Master Quest). Unfortunately I have only beaten it about 7 or 8 times so I'm not exactly ecstatic...

Eh, I don't get tired of games, I can replay them over and over. Still have a Genesis with games. But then again, that just asks the question on why I'd get this over playing the old game...

Well, we'll have to see what they do with it to find out the answer to that. In the least, I just hope it plays faster. Nice a game OoT is, it's kinda slow...

Also, Water Temple being made easier has been confirmed... You can search for the article...

Or you could link it because we're all as lazy as you are.

Also, the Water Temple was never hard, it was just boring as sin with it's design. While I heard you don't have to go in and out of the menu just to equip-dequip things like the iron boosts certainly makes the game play faster, this dungeon would still be boring. Are you sure you're not mistaking an "overhaul" with "making it easier"? Because I would welcome the Water Temple getting a face lift. It's possible it's overhaul could make it easier, but if it comes at the cost of it being mroe entertaining then I sa it's worth it, because that dungeon is BORING.

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Yeah, and other 3DS games look really good... I'm not a graphics whore but compared to those fugly 3D DS graphics that made me wonder why they didn't stick with 2D, I'm surprised... I think it won't be much more than the DS Lite XL though... >_>;

I thought OoT was fine with that, but the dialogue can be a little slow when you already know what they're saying...


Yeah, it does seem like it's only talking about the Iron Boots... :X But the comments are talking about the keys and stuff...

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All it seems to say is that the 3DS touch screen will simply be used to equip-dequip the iron boots as to not break momentum, which we already knew, though they do hint at an overhaul.

Also, who cares what the comments say? They aren't part of the development team, so what they say doesn't hint as to what actually will be done with the place. While they hint that they didn't like the design, they haven't said for certain that it will be redone. until then, we don't know.

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Also, the Water Temple was never hard, it was just boring as sin with it's design. While I heard you don't have to go in and out of the menu just to equip-dequip things like the iron boosts certainly makes the game play faster, this dungeon would still be boring. Are you sure you're not mistaking an "overhaul" with "making it easier"? Because I would welcome the Water Temple getting a face lift. It's possible it's overhaul could make it easier, but if it comes at the cost of it being mroe entertaining then I sa it's worth it, because that dungeon is BORING.

Inb4 Water temple for bottom Tier

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Actually, this was something I was going to mention when I first saw this, but completely forgot: You know what I don't see in any of the pictures?


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She came out of the DS when the pictures where taken, its 3- dimensional screens after all. Duh.

She'll probably be there, shes part of the game, they can't take her out.

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She'll probably be there, shes part of the game, they can't take her out.

... Well, so was the way the Water Temple was. Or the way the Iron Boots worked. They could easily remove her without changing the game... much at all. In fact, removing her would probably have LESS impact to the game then changing the Iron Boot equip design.

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I thought the Water Temple was fine as is... I don't remember when I played but it was my sezond Zelda after MM and I didn't have trouble... I know at most I was 11... o_o

As for Navi, who will tell Link to see the Great Deku Tree? Not to mention those useful tips fighting enemies! Oh, and when she flies to a point where you have to play the Princess's Lulliby or the Song of Time (maybe that's why people had trouble? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

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I actually cried when I saw they are going to mess up the water temple.

Also, if you play the song of storms and equip the eye of truth immediantly after, it doesn't drain magic. Its inconvienient to do it every time you equip the eye but it helps immensly during the Gerudo desert.

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